Texas Leads Nation in Percentage without Health Coverage

August 30, 2007

  • August 31, 2007 at 9:24 am
    Happy Day says:
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    I don’t take quizzes anymore unless I get CE credits & paid to do so!!!!

    As far as copying out anything longhand, you feel free to go ahead & do your assignment – for me… I’ll copy & paste.

    And with regard to tomorrow – I plan to be intoxicated anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • August 31, 2007 at 9:36 am
    Dawn says:
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    “Maybe they forgot to mention a lot of things, but healthcare is avaialble to those that choose to buy it!!!”

    Hello? Employers that are forced to stop health care benefits leave employees that are for the most part, unable to obtain health insurance on their own due to ‘prior conditions’.

    And if you think for 1 minute I’m as HAPPY as your are about spending 37% of my gross salary on health care, I guess we could all guess why you’re so happy. That doesn’t even include the $3000 ded.

    So let’s see, the available health insurance…… do you pay that or buy groceries? Maybe electric and mortgage aren’t that important……….

  • August 31, 2007 at 10:00 am
    ad says:
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    Dawn, So you think this should be another entitlement?

  • August 31, 2007 at 10:18 am
    Happy Day says:
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    Sorry about your luck… or what you have settled for, accepted, etc… whatever you wanna call it, as I am sure you have a really good hard luck story… but then again we have all been through hard times…

    Regarding your comment: “Hello? Employers that are forced to stop health care benefits leave employees that are for the most part, unable to obtain health insurance on their own due to ‘prior conditions’.”

    I reply B.S. only because you are the one ultimately staying with that employer after your benefits are cut & why would you chose to do that? If they can’t afford to pay for health insurance & have been providing it in the past, it looks like they are not budgeting their funds so well, so take that as a sign to find a better employer… HELLO!

    Regarding your comment: “And if you think for 1 minute I’m as HAPPY as your are about spending 37% of my gross salary on health care, I guess we could all guess why you’re so happy. That doesn’t even include the $3000 ded.”

    I think you need to take a good look at why you are spending 37% on HC when there are employers out there that do provide employee coverage; perhaps you are not so confident in your abilities to apply for a job with an employer that does provide… As for your guess as to why I am so happy… I’m interest to hear your take — so give me your best guess, please. Oh, the deductible, that’s something else altogether, we pretty much all have deductibles on insurance, it was set up that way a long long time ago & what do you expect? You really think the Government should pay for everyone’s health costs? Where do you think that $ is coming from? HELLO AGAIN!

    Regarding your comment: “So let’s see, the available health insurance… do you pay that or buy groceries? Maybe electric and mortgage aren’t that important……….”

    I reply B.S. again… Do you really think someone else should pay your way? I guess you would be much happier with “FREE” healthcare (that is paid for by tax $), you want FOOD STAMPS for your groceries (that is paid for by tax $), & FREE ELECTRIC & HOUSING (that is paid for by tax $)… what do you want to spend your $ on????

    First off, believe in yourself, work to obtain knowledge in the field of work you enjoy, & then search for that “JOB” that will provide. If you are in the Insurance Industry & do not have adequate coverage, you might be working for the wrong folks… just an observation, but there is $ to be made in this & many other industries & if you look for what you want & work to achieve it, you can go far… don’t continue to settle for what you get, but look for what you want — that way you too can be Happy — Like ME!

    Oh, it helps to keep a positive attitude & ask God to help you along the way… Not that the way has always been a clear path, as there have been many obstacles along the way. Oops, now I guess you know why I am Happy, oh well, its good to share the truth of my faith & trust in Him & I do pray that you will find within yourself the courage to seek because you will find!!! Knock & the door will be opened unto you, but you have to know which doors to knock on too!!!

    If you need a good headhunter in Texas I know one & will be happy to pass her contact info on to you — she works with you to find out what you want & where you are willing to travel to get it!

    Good luck in your endeavors & if you choose to remain in the hole that you proclaim to be yours, remember that the more you struggle, the harder it is to come out of it!

    God Bless & Keep You!

  • August 31, 2007 at 10:22 am
    Dawn says:
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    I love the accusations that fly around here with insults.

    Do I believe we’re all “entitled” to free care? no. But the ones that get it free are the ones contributing to the rising costs. Until that’s under some sort of control or restriction, we’re going to continue to pick up their tabs along with ours. So I’m not entitled to free health care, but I’m ‘entitled’ to pay double for millions of others that apparently are ‘entitled’?

    To put people that work for a living in the position of buying health insurance or paying for groceries is wrong. I don’t care how you try to twist this, raising my ins premiums 75% and over doubling my deductible over the last 2 years can’t be justified.

  • August 31, 2007 at 10:30 am
    Dawn says:
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    I’m not sure what state or country you live in, but in Fla premiums have nearly doubled. How can any employer except maybe Walmart keep up with that?
    My employer does pay my share. I’m talking about the family portion that I pay. So before you start throwing insults at my employer or my husbands, maybe you should actually see what it entails to run a small business on your own.

    And I do believe our costs would drop drastically if the free ride for millions ended. THAT’s what I’m entitled to. NOT paying for them.

  • August 31, 2007 at 10:30 am
    Willy says:
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    Well then Dawn, by the same logic why not have the govt pay for your food clothing and shelter? It looks like life choices are simply catching up with you. Why should your neighbors be forced to bail you out? The more that the rest of us are forced by govt to rescue people from their poor financial decisions and mismanagement, the higher their taxes will be, meaning more people will be needful of govt assistance like you almost are. Then again, maybe that’s the whole point: tax everyone into submission.

  • August 31, 2007 at 10:37 am
    Dawn says:
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    Since you have no idea who I am or where I’m from, you have no right reading my mind, twisting my words, or hurling insults at my life.

    I have never said once that I’m entitled to anything free. But I’m sick and tired of paying for everyone that does get it free.

    In the last two years, my homeowners insurance has over tripled and my health ins has almost doubled. Now someone on this board tell me that they could afford that.

  • August 31, 2007 at 10:44 am
    Willy says:
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    You are correct in that your high taxes paying for beadbeats on foodstamps and welfare etc etc are causing part of your financial difficulties (and mine, in fact). But who ya mad at, God?

    You say that no one should be forced to make choices between eating and paying for insurance. Why not?! Life is unfair. I have to make a choice between driving a Ferarri or eating. I prefer eating. We can’t send our kids to Princeton or Yale, so they go to state and jr colleges. I couldn’t afford a nose job for the wife AND have her mother live with us, so guess where the old battle axe ended up. Why should I have to make such hard choices?

  • August 31, 2007 at 10:46 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    I certainly don’t want to insult you or anyone who can’t afford health coverage, but who will pay for all of this largess? We would have to increase taxes way beyond what we pay now or cut benefits as socialized medicine state do or both. The coverage you refer to is not free, it’s being paid for in the cost of products that are overpriced due to costs. Look at the domestic auto industry with their benefit costs compared to other contries. We have to provide in some way, but have to compete in the world market too. I have not heard a good solution where everyone will be happy from anyone.

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