U.S. Supreme Court: Drug Makers Liable Even With Warning Labels

March 4, 2009

  • March 4, 2009 at 5:14 am
    matt says:
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    Full Disclosure: I’m generally opposed to frivolous litigation, excess damage awards, and the proliferation of attorneys in general.


    When you are at a medical office, do you question the doctors/nurses before they administer injections?

    Has anyone said “WAIT don’t inject me with this, I want to read all the labels!”

    Of course not. You defer to the doctor’s expertise, and he/she relies on the pharmaceutical company information.

    Can you imagine if you went for relief for your migraine and they had to AMPUTATE YOUR ARM?!? It seems maybe Wyeth should have made this possibility just a little more obvious, something along the lines of ****DO NOT ADMINISTER BY INJECTION****

    ON a separate note

    Why did the judges dissent? Shouldn’t a REAL conservative defer to states’ rights over federal pre-emption?

    This is why we are headed for the toilet….true conservatism is dead. The U.S. has NO right to tell the states’ their laws are not valid. This is how the civil war started.

  • March 5, 2009 at 8:02 am
    Reagan says:
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    Bush put TWO judges on the bench, Idiot Gork, both of whom dissented. Clinton’s atrocious picks affirmed. You have a grade school, name calling mentality, just like your Messiah, Obama. Am I on your enemy list now? Or are you unaware of the list since you only watch network news and of course, those commies only report the good on Obama

  • March 5, 2009 at 3:21 am
    Becky says:
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    You’re correct, Actuary, everyone missed the point of this article. THIS court decision simply said FDA label approvals (aka federal laws) do not pre-empt state laws and shield drug companies from lawsuits. All those who have an issue with the $7 mill judgement can take it up with the Supreme Court of Vermont.

  • March 9, 2009 at 11:24 am
    hmmm says:
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    i know this has nothing really to do with the article, but i do have a comment about the way the drug was injected. i too went to the hospital because of neasua, and was given a anti-neasua injection. the nurse stopped the iv and injected the drug, she never started the iv back up which ended up giving me the full strength dose without mixing it with the iv fluid like it should have been. i started feeling itchy, and restless. i felt like running, but knew i couldn’t. the nurse didn’t know what to do, then she looked at the iv and started the flow again. after that i never seen her again, she should have kept checking on me. i was having a reaction to the full dose, and she didn’t care. the woman should have sued the hospital too, not just the drug company. actually in the suit it should have included the hospital, the doctor and the nurse. but lawyers see big money in drug companies.

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