U.S. Supreme Court: Drug Makers Liable Even With Warning Labels

March 4, 2009

  • March 4, 2009 at 2:59 am
    Gork says:
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    Yes, I do.

  • March 4, 2009 at 2:59 am
    justamom says:
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    At least be brave enough to post a name instead of being anon. The party is not in shambles. It’s just the liberal news media that makes it look that way! Get a clue!

  • March 4, 2009 at 3:02 am
    Annoyed says:
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    Dang, you people are such idiots. Can we for once just discuss the article and keep politics out of it?!?!

  • March 4, 2009 at 3:03 am
    Just another reader says:
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    The drug company was right to appeal. If I remember correctly, the original story was that not that the drug was a problem but that the hospital worker administered it incorrectly.

    As to new drugs during Obama’s tenure…Obama doesn’t even play into it. The manufacturer being held responsible for an error caused in the hospital setting even when they labelled correctly is what will prevent or reduce new research. Once again we have a system that goes for the deepest pockets regardless of their degree of fault.

  • March 4, 2009 at 3:04 am
    Loliekay says:
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    Hey, justamom, I DO have a clue! Do you? Do you read the newspaper, magazines or listen to the news? Your ‘party’ appologized to Rush and he’s a JOKE! Are you kidding me? You think it’s not in shambles, keep up with the news a little more lady and you might just learn something!

  • March 4, 2009 at 3:26 am
    all in favor of..... says:
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    ….a cat fight btwn loliekay and justamom.

    Sorry I’m just killing time and sick of reading about AIG

  • March 4, 2009 at 3:40 am
    Wicked says:
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    Drug manufacturers are under tremendous pressure to produce, but everytime somebody gets a bad outcome, the suits fly. This ruling makes it open season on the drug companies. The standard of proving negligence/liability should be set very high. Pretty soon, drug manufacturers will just quit trying to improve the quality of life and stop making drugs.

  • March 4, 2009 at 3:42 am
    Non medicated person says:
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    Can you imagine this country with no drugs at all (good ones and bad one’s). Ones that make you big, ones that make you small……..you know the song…

    So I say that all drug companies stop making drugs and see where that gets us!!! We would all die at 40, the common flu would know about 1-2 million of us out each year, small pox would make a come back………..

    Yep keep suing them!!!!!!!!!!

  • March 4, 2009 at 3:45 am
    tortbabe says:
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    Did you lose sight of the facts of the case. The nurse gave the medication via a non recommended way and that is what caused the injury. There was a warning label on the medication as to the proper way it should be given. How is the injury the drug company’s fault???

  • March 4, 2009 at 5:09 am
    actuary says:
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    At the risk of insulting the intelligence of the other commentors, almost everyone missed the point of the article. It was not about whether the drug company should have been held liable. The state legal system already decided that. The Supreme Court had to decide if FDA approval pre-empts state liability law and completely shields a drug manufacturer from tort claims. If a drug passes the acceptance of an underfunded federal agency, the manufacturer has no further responsibility for its products’ safe use?
    That’s like saying insurance rates are actuarially sound if:
    they are not inadequate, excessive or unfairly discriminatory
    the state DOI approves your rate filing.

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