U.S. Safety Group Calls for Cell Phone Driving Ban

January 13, 2009

  • January 13, 2009 at 4:47 am
    Rikky says:
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    I talk on my cell and drive everyday…so what is the big deal…..If they are gonna ban one thing they should ban all things…smoking a cigg. and driving is more dangerous….for instance…what do you do if your cigg. falls in your lap? do you leave it there while you find a place to pull over and remove it…NOOOO you flinch because you just burned yourself then you pick it up and toss it. WELL WELL WELL while you were tending to your brand new pair of burned Lacoste slacks that only cost you a arm and a leg..you just so happen to rearend someone. That goes for any situation. We shouldn’t single out cell phones….if one thing goes they all should go…….talking on my blue tooth is a lot less dangerous than some. Come on now, Lets start banning things that are more important first…and for the rest of you get back to work, you’ve been on here all day!!!???

  • January 13, 2009 at 4:50 am
    cheli says:
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    i could not have said i it better!

  • January 13, 2009 at 4:55 am
    wudchuck says:
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    1) first of all, any study can be persuaded to look like numbers are properly to reflect good or bad. think of all those numbers when we talk about presidents and what they have accomplished. i can create any study to say anything i want.

    2) phone records can be researched by the police showing that you were on the phone at the time of the incident. don’t think you can just switch it off and not get caught.

    3) it does not matter if hands free or not, it does distract a driver. it amazes me how many folks lean to the window with the phone in hand or speed faster down the road. it does not matter if your a policeman or not, everyone has to abide the law. they are not exempt or above the law when they are just cruising. question, if they pass this, how are they going to enforce it? are you truly going to catch everyone and if you let someone go, then you have to let them all go. so it’s a nogo!

    4) solution: instead of making it illegal, do something similar like the europeans…if you cause an accident, reduce the damage paid out by the insurance company and increase your fine by the amount per speed or in this case, by having been on the phone that possibly could have lessened the damages…doing it this way can alleviate the problem of enforcement…there are already towns that have passed laws stating that if your on the phone at the time of the incident, that even if you were not at-fault at the time, you are now considered at-fault for the accident…we had a child killed because the other party could have prevented the accident if they were paying attention…

    so, where do we stand?! i am for individuals starting to take responsibility of our own actions. from wearing a seatbelt, helmets, eating while driving. we have to be individually held accountable. stop the federal government to take away from our small libery of choice. yes, we all like to be safe, but where does that stop or end? it could be like me sitting watching a game of baseball, and get hit by a bat or ball (think of little league). are you truly going to sue the parent of the child because you got hurt? in the major leagues, most clubs will take care of their fans. police have too much to do to protect us, like the I-90 shooter. or any other felonious crime.

  • January 14, 2009 at 4:59 am
    brainfreeze says:
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    i’m all for not using a mobile phone (making a call or text)whilst driving without an earpiece (i often berate my partner for doing this and regularly have to put my foot down with a firm hand!) however, if there is going to be a total ban regardless, what is the difference between this and having passengers in your vechicle? surely this is even more distracting as you can take your eyes off the road. what next a ban on carrying passengers!

  • January 13, 2009 at 5:16 am
    Ohioan says:
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    I think Johnny Law still has to have a subpoena to get phone records, which probably wouldn’t be worth the effort… but then if fine is to cover the Police weiney roast…

  • January 13, 2009 at 5:22 am
    matt says:
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    OK KKMSO how would you feel if instead of banning they just said if you ever hurt anyone while on the phone, if they are injured you are guilty of attempted murder with a deadly weapon, and if you kill someone you are guilty of 2nd degree murder?

    I don’t think “but I talk on the phone 2,000 minutes a month while driving” is a viable justification for permitting it.

    As I said in my previous comment, this is not about YOUR rights but MINE. It is MY RIGHT to safe passage on the roadways. When you are jabbing about who cares what on the phone and you’re not paying attention (and you’re not as study after study has shown) you are violating my rights.

    Helmet and seatbelt laws are Nanny State laws meant to keep you from hurting yourself. While this is an honorable intent, a law preventing you from violating your own rights is a lot different in my mind than one that prevents you from violating mine.

  • January 13, 2009 at 5:50 am
    Yucca Dew says:
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    Oh no, you would not be so direct as to ask an obvious question. Instead, you would contract with all of the cell phone companies to release an indication of the insured’s cell phone usage (a cell phone score, if you will), and then place the client in the appropriate premium tier.

  • January 13, 2009 at 5:59 am
    Oli Gark says:
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    Yeah! The police are drunks too! Don’t they deserve the right to bust ya and fund their picnics? Damn right they do!

    Who are you to question the few who rule, hmmmm? What did you think you had goin’ on up in here? A republic or somethin’?

    Dang it, now! The police put your life on the line everytime they stop you…the least you can do is help them get drunk from time to time.

  • January 13, 2009 at 6:37 am
    Boner says:
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    ..I saw a guy zipping-up his pants as he drove.
    You think THAT’S something ?
    You should’ve seen his girl-friend re-fastening her bra at the same time.
    Now THAT’S distractive!
    (I almost hit a pole as I reached for a Kleenex)

  • January 14, 2009 at 10:16 am
    cheli says:
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    even then, if you had a passenger in the car with you,how would they proved you had not loaned the phone to them? or asked them to make the call for you?

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