Gender-Bias Class Action Against GE by Former Counsel Advances

January 28, 2008

  • January 29, 2008 at 11:42 am
    Jake says:
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    Wages have not grown as much as inflation since the 70’s so therefore we make less now than we have in the past. That is why both parents must work.

    The corprations control the politicians and this is really a conspiracy to weaken families.

    Since the 70’s the effects on children of having both prents work have been devestating. I could talk about feminism here as well but I wont get in to that.

    People now more than ever are less likely to vote and are less politically aware than ever – This is good for the corporations, because it allows them to keep the carear politicians that are bought and paid for in office year after year.

  • January 29, 2008 at 11:45 am
    Dustin says:
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    “The corprations control the politicians and this is really a conspiracy to weaken families.”

    What does this even mean? You think GE and others want to weaken the family. Why? And to what end? I am a bit curious.

  • January 29, 2008 at 12:02 pm
    Jake says:
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    Well Dustin the way it works is that corporations have their own political global agenda, and often times their interests are not the same as your family.

    Their number one interest is profit, and often times they are not concerned about wages, health care, the environment, and a host of other things that regular people care about.

    Therefore, we could pass protective laws that might prevent corporations from abusing this power, or at least not give them a free pass on these abuses, but the politicians we elect are aloud to collect money and even take high paying jobs with these corporations.

    We could look into this, get educated and vote them out, but most people are too dumbed down, and are like sheep, they just believe whatever the media tells them.

    Virtually 100% of all the media (due to deregulation) is controlled by 4 corporations, one of which you mentioned being GE.

    Kids on Ritalin, bad nutrition, and 100 other things all lead to a more controllable population that doesnt read books, delve into the issues, and wont vote.

    And that’s what the powers that be have created in the US. And that’s why we all complain back and forth about liberals and conservatives, as if this dialog will ever really solve anything when both sides are beholden to special interests.

    I would look forward to a one world government soon, and a crashing of the US economy.

    People think they are fighting for freedom in Iraq, but the real fight to save this country and our way of life is already being lost at home.

  • January 29, 2008 at 12:08 pm
    Nebraskan says:
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    Amen, Jake.

  • January 29, 2008 at 12:22 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    where’s the profit in not promoting a female? NONE! equal work is equal pay no matter the gender!

    if this lawsuit goes through, there will be a loss of $500 mil… no profit then!

  • January 29, 2008 at 12:30 pm
    Little Lady says:
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    why is it that I can name the employment of every female ancestor going back at least three generations? My mother was a teacher; her mother was a nurse; her grandmothers were a teacher and a nurse; her great-grandmothers were both teachers. My father’s mother owned a hair salon (among other things) and ran a small farm; his grandmothers were a seamstress and (I swear to God)a fortune teller. (Maybe fortune teller really isn’t “employment,” but she was earning money necessary to survive.)

    Were they unique?

    This doesn’t have anything to do with insurance, but I’m posting it anyway. ;-)

  • January 29, 2008 at 12:43 pm
    Compman says:
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    I think I will just bite my tongue and not say anymore…. except Jake, and surprisingly Nebraskan, you need to adjust your tinfoil hat a little, the reception from the mothership is kinda staticy and I don’t think the complete message is getting through to you.

  • January 29, 2008 at 12:48 pm
    Jake says:
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    I hear you Compman, I know that stuff can be hard to believe, but dont worry, everything is great in America!

    When are those Seinfeld re-runs on again?

  • January 29, 2008 at 1:05 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    Jake, i know seinfeld usually comes on after my family gets done singing hymns while my dad plays the guitar….ma has usually made rice crispy treats to enjoy while we all sit down as a family to watch the show. :)

  • January 29, 2008 at 3:01 am
    Reason says:
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    Once again, you are all subtly correct; yet missing the point at the same time.

    I find it interesting that she only filed the lawsuit after she was to be demoted. Did she not care about this flagrant disregard for equal rights when she was making over 300K?

    Similar to how the winning team is usually the one that ignores the fat kid when picking players for kickball; sometimes it is for the greater good when everybody doesn’t participate.

    Of course, this calls into question whether this exclusion is a valid reason for the fat kid to stomp his foot and throw a fit. I say it is an excellent motivator for the fat kid to put down that Whopper and take an extra lap.

    That being said; whatever the cause may be for her demotion, in this era of litigation and unwarranted entitlement, most corporations are not about to give a demotion to a female or minority without some documented reason.

    Beyond that; anyone who thinks that women, in general, are the same as men in the workplace is just delusional; or female.

    Are there inept members of the workforce of both genders; absolutely.
    Are there dedicated and intelligent members of both genders; of course.

    BUT, countless women are promoted based on satisfying statistics; as are minorities. Is this simply because they were always the best person for the job? Hell no. Anyone who doesn’t realize this is also delusional, or a female/minority.

    I won’t get into what I think of the women I work with. Suffice it to say; some of them are intelligent and useful but do come with their assorted female issues with rare exception.

    That being said; women who blame men for the lack of female leaders in business and industry need to look at the facts.
    Women would not even be in the workforce if not for WWII. With the workforce depleted because of our “boys” being overseas, someone had to take over in the factories. Ever since that time, the US has been steadily converting to a two income society.

    The reason; women working allowed wages to be lowered. One person no longer had to be paid enough to support a family. The load could not be split between two people; thus driving down wages.

    So women who blame men for keeping them down are actually the reason that wages have lost value in today’s economy.
    Thanks for that; by the way.

    Ironically, I hold a position that was previously held by a woman; one that literally refused to learn the systems and felt entitled to the job because she had more tenure. She gave no effort at all and then complained when she was demoted too.

    If you want a stake in the game, fine, take over. I’d love to stay at home with my son and let my wife bring home the bacon. But don’t join the party and not bring an appetizer.

    In other words, bring something to the table. Show that you are better if you want it that bad. Don’t just sit and whine about it. Otherwise, things would have been better if women weren’t in the workforce at all. I’d make just as much as my wife and I make together now and I wouldn’t have to pay for daycare.

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