Gender-Bias Class Action Against GE by Former Counsel Advances

January 28, 2008

  • January 28, 2008 at 6:05 am
    wudchuck says:
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    well, this cud be debated several ways and both sides win! problem w/today’s society there are still folks who believe that the woman needs to stay home – even some good psychologist (DR LAURA) who think they need to stay home and take care of the kids. personally, i think if the job can be done, it does not matter with gender. but the $500 million, to me that is probably too high. she needs to show and state when she was denied a higher position and the cost of the job to her current job. granted she is getting paid well now in her current position. i have worked with both male and female bosses – basically they can approach the matter in 2 different angles and still achieve the final product. but that can be the same for 2 of the same gender. does it really matter – NO. as long as the job gets done and done correctly. you could be an alien from another planet who came to planet earth and got a job. if he/she/it can produce the job the same, they should be paid the same. let’s hope that the moveup was truly merited based on work and ethics and not GENDER!

  • January 28, 2008 at 6:18 am
    Compman says:
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    latchkey kids equal increased juvenile delinquency.

  • January 28, 2008 at 6:27 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    Raise your kids right and you won’t have to worry about juvenile delinquency whether mom is home or not.

    That’s like saying, “murder rates increase during the summer months, so does the consumption of ice cream…ergo…the more ice cream people eat, the more likely they are to commit murder.”

    thanks for being irrelevant. now why don’t you go change your suit and tie into something a little more sassy, sweetheart, and get me a glass of wine. :D

  • January 28, 2008 at 6:44 am
    Compman says:
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    you and I are usually on the same page. While I agree that if you pay attention to your kids and are active in their lives and ask questions and try not to be their friend and be the parent, it will help out immensely. But numerous studies have shown that having a parent home when the kids go to school and get home from school, at least until age 16, shows better grades, better attendance at school and better adjusted kids.

    Personally, before I married Mrs. Compman, I told her my rules. She would be a stay at home mom for the kids until they were 16. She could pursue PT work if she wanted but would have to be there to see the kids off and be there when they got home. I also gave her option #2. She could find a job that would pay more than mine and I would stay home with the rugrats. Guess what, I worked, she stayed home, my kids are turning out pretty good. (actually they get into less trouble than I did at that age). Both want to go to College and both still love me even when I say no and yell at them. The last time my oldest son (17) got mad at me for not letting him do something, he told me he hated me. I just laughed at him and said good, that means I am doing my job. He just turned around and went to his room to pout. Now, I could use a beer about now. Honey, are you near the fridge?

  • January 28, 2008 at 6:52 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    Thanks for taking my joke with a grain of salt…

    my parents – ma wanted to stay home but unfortunately due to my dad’s salary, had to go to work as well…sometimes it isn’t always a choice…life is funny that way. i grew up going to baby sitters…and i don’t begrudge my parents one bit….i graduated from college have a job that leaves me financially secure….i appreciate your statistics, but well…still believe a child will behave well if their parents raise him/her to behave well…whether thats with the help of a babysitter or not.

    but i appreciate what your saying…and i wish there were more parents like you who value one parent working and one parent staying at home….it’s a team effort!

  • January 29, 2008 at 7:11 am
    Mary B. says:
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    It’s the first word that came to mind when I thought of this “woman”. The “case” is most likely bogus and just another typical shakedown for money not earned but won via the lawsuit lottery. On a side note, if women want to be paid equal then they have to do the equal amount of work and SHOW UP at the office. Since a majority of women don’t then don’t expect equal pay.

  • January 29, 2008 at 8:46 am
    Dustin says:
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    The way I read it, the 500 mil is for a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT for up to 1500 people. Granted that is still a lot of money, and I don’t know if I agree with the lawsuit. Just wanted to point out she would not get the full 500 mil herself.

  • January 29, 2008 at 8:54 am
    wudchuck says:
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    true, she wud not get it all….but here’s the reality of it:

    500 mil / 1500 = 333k each…but now take out the lawyer fees, and if she represents all of them – that means she should be getting even more. now, if remember correctly, was she not getting 380k @yr plus bonuses? of course, it said pending a demotion (wonder that paycut would have been. problem i have w/the class action lawsuit against GE, the 1500 are they all employed by GE? i don’t think GE’s lawyer staff is that big. so who is fooling whom? did anyone think about that?

  • January 29, 2008 at 8:58 am
    Dustin says:
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    “A class-action lawsuit would allow Schaefer to gather as many as 1,500 plaintiffs, including women who hold entry-level executive jobs and all the company’s female lawyers.”

    They would all need to be employee’s there to get the status of a class action lawsuit. Looks like it is more than just lawyers, but any woman who might have been held back because of gender. Also, it says UP TO 1500. I am not defending her, or the amount. I am simply putting it into perspective as 500 mil is quite a bit of money. Seemed if we were going to bash her we should at least get the potential award amount right! :)

  • January 29, 2008 at 10:26 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    I agree…i hate when people complain about being poor driving around in an SUV while yapping on a cell phone going to their home that they bought on a reduced rate that will increase in 5 years to an amount they can’t afford unless they get a huge raise between now and then….but my folks weren’t like that….i was raised in the 80’s and 90’s, ma went to work so she could put food on the table and so we could take a nice vacation to des moines, iowa every once in a while…lol

    but back to the topic….with the rate that the middle class is deteriorating…there aren’t many jobs out there that allow for a single income family. so whether you like it or not…women are a part of this work force. this really isn’t about how i think children should be raised or how you think children should be raised. it’s a fact of life. i hope that when i’m ready to have children, i will be in a financial situation to stay home and take care of them, but if not, i’ll work….it’s the nature of the beast. (would you rather i go on welfare and let your tax dollars support my baby? because believe me, plenty of married folks do that, too.)

    so if i’m going to be here in the workforce, putting in the same time, energy, and knowledge as you boys….can i please get the same paycheck?

    (by the way, in japan, married people with children automatically make more money because they have a family to support….not saying i necessarily agree with it…but it is what it is.)

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