Katrina at Two Years: $40.6 Billion Paid on 1.7 Million Insurance Claims

August 7, 2007

  • August 8, 2007 at 9:57 am
    Tapper says:
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    Your the worst kind of conservative. First you complain about people who whine. Then instead of debating the issues at hand…with logic and reasoning (which there is plenty to back your position), verbally attack the person who was trying to illustrate a completely valid point. Then when someone defends the a person who was verbally attacked and turns the personal attack on you, all you do is whine about how hard your life is and that you had to Ramon noodles to go to college.

    I am sorry. I am sick of this BS conservative crab “that I made all the right decisions and struggled but I managed to succeed by my hard work.” Who built that school that you went too? Who provided that Farm Subsidy to make your Ramon so cheap? Who regulates the insurance industry to make sure you get what you pay for? And if the Insurance industry can’t pay… The answer is the Government brought to you by the people, for the people.

    If you want to post on here stay away from the personal attacks (I do see the Irony-but I did not mean to berate your person just your argument style). Lets stick to the issues because a lot of people have good things to say and the personal attacks’ just denigrate the debate.

  • August 8, 2007 at 11:16 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    I tried every way I could to tell you that there was noting directed towards you. The only objection I have with your posts is your ambivolence towards a cancer on our industry (phrase borrowed from John Dean), State Farm.

  • August 8, 2007 at 11:20 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    It is your don’t care about State Farm attitude that allows them to give our industry a bad name. Moreso it is those that blindly support them that hurt us.

  • August 8, 2007 at 11:35 am
    kathys mom says:
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    Do the math Einstein. If the rates and prices dont support the claims, who pays?

    Pay cash for your stuff and you dont need property insurance , or start your own insurance company since its so easy to make money

  • August 9, 2007 at 12:18 pm
    chrome says:
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    You know Joe, It’s people like you and I that are in close contact with the consumer when they have the terrible experience of suffering a loss. This is the time when the shortages in coverage and the denials of things that are not relative have to be conveyed to the consumer and we take the punches.
    Then you read how much profit a company makes and it angers some of us to no end.
    I’ll give you an example: I know a single male that has clean driving record excellent credit and a great job but because he is single he pays double the amount on auto premiums than if he had married.This makes no sense at all nor does the credit rating.
    The lobbyist for insurance companies have our politicians in eating from their hands because of campaign contributions and the like. This is B.S.The politicians are elected by their constituants not the large corporations and they should nbe looking out for the consumer but they have become so corrupt with money the oposite occurs. I know state legislators and they have told me time and time again about the same old same old.
    I have no preference towards ANY insurance company and if you read some of my earlier posts and dialog that has gone on over this topic you will certainly realize that.
    I think the entire system needs revamping everyone in insurance works their tales off to do their jobs and perform on as professional a level as possible all the while the the top level execs have their chronies making and tailoring words and phrases that the average public doesn’t understand. This is what causes people to choose the lowest rates and lack of coverage.
    Some agencies,not all, are to blame but on the other hand some insurance companies charge outrageous premiums for reasons that only they can comprehend.
    I can tell you have first hand knowledge in the southern quadrant of the country and YOU know best what issues are at hand in those areas.
    Again Best wishes to you and I applaud the dialog we’ve had on this particular subject.It has given me some insight as to how agnets think which I have never ecperienced before and it DOES leave a fowl odor in the air AGAIN this is not all agents.
    I’ll say this again everyone needs to make a living and some are more fortunate than other and some have worked harder than others but don’t blame that on the little guy.
    With the exec bonus’ I’ve seen I think it’s an injustice to the people of this country and me being one person can’t do anything about it but try and get people to see the side of the industry I’ve experienced.
    Thanks to all for your input!

  • August 8, 2007 at 1:00 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Don’t try logic with the insurance company haters who post on this site. It never works. There are some people who really think business is evil, insurance companies are more evil and people who make more money than they should(?) are evil. They can’t be convinced.

  • August 8, 2007 at 1:17 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    Nobody: It is many times it is me that you are at odds with and I have never stated the insurance companies make too much money, only that they have a problem fairly and equitably settling claims within the policy and its legal obligations. I make my living exclusively from insurance companies and have for over 25 years. The only money issue I have with insurance companies is that they do not pay adjusters enough. The vast majority act with integrity and honesty. There are two or three that want to do things their own way regardless whether it is right or wrong. They hire only adjusters without expeience and indoctrinate them into their philosophy so they might perpetuate their game.

  • August 8, 2007 at 1:30 am
    chrome says:
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    Partially true and I do pay cash.I save up to buy what I can afford on the petty salary I make and to the guy with the Ramen noodles there are plenty of joibs and work out there if you want to make minimum wage or you have connections to get your foot into a door at a decent paying company.
    I feel sorry for you if you’ve gone through all that. I do have a heart if you were referring to me.

    I am an adjuster as well not as many years as Joe but close by the way Joe your comments are right on target again.

    I’m ending it on this note.I really don’t mean any disrespect to anyone who has worked hard to get to where they’re at.
    I am sick and tired of hearing how little money insurance companies have or how they have to raise premiums when every single one of them has posted massive financial gains in the few years even with paying out for CAT damages and executive bonus’

    Yes I am bitter at the Corporate part of this Country.Yes I think the officers make to much in bonus money and wake up those very people are making plans with people overseas to send your job there to if they can.

  • August 8, 2007 at 2:48 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    I wasn’t responding to anything you have said. Chrome and someone else posting seem to think that anything paid above what they think is acceptable is wrong. You and I don’t always agree on things, but I respect your knowledge and views.

  • August 8, 2007 at 3:10 am
    chrome says:
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    For the record I would like to correct you.
    A policy holder takes out a policy to be indemnified should they suffer a loss.
    They should be paid what they are owed..a fair equitable settlement based on the declarations of their policy.
    No more No less!

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