Katrina at Two Years: $40.6 Billion Paid on 1.7 Million Insurance Claims

August 7, 2007

  • August 7, 2007 at 1:10 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    I am truly sorry you cannot comprehend the written word, ANON. You continue to try to compare apples to a bushel of grapefruit.

    1. State Farm admitted they denied all slab cases. An admision to denying all does equal 100%. They lost and now are trying to lowball final settlements.

    2. You try to lump settled cases hundreds of miles inland with slab cases. The insurance industry (even State Farm, except in OKLA where tornados hit and they attempt the same expert engineer tricks they use for Katrina claims) gets simple wind losses right every day. The vast majority of the Katrina claims are just that, simple wind claims over fifty miles from the coast. To compare closing those with the more difficult ones with real questions is absurd.

  • August 8, 2007 at 1:43 am
    Anon says:
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    G: Okay… you want my story? Here’s a brief version:

    Lets see… when I was a child my house burned down because of an unattended cigarette… we were properly insured and rebuilt. At the time I was living with my grandmother who was on a fixed income but managed to maintain adequate homeowner’s insurance to protect against that.

    I drive a 7 year old Dodge Intrepid that was near totalled in an accident shortly after I purchased it… it was repaired because I caried proper insurance.

    I was hospitalized a few years back but that was taken care of (as was my recent dental visits) becuase I carried appropriate insurance.

    Two winters ago the gutters on my house as well as my roof were heavily damaged by ice dams and snow/ice weight. Both were repaired by my insurance company because I carried adequate insurance coverage.

    My ex-fiancee required extensive medical treatement for “women’s issues”… at the time we weren’t able to afford insurance but we were able to “work off” the accumulated medical bills by working multiple minimum wage jobs.

    While working myself through college I lived on Ramen Soup, popsicles, and saltine crackers pilfered from the caffeteria so that I could afford tuition.

    Don’t assume to tell me who I am, what I drive, how cold my heart is, etc without knowing me or where I come from. You don’t know the first thing about me or my experiences. I’ve never had “nice things” like expensive cars, toys, etc. I’ve worked hard to get where I am and have saved money by living in my means, doing without luxuries, and realizing the importance of some things over others.

    How dare you!

    Your comments are disgusting and cold-hearted.

    I’m not greedy… I’m a realist. I’m not out of line but I’m also not a socialist. There’s no work? Bull! I’ve heard plenty of people complain about the number of illegals rebuilding New Orleans… can’t find a job… buy a hammer and start bidding. These people have had two years… that’s enough. Even the savior of the depression knew people needed to work… that’s what WPA was all about. If there’s no work, move, take a look at NE-Ohio… that’s why everyone is running as fast as they can.

    Don’t assume to know who or what I am because you don’t.

  • August 7, 2007 at 2:09 am
    Been there says:
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    Next you’ll be telling us how to defeat terrorism. Why? Only because you slept at a Holiday Inn Express last nite and “feel” qualified.
    Did you stand in the mud like I did? If you did, how can you deny a flood carried all but the slab away?
    Further, anyone who makes a generalization with 100% estimate is a fool.
    Step right up, Joe, you’ve earned it.

  • August 7, 2007 at 2:14 am
    Mark says:
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    It does not matter whether the claim is for a little roof damage or a total loss, it still counts as a claim. The insurer still has to investigate it and close it, even if it is not a covered loss.

    Settled does not mean everyone is happy, it means there is no dispute between the insured and the insurer as to the final settlement. The insured may still be mad because he/she did not get the money they had hoped for, but the claim is settled.

    If you can’t agree on these two points, without ranting about State Farm and how they are such an evil company because they did not get 100% of the claims exactly right, then your opinions mean nothing to me.

    You must live your life in constant misery due to your unrealistic expectations of 100% perfection.

    P.S. You need to keep an eye on the developments in Nationwide v. Leonard. It seems the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments on Monday dealing with the anti-concurrent causation clause. You stated some time ago that Judge Senter had ruled it null and void and that was the end of it. Apparently not!

    Check out http://www.insurancecoverageblog.com/ for the opinion of someone more smarter than I is…

  • August 7, 2007 at 2:17 am
    Mark says:
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    Defeating Terrorism
    By: adjusterjoe

    Step one… get rid of State Farm

    The End

  • August 7, 2007 at 2:22 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    Been there, I have been working hurricanes for over 20 years and yes I did work Katrina and am familiar with the Mississsippi Coast. Bring it on.

  • August 7, 2007 at 2:44 am
    Mary B. says:
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    adjusterjerk is a total legend in his own mindHe can’t comprehend and he can’t explain. All he gives is blinding hate against SF with no logic or reason. I have said this over and over about adjusterjerk (besides him being a serial sexual harrasser) and that is that he has told me (and the rest of you) nothing and added irrelevance.

  • August 7, 2007 at 3:00 am
    Wondering says:
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    Does kind of make one wonder about his self stated credentials, doesn’t it?

  • August 7, 2007 at 3:24 am
    concerned agent says:
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    reading adjusterjoe is a excellent study in extremism. reading his rants you can get a feel for muslim extremism to the western world. he has no ablity to ratainalize and attempt to understand others views. his hatred is absolute to the point of being a fanatic with a suicide belt. life cannot be good for someone with that much hate.

  • August 7, 2007 at 3:51 am
    Anon says:
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    I figured it out… he’s right with the 100% figure. It just takes the creative numerology approach used to decode the secret conspiracy behind September 11th.

    If you take the total volume of claims (approximately 1.7 million claims according to this article), then subract all the claims outside 50 miles from the coast, then subrtact all the people who had adequate flood protection, take that number and subtract all the people who didn’t experience a total “slab” loss, subtract from that all the people insured by companies other than State Farm, multiply that by 666 to represent the actual evil of State Farm, then divide it by 4 (obviously, for B-U-S-H) you’ll end up with a 100% figure. Yeah, you may also have to divide it again by the square root of negative pi – don’t forget to cary the one.

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