Holocaust Insurance Claims Appeals Conclude; $300 Million Awarded to Survivors

March 20, 2007

  • March 23, 2007 at 10:26 am
    Bill Reed says:
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    I am not an anti-semite but enough is enough. It seems the Jews can\’t \”move-on\” from the holocaust, and take every opportunity to dwell on it. This insurance debacle is no exception. The $300M settlement nets out to $6,250 per claimant. I can\’t tell it that\’s before or after attorney fees. Think of all the time, human costs and expenses, and lack of focus on other things that have been spent on this mess and to what end? Proving a point? Do you see any other nationalities going back and \”re-tilling the same old soil\”? When will the Jews stop whining about the holocaust? I found it interesting that all the famous \”Nazi hunters\” didn\’t emerge until decades after the holocause and when all the participants were old men. It\’s always too little too late. Yes, the holocaust was horrific, but it\’s over. There are more current abominations going on in the world right now. Why don\’t the Jews focus on using their substantial resources to help them?

  • March 23, 2007 at 10:59 am
    Josh S says:
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    Bill, no other nationality, except perhaps the Armenians, have similar \”soil\” to \”retill\”. The Holocaust is unique in history as a systematic attempt to wipe an entire nationality off the face of the Earth.

    I can see two reasons why the Jews won\’t \”move on\” and \”stop whining\”(your choice of words reveals your bias). 1) The Holocaust is not a distant historical memory; there are many survivors still living and the next generation was deeply affected as well. 2) Jews have a legitimate reason to fear that history could repeat itself. Historically speaking, anti-semitism never goes away, it just fades into the background temporarily only to return when times are tough and people need a scapegoat. More specifically, and contemporaneously, you have people like Ahmadinejad threatening to wipe Israel off the map.

    With that in mind, what you call \”whining\” is really vigilance in the service of self-preservation.

    You mention the Jews \”substantial resources\” and imply that Jews do not contribute to humanitarian causes. I assume you are referring to the gold and diamonds you think all Jews hoard under the floor-boards in their homes, or perhaps the profit from the usury they practice when not making bread from the blood of Christian babies.

    Did you know that Israel was one of the first countries to send aid and rescue workers to Indonesia after the Tsunami a few years ago? All the Muslim nations of the Middle East dragged their feet or completely ignored the situation, but Israel reached out to help the largest Muslim nation in the world. Unfortunately the Israeli aid was turned down and the rescue workers sent back, because the Indonesians are anti-semites…like you.

  • March 23, 2007 at 11:00 am
    B says:
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    Interesting thoughts ellie…I mean bill.

    Getting the money wasn\’t to prove a point. It was getting what was owed to them what the insurance companies decided to keep for themselves.

    They owed it. They tried to keep it. They were forced to pay a very small portion of what they owed. It\’s not very difficult.

    And I always love it when people say \”I don\’t hate….\” and proceed to slam on whatever they just said they don\’t hate.

    Let me guess. Some of your best friends are jews right?

  • March 23, 2007 at 11:23 am
    Joe says:
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    Enough is not enough and never will be enough.

    This has been going on since 1945 and is not just about Jews but about justice. It includes Jews who have been seeking justice for past wongs inlicted on Jews but these same people have championed the civil rights causes here and been at its forefront with American blacks, they have championed other human rights causes around the world involving non-jews and given of their time and,assets and prestigue to try to stop injustice and atrocities.

    It is an abomination that should never be forgotten just as there are other abominations that should never be forgotten(Armenian Genocide, Darfour, South American death squads, Apartheid, racial violence and atrocities between Hindus and Moslems in India and Packistan, etc)

    Many of the individuals who perpertrated the wrongs may be dead but instutions, hate, and movements that they perpertrated and suported live on and bad people are profiting from this.

    We should not forget any of this , the people who profit from it should not be imune from being brought to justice,and then maybe less of similar events will hapen in the future.

  • March 26, 2007 at 9:42 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”Do you see any other nationalities going back and \”re-tilling the same old soil\”?\”

    If you were to search this site, there was a thread awhile back about slaves. The ancestors of these slaves wanted money. So, that answers that question. Yes, yes I do see other nationalities \”re-tilling* the same old soil\”. The difference is they didn\’t have insurance policies they didn\’t pay out (or at least the story didn\’t mention that).

    I like all nationalities; I just don\’t like mean people. Stupid people, sure… mean people, not so much. So, no need for anyone to call me racist. Thanks.

    *not an actual word

  • March 27, 2007 at 9:53 am
    B says:
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    That cracked me up.

  • March 27, 2007 at 1:47 am
    Jewel says:
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    That is just payback for all the times you made me laugh so hard I cried. Not as funny as your comments, but I thank you. :)

    I kind of miss Ellie. Don\’t get me wrong, I think she was a few sandwiches short of a picnic, but she made for great entertainment.

  • March 27, 2007 at 1:59 am
    B says:
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    I know what you mean. It certainly made the day go faster. And I learned a lot more interesting things about the Holocaust

    Entertainment + Learning = A good day.

  • April 5, 2007 at 4:27 am
    Jewish Agent says:
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    Ellie is just angry because she can\’t collect on Adolph\’s, her long lost great granddaddy\’s, policy because there was a suicide exclusion!

  • April 5, 2007 at 5:10 am
    Jewish Agent says:
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    Probably noone will ever read this because it is a few days after showing up on the internet, but I must unload my rage towards this cold-hearted beast (I was going to call her a woman, but she doesn\’t even deserve that). I didn\’t read all of her comments before I posted the previous remark, then I came across her remark saying that she had a relative that was a victim of the holocaust! My heart sunk, and I was ready to appologize. However, I read all of her comments and lo and behold later she admitted she was joking!!! YOU DON\’T JOKE ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST, especially when there is a serious issue on the table. The only thing I can say is that what goes around comes around. Mend your ways and attitude, before its too late…

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