Mich. Lawmakers Pass Bill to Repeal State Helmet Law, According to AAA Michigan

March 17, 2005

  • March 22, 2005 at 9:26 am
    Donna says:
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    The Insurnce compaines have enough say into what we can or cant do. We pay though the nose for insurance as it is.You should have the right to wear or not to wear a helmet. I am tired of being told what i can or can do in my car and now they are telling me i have to wear a helmet. Come on this is getting were we have no rights at all. Its time we speak up and stop letting insurance compaines runn are lives.

  • March 23, 2005 at 12:13 pm
    Leigh-Ann says:
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    Beleive it or not, and I see a lot of nots, a helmet makes about as much difference in safety as tying yourself in your car with shoe strings. At 55 or 60 MPH (and faster) highway speeds, neither one is going to make a difference. There hasn’t been one EMT that scraped a biker off the highway after the guy in the SUV, going 70 and talking on his cell phone, hit him that said “If he’d only been wearing a helmet, this wouldn’t have happened”. The problem isn’t the bikers, with or without helmets. 8 out of 10 times it’s drivers of other vehicles NOT paying attention to the road. Pulling out in front of bikes or into bikes or the one that injured my uncle, a friend and killed another of my friends last year alone (separate incidents, same cause), talking on a cell phone while looking for something in the car. They look up just in time to NOT be able to react and hit the bike from behind, injuring or killing the rider. BTW, all were wearing helmets. It did them no good. Helmets impair the visual field of the rider. They also impair the hearing of the rider. Both of these things are imperitive if one is to react and avoid injury. I think someone mentioned a false sense of security, I agree, especially for the younger riders, They think with a helmet they can go 90. With nothing but the air between you and the road, you tend to be a little more careful.

  • March 24, 2005 at 8:22 am
    Dr John Burgess says:
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    I’ve been riding for a while and have traveled extensively in states where there are no helmet laws. Whenever I am on an interstate highway I take advantage of the freedom to ride without my helmet. On two lane roads – I seldom go without – the other drivers are just too unaware for my safety. I agree that the problem is not motorcyclists but others who don’t pay attention to what they are doing as they drive. Since I’ve started riding I am 100% more aware of bikers. I wish others would follow suit. I applaud this change -it is about my freedom to chose. I’ll take advantage and ride sans helmet when I can.

  • March 25, 2005 at 4:24 am
    Douglas Findlay says:
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    If anyone tries to argue the point that helmets are bad, they will lose. Aside from fairly solid statistics on motorcycle fatalities, anyone can come up with numbers that only convince themselves.

    The real issue is the helmet law. Consider these questions before you decide someone else’s fate:
    – Should adults be arrested, fined, and incarcerated for not wearing government-mandated apparel?
    – Should car drivers be forced to wear helmets since more people die from fatal head injuries in cars than all motorcycle fatalities combined?
    – Should similar risk-prone activities be likewise regulated, regardless of how small or obscure the population sample? (e.g., surfing, BASE jumping, sword-swallowing, stunt-doubling, alligator wrestling, cliff-diving, rollerskating, etc.)
    – Is your safety more important than your liberty? (I’m talking about YOU, not some other guy.)
    – Is it easier to pass laws that only someone else has to obey?
    – Should someone who doesn’t participate in your sport make safety decisions on your behalf?
    – Do you like having your personal decisions made by someone who only knows you as a statistic?
    – Do you equate conventional wisdom with common sense?
    – Are you willing to waive your health insurance benefits if you engage in ANY risky behavior? (e.g., smoking, overeating, drinking, pole vaulting, spelunking, tobogganing, etc.)

    I guess my point is this – if you think you know what’s best for someone else, then someone else may know what’s best for you.

  • March 28, 2005 at 9:09 am
    Rudy says:
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    OK. This is my opinion on the helmet law, seat belts, air bags, anti-lock brakes, etc.
    First I would like to say that it is my opinion as a motorcycle rider for the past 35 years that it should be the rider’s option as to wheather or not they should wear a helmet. I ride with and without depending on the circumstances I think I may come across.
    As for “cages” with all of their so-called safety equipment. i.e. seatbelts, etc. I have a suggestion. BAN ALL “SAFETY” EQUIPMENT!!!
    There was a time when people actually paid attention and “drove” their vehicles, not simply ride around behind the steering wheel. IT’S TRUE!!!
    It was a time when seatbelts hadn’t been heard of, a “cell” phone was what you used to call someone to bail you out, air bags were..er..still are in politics, and anti-lock brakes were you pressing on the pedal hard enough to stop without skidding out of control.
    Some of you may remember these times. Others have heard about thes times as folk tales or urban legends but I’m here to tell you that those times were real.
    Unfortunatly the government has made it so ANY idiot can drive a car, truck, or SUV and feel like they are indestructable because of all of the “safety” fetures that have been mandated by “big brother”.
    This is MY opinion….Ban ALL safety features. Ban cell phone use while driving. If it’s that important of a call they’ll call back. Bring back unpadded, STEEL dash boards, no ABS, no airbags, no seatbelts, no collapsable steering columns, NONE OF IT!! And let the thinning begin.

  • March 28, 2005 at 11:30 am
    Dan says:
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    Read your Constitition instead of guesing!
    No branch of our Government has a right to grant any individual a “privilege” but, its supposed to protect your rights! Like your right to choose! Your right about insurance though but, explain why Mi. insurance for my 2003 FLHTCI is $640 a yr., while the same coverage if I lived in Milwaukee, Wi. would be $266 a yr. Try telling me Mi. insurance companies don’t have the market cornered and abused with their MCAA fee.

  • April 4, 2005 at 1:09 am
    Jeannell says:
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    I absolutely agree that helmets are good and should be worn by anyone under 21. I am not opposed to someone wearing their helmet, I just want to be given the CHOICE. I am sick of the government telling us what we can and can’t have/use. How many uninsured motorists are out there killing people? How many drunk drivers are still driving without a license???

  • April 8, 2005 at 8:29 am
    Jean Tremblay says:
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    Its sad when we legislate everything a person must do to keep them safe. Its our freedom of choice to wear a helmet, I feel twice as safe riding my bike, considering I am not drinking my coffee on my cell phone and trying to light up while I am driving.

  • April 24, 2005 at 10:19 am
    steve danville says:
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    We are Morons ?
    My IQ test was 140.
    Go figure.
    Perhaps you are wrong about a couple things.

  • April 24, 2005 at 10:52 am
    steve danville says:
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    If Bikers are safer with helmets when those SUV’s pull out in front of them…Then.. let’s continue this theme..Ford exployer drivers roll over often…Those drivers and passangers would be safer in a roll over with a helmet.

    Hey Govenor – Make that a law !

    Most all anti freedom opinions are from non bikers. Ya’ll should put a 3 ponnd weight on your head for a day then write your opinion.

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