Seafood Restaurant McCormick & Schmick Faces Md. Race Bias Suit

April 23, 2008

  • April 23, 2008 at 3:13 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    we don’t have enough information to make a decision here, let’s not jump off a cliff. I am concerned you cited the ‘Walgreen’s’ case as proof of racial bias; that case was a load of crap.

    Is there racial bias out there? Sure, but those who suggest it’s just like it always was are really doing damage to their alleged cause. And don’t put down the role Condi has played in govt, she’s probably the smartest person to ever hold that role.

    We’ve all seen many a company get held hostage by the litigation costs of unsubstantiated complaints. I do have a hard time believe an established business with a top notch reputation is going to hire a group by then systematically assign those employees so they make less money due to the size of their table…That kind of thinking takes too much energy to manage…even someone with a racist grudge would have a problem getting that done just right. It sounds more like opportunistic paranoia, but let’s see what the facts indicate.

  • April 23, 2008 at 3:14 am
    Peter says:
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    Having dealt with a ton of EPL claims, I find most of them to be bogus. People love to use the race card, gender card, age card, discrimination card, etc. when they don’t get what they believe they are entitled to. I would say that 9 out of 10 EPL claims ar truly bogus. Hopefully one day, people, the Courts and jurys will hear the “wolf cry” and realize it for the b.s. that is truly is.

  • April 23, 2008 at 3:40 am
    Allan says:
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    When was the last time you heard any other nationality use that term? Probably never. Do you ever wonder why the only people on the face of the planet who consistently cry “racism” are blacks? They invented the word and aren’t likely to let it go anytime soon, particularly when it serves them so well. “If the only tool you have is a hammer……..every problem looks like a nail”.

    I have to agree with Peter’s comments as they mirror my own experience with EPL claims. At some point in time, blacks will have to realize that reliance on the “race card” isn’t getting them very far. If they aren’t getting what they want, maybe they should start with an honest self-assessment. Nobody owes them a job. Just like everyone else, blacks need to EARN a job. If they don’t they dress, speak, and act professional enough to work with the public then they don’t deserve those positions.

  • April 23, 2008 at 3:48 am
    Brokette says:
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    Well, Saints Fan, I’m one of those bitter Americans clinging to my beliefs because I’d like the government to stay out of my way. Every encounter I have with a governmental agency leads to frustration. I don’t need FEMA, the FBI or Homeland Security to help me get or keep a job. I’ll never build a home below sea level or on a beach. I’m just not that stupid. The government nor any insurance company can keep you from risk. People have come to EXPECT freedom from risk. They are unrealistic.

    We’re on the cusp of getting a black President, huh? And look who’s been put up–a junior senator with almost zero federal experience. Great choice! And THIS is the crux of this whole discrimination issue. When a minority doesn’t get what they think they’re entitled to, they shout discrimination and a few of you kick in with the white guilt. There’s your BS, brother. You get ahead via knowledge (gained through that obsolete factor known as education) and experience. Deal with it!

  • April 23, 2008 at 3:52 am
    InsureExec says:
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    Saints Fan: Can you get into more detail about this and explain exactly what you mean. Be specific and do not be vague.

    My prediction is you will not response or won’t respond with anything specific as you don’t want to admit you are a hypocrite.

  • April 23, 2008 at 3:57 am
    Brokette says:
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    Oh, come on, InsureExec, you know what he’s really calling Dr. Rice–an Uncle Tom. She doesn’t toe the race line so she’s a fish out of water.
    Joycelyn Elders is his idea of a effective bureaucrat.

  • April 23, 2008 at 4:05 am
    Ray says:
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    Well put Brokette. One has to wonder why after all these years, blacks haven’t been able to produce real contenders for responsible positions like the President of the United States. There’s been a virtual drought since Dr. King who I admired. If you look around all you see are the Jesse’s and Reverand Al’s doing the only thing they know……..playing the race card while offering nothing new and constructive. I’m beginning to question whether they’re capable of delivering more qualified contenders.

  • April 23, 2008 at 4:23 am
    InsureExec says:
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    Drought of black talent? I disagree, also usually the President is not the most talented person out there. The problem is, when someone like Condi Rice succeeds, this is the worst thing that can happen to the so-called black leadership. The last thing they want is to see black success. Their jobs depends on keeping their own people down, that is why Condi is hated so much! Does liberal America hate Condi as much as they hate Karl Rove? Of course they hate Condi more, she is a black woman, how dare she disobey them! Sadly, these phonies think that black people should not have minds of their own. Racism must stop from every angle, is that agreed Mr Sants fan??? Quit with the hypocracy!

  • April 23, 2008 at 4:33 am
    Scott says:
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    You may want to consider some facts about Baltimore City:

    64.34% Black or African American
    31.63% White

    38.5% – High school graduation rate
    52.1% – High school dropout rate
    26.1% – Percentage of people without high school degree
    38.0% – Percentage of population not literate

    Could these statistics be a factor in this allegation of discrimination?

  • April 24, 2008 at 7:36 am
    johnny says:
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    Malcolm X meet Peter and his friend Wolf. Your post was not only full of b.s but it was boring, long winded, full of half truthks and complete lies. Please get off your cross as some people really need the nails.

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