Jury Finds N.Y. Knicks’ Coach Harrassed Former Exec

October 4, 2007

  • October 5, 2007 at 9:24 am
    John R. says:
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    Congrats………..yes you did. Glad someone appreciated the attempt at humor to lighten up this slog.

  • October 5, 2007 at 9:28 am
    Melissa says:
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    lastbat…….actually, if she was sincere, it would be nice for her to donate all the money to a black college or other women’s organization that would benefit from her “standing up for all women”. If this suit wasn’t about the money, it should have been a claim for injunctive relief. It’s ALWAYS about the money.

  • October 5, 2007 at 10:04 am
    KLS says:
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    Sorry. That one escaped me.

  • October 5, 2007 at 10:20 am
    African Pride says:
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    Since Black’s “colorful language” is considered an entree by the majority to say whatever then I guess all Blacks can call White people “rednecks” or go the way of George Jefferson and use the “H” word which has not been used on network TV on a regular basis since then (except on cable when Dave Chappelle had a show).

    Every race has racial epithets they want to use amongst themselves – every race has a level of comfort with using certain racial slurs but with Black people it’s considered a double standard. That’s typical white-speak for “I wish I could sling the “N” word around like they do but I’d get slapped wih a big fat lawsuit.” The thing is you don’t have to say it verbally. On these postings you type it subjectively and in the workplace you think it. For the man that said he remembered when harass was two words – what does that tell you? He thinks of women as objects of sexual desire but he can’t exactly throw it out there verbally or else he’ll end up like Isaiah Thomas.

    (Also, when I throw out so-called racial comments it’s when others like to abuse free speech and type exactly what they feel on the Insurance Journal. So getting ganged up on is not fearful for me. I like telling it how it is and if you don’t like it then let the mud-slinging begin. As a young person I do not care and I love being an American being I am entitled by birth to free speech. Also, I come from a long line of americans that have fought for this country and then had to come back home to racism and fight a whole other war).

    Oh and I loooooooove the preface of “oh I’m not trying to be racist defense” and “don’t take this the wrong way”. That sends a red flag. This is about harassment plain and simple. So what if she was a black woman and you put “aggressive”. You have to be in any career if you want to get anywhere and being aggressive is not indigenous to one race or one sex. What you’re really trying to say is that since she’s Black and making that much money which in your pea brain you think does not happen often for Black people of either sex is that she and others should have to put up with their environment. Everyone has a breaking point and if she wanted to reach the level of $500K, she wasn’t going to get there with the hostile environment she was working in. No women of ANY race should have to put up with harassment and if there are deep pockets then go girl and get your paper (colorful comment here). You can’t exactly sue the garbageman and hope to get any money or your fellow teacher personally but you can sue the school system for hiring him so what’s the difference?

    Should she donate to charity or women’s causes? Only if she wants to. She has THREE kids. Since she won so much then she and all other women (Merill Lynch, etc) should all donate – not just her. Some people just do not like to see that much money going to one person. Let’s be honest here.

  • October 5, 2007 at 10:25 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    Well said African Pride.

  • October 5, 2007 at 10:38 am
    Stat Guy says:
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    Your words: “Every race has racial epithets they want to use amongst themselves “….That is a part of the black experience that is foreign to me, something I cannot relate to….do you really think there is a favorite racial epithet that my friends and I use between us, about ourselves? I have no idea why blacks ever used that term and it mystifies me why it continues in your community. but that’s not something I want to debate here. What I want to say is that this lawsuit will be paid for by someone other than the knicks and Isaiah but we aren’t talking about getting justice here, we’re talking about someone getting PAID! when I was an intern, my boss, the top lawyer in the office, said that in legal matters, the last thing that really matter is TRUTH and JUSTICE. the system is about retribution and revenge…getting even, not setting the record straight. This was bad publicity for all involved but c’est la vie, c’est le guerre

  • October 5, 2007 at 10:53 am
    Nebraskan says:
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    I don’t think it’s limited to just racial epithets….a girlfriend of mine and I are ALWAYS calling each other some form of fat…cause we are. but if some skinny girl called me fat, oh believe me there would be a problem.

    i know dang well she understands what it’s like to be misjudged by something so trivial. not saying i walk around everyday with people staring at me or moo-ing at me, but i’ve had my moments. and it’s infuriating. and my friend can understand that. it’s taking something derogatory someone else said and owning it.

  • October 5, 2007 at 10:57 am
    African Pride says:
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    Stat guy,

    It’s not just a black experience but there are other people of other races that use racially insensitve words too (i.e. The Redneck Comedy Tour). Alot of white people would get offended if I called them that and I could say –“well you use it”. If you do not use it personally, that’s your call dude.

    Yes, the insurance company will pony up (D & O, etc.) but hey – when you hire the wrong people and testosterone gets a little heavy and some men act like the pack of wolves they are then anything is bound to happen. Sometimes you have to hit people in the wallets and if Isaiah refused to admit any wrongdoing then hey someone was going to pay. Do people have to lose limbs in order for people not to say they’re looking for a hand-out? PLEASE! If you sue a corporation, sue the Klan, sue the school system – yes there are others that have to pay along with the defendants. Tough titty!

  • October 5, 2007 at 11:01 am
    Jerry Rigg says:
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    And I can remember when Harassment was 3 words – as in “a fond memory” of days gone by.

  • October 5, 2007 at 11:02 am
    Al says:
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    She said titty. Does that offend any Titty-Americans?

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