Two Fox News Employees Sue, Claiming Toxic Mold in TV Studio

January 31, 2006

  • February 1, 2006 at 3:12 am
    D says:
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    No, actually I consider myself a liberal, and Alan Colmes is not representative of who I am…if that\’s the best that Fox can do for a differing point of view, then how \”fair and balanced\” are they?

    At least you can have a sense of humor about your shortcomings.

  • February 1, 2006 at 3:32 am
    NoProofRadio says:
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    As you know, Fox regularly features the likes of Bob Beckel, Susan Estritch, Paul Bagala, etc. Alan Combs is a typical liberal, by the way. The primary quality of a liberal is disregard for the facts in favor of sentiment, symbolism over substance, etc. Alan fits that bill perfectly. He\’s right out of central casting.

    Liberalism is irrationality masquerading as a political philosophy. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it is a mental disorder as far as I\’m concerned. It treats people as if they don\’t know what\’s good for them, cannot help themselves, are victims of those \”more fortunate,\” etc.

    Liberalism is envy writ large. It exploits guilt and pity and satisfies neither, which is why it is still around: like the horse leech and her sister, whose names are More and More.

  • February 1, 2006 at 3:58 am
    H says:
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    \”It treats people as if they don\’t know what\’s good for them, cannot help themselves, are victims of those \”more fortunate,\” etc. \”

    And Republicans tell people they aren\’t smart enough to do their own family planning, either by choosing when and how to become parents or when to end ones life in a dignified manner when death is imminent. Liberals endorse the right to chose- when did that become such a bad thing in a country dedicated to freedom?

  • February 1, 2006 at 4:05 am
    NoProofRadio says:
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    Terry Schaivo didn\’t have a choice, and neither did 50 million unborn children. Abortion is not \”family planning,\” it\’s infanticide, which has only recently come back into vogue in what was formerly considered Christendom.

    So it\’s like like I said, liberals think they know what\’s best for others – even when to kill them, even the most innocent of them. Thanks for confirming my point.

  • February 1, 2006 at 4:23 am
    Pro Life says:
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    The best way to end abortion is to let all who believe it is their right to kill innocent unborn babies continue to kill their own and we will eventually be rid of them all.

  • February 1, 2006 at 4:27 am
    NoProofRadio says:
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    That is as execrable as any pro-abortion argument. The point that you are muissing is that the babies are innocent. It\’s not that they are destined to grow up liberals Democrats or something. They are all redeemable. And whether or not you want to believe it, the grandchildren of pro-lifers are aborted too.

  • February 1, 2006 at 4:46 am
    D says:
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    And so the insults continue.

    I hope all of you have a great day.

  • February 1, 2006 at 4:50 am
    NoProofRadio says:
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    Again you illustrate my point. You can advocate pulling babies apart in utero, but at least you are nice about it. That is the essence of liberalism, what someone once referred to as the banality of evil.

  • February 2, 2006 at 10:10 am
    stat guy says:
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    I don\’t EVER watch FoxNews; it is more like a scandal sheet than a news outlet. And I don\’t watch much network news either, because by the time they get it, it\’s already history….

  • February 2, 2006 at 11:40 am
    stat guy says:
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    I quote you….\”The primary quality of a liberal is disregard for the facts in favor of sentiment, symbolism over substance, etc.\” Conservatives, instead, just shout down their opposition.

    \”Liberalism is irrationality masquerading as a political philosophy. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it is a mental disorder as far as I\’m concerned. It treats people as if they don\’t know what\’s good for them, cannot help themselves, are victims of those \”more fortunate,\” etc.

    Liberalism is envy writ large. It exploits guilt and pity and satisfies neither, which is why it is still around: like the horse leech and her sister, whose names are More and More.\” Your words…

    What kind of crap is this? It is easy for \”conservatives\” to reduce any argument to name calling. Always making things an \”us who know better\” against \”those idiots\”….do you ever do any real thinking? Or is it easier to let someone else do it for you, like your buddy Rush Bombast? the great voice of the right who is hiding behind some liberal lawyer\’s interpretation of the fourth amendment instead of going to jail like the common criminal that he is? The right has been out of power so long that they forgot that they were accorded minority rights by the majority; now as the majority, they want to spend their political capital by trashing everyone who disagrees with them. I listen to all kinds of sources, read several papers and can make up my own mind. Not everyone makes up their mind by checking with their political party first…..

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