underground coal mines News

New Federal Coal Mine Dust Rules Now in Effect

Underground coal mines will ramp up testing for the dust that causes breathing problems and leads to black lung disease under a new federal rule taking effect Monday. The U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration is requiring coal operators to …

Indiana Tapped $10M for Damaged Homes for Bioscience

A state lawmaker concerned about Indiana’s recent move to dip into a fund set aside for repairs to homes damaged by soil shifting above old coal mines wants the state’s insurance commissioner to lower the premiums homeowners in the state’s …

MSHA’s New ‘Examinations’ Rule for Underground Coal Mines Take Effect

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration’s final rule “Examinations of Work Areas in Underground Coal Mines for Violations of Mandatory Health or Safety Standards,” which was published April 6, 2012, in the Federal Register, became effective …

MSHA Says Violations at U.S. Coal Mines Down in 2011

Coal operators across the country are changing the way they work and mines are becoming safer. But the head of the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration says there are still many who “don’t get it.” MSHA chief Joe Main …