disaster resilience News

Disaster-Mitigation Programs May Be Cut, Despite Proven Savings

Federal programs to protect Americans against extreme weather and other natural disasters save even more money than previously thought, according to a report funded by the same agencies that have proposed cutting many of those programs. Contractor’s crew is nailing …

Hazard Mitigation Program Aims to Strengthen Louisiana Against Storms

Louisiana will spend nearly $277 million in federal cash it received after last year’s floods to fortify communities against future disasters, mainly through drainage improvements and buyouts of flood-prone properties. Gov. John Bel Edwards is traveling the state to announce …

New Resilience Study Aids Governments in Preventing Disaster-Related Loss

Hurricanes, wildfires, tsunamis and other disasters cannot be stopped, but countries can plan for them — something some areas of the world seem to do better than others, according to a new study published in the journal Risk Analysis. Oceania, …

New Study Suggests Actions Can Change Outcomes in Wildfires

A new study of Colorado’s devastating 2012 Waldo Canyon wildfire demonstrates that prompt and effective action can significantly change the outcome of fires that occur in areas where residential communities and undeveloped wildlands meet. The study by the U.S. Department …

Marking 10 Years Since Katrina, Consumer Agency Calls for Stiffer Building Codes

A Florida-based consumer advocacy group has outlined six recommendations to strengthen U.S. system of building code development, adoption and enforcement. The nonprofit Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) released its latest paper, Disaster Resilience Rising Means the Time is Right, …