burnout News

Workers’ Comp and Mental Health: Panel Examines Why Worker Wellbeing Matters

American workers are struggling. Employee stress has reached record highs. Symptoms and formal diagnoses of mental illnesses like anxiety, depression and PTSD are rising. Substance abuse disorders are up, too – as are suicide rates in some demographics. Understanding how …

Burnout in Firefighters Linked to Sleep Issues, Mental Health Concerns

Firefighters who feel burned out often experience sleep issues, which also increases their risk of emotional fatigue, exhaustion and health problems, researchers say. Nearly half of U.S. firefighters are likely experiencing burnout and associated health problems, the study authors report …

Study Suggests Ways to Take Better Workday Breaks

Most people take breaks during their workdays. Coffee breaks. Lunch breaks. Short chats with coworkers. Maybe late afternoon walks around the building. But are they taking the best type of breaks? Breaks that boost energy, concentration and motivation? Two Baylor …