Stock Ticker Style Feed (Java) Setup

Stock ticker style scroller with some neat features. Great for running along the top of your website.

View Example 1 | View Example 2

STEP 1: Copy and Paste

Simply copy and paste the following into your HTML page where you would like the news ticker to appear:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>

Or if you would like to customize the look, copy and paste the following into your HTML page:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=" regions=national,west,southcentral,southeast,east,midwest, international&width=100% &height=20&y=15&font=arial &linkcolor=FFCC00&linkhilite=CCCCCC&fontsize=12 &fontstyle=2&regfontsize=12&regcolor=FFFFFF &bgcolor=333333&bdr=0&bdrcolor=333333 &mouseover=slow&delay=16&newwin=1"></script>

Note: After pasting the code into your HTML document, please make sure that all code is on a single line, with no spaces between the characters.

STEP 2: Customize it (optional)

The following describes optional settings you can use to match the look and feel of your own website.

Attribute Description
width Width of ticker (in percent or pixels)
height Height of ticker (in pixels)
y Distance of text from top of ticker (in pixels)
delay Scroller speed delay (higher number = longer delay)
bgcolor Background color of the ticker
bdr Sets optional border around the ticker. If set to 1 then ticker will have a border of bdrcolor
bdrcolor Border color example: bdrcolor=0000CC
font Set the font face (single value only) example: font=verdana
fontsize Font size (in points)
Set the font style
1 normal
2 bold
3 italic
example: fontstyle=2 will set text font to bold
regfontsize Font size of region headings (in points)
regcolor Font color of the region names
linkcolor Color of article links

Color of article links onMouseOver

newwin If set to 1 then articles will open in a new window
mouseover Ticker behavior onMouseOver
Can be either slow or stop
A comma separated list (no spaces) of regions to include in the order you would like them to display. Allowed values for the regions are national, international, west, southcentral, southeast, east, midwest
example: regions=national,west,east will display only National and West and East News stories, National will be displayed first, East will be displayed last.

Other News Feed Instructions

Comments / Suggestions

Have a suggestion? Are you using our news feed on your site? Let us know. Be sure to send us a link to your site - we'd love to see it, and maybe even use it as an example.

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Terms of Use

The Claims Journal News Feed Services provided at no charge for both personal and commercial use and on an "as-is" basis. Any site that chooses to use this service specifically acknowledges and agrees that Claims Journal is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the News Feed Services.

The content of any news feed produced by the Claims Journal News Feed Services may not be altered beyond the provided means detailed above, including but not limited to, changing the headlines and links. Credit to Claims Journal must not be removed. Use of RSS and XML content must provide credit to Claims Journal. If you are interested in a white labeled (unbranded) news feed or content syndication, please contact Josh Whitlow at