Calif. Workers’ Comp System Inadequate in Replacing Lost Earnings

January 11, 2011

  • January 11, 2011 at 7:15 am
    jp says:
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    You do realize the rationale behind work comp, right?

    …to rectify the damage done to an employee for a debilitating injury caused by their employment.

    Or, we can take your approach and just roll back the clock to pre-industrial revolution. Someone get’s hurt? Screw ’em… just move them out of the way so we can keep the assembly-line going… right?

  • January 11, 2011 at 3:40 am
    Reed says:
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    They should have purchased a disability policy to protect themselves.

  • January 12, 2011 at 8:34 am
    Rasmus says:
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    JP….no need be a “richard”. WC has become just another antiquated social giveaway. Most WC claims could/should have been prevented BY THE WORKER. The fear of getting sued spawned this industrial era program. Thanks again to personal injury attorneys for forcing employers to play defense when they shouldn’t have to. Having dealt with hundreds of WC claims in NYC, I can tell you that too many people almost welcome an injury that will guarantee them income for life. They’re affectionately nicknamed “pension claims” for a good reason.

    Some work is prone to physical injury, particularly in the construction trades. These are inherent, non-preventable situations. So somebody works a few months, hurts their back, then BINGO? That doesn’t set well with most hard working people.

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