Wash.’s Kreidler Testifies before Congress on Climate Change

May 10, 2007

  • May 11, 2007 at 1:39 am
    Linda says:
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    Algore you are about as annoying as Rosie.

  • July 16, 2007 at 1:30 am
    Mike says:
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    Kreidler’s words should not be surprising coming from a politician. As one who does not earn his pay from providing a service to people who voluntarily exchange their money for it but rather extracts his money through taxes extorted from those unfortunate enough to be in his “jurisdiction,” Kreidler either cannot understand, or refuses to understand what private businesses face. Yes, Mr. Kreidler, insurance companies will deal with increased losses and threats to their profits-whether those threats are due to “climate change,” or any of a number of other factors. They will do so by paying attention to risk selection, pricing, claims handling, underwriting and an incalculable number of concerns that no government bureaucrat will ever understand; after all, if an insurance company, or any other private business, miscalculates badly enough it goes out of business. What happens when a government entity (inevitably) fails? It screams for a larger budget and more power.

    Anyone who has even the faintest memory of recent history will recall that the 1970’s saw the prediction of a grave threat to “the planet” and all of mankind. According to these doomsayers, man’s industrial activities-burning of petroleum based fuels, use of cars, et. al.-would inevitably lead to global…..cooling! Fortunately, that hysteria died out. But today, it has been resurrected as the global warming religion. As even a cursory glance of most mainstream media sources will show, anyone who parrots the prescribed orthodoxy is given the most solemn attention. Those who dare to even question 1) whether in fact the earth is warming and/or 2) whether mankind’s activities are having any effect on climate are instantly dismissed as “dupes of the oil industry” or “crackpots.” On that score, mankind’s activities contribute only 5% of “greenhouse gases” with the remainder coming from plant and animal activity-ever see that mentioned on TV?

    It’s amazing that meteorologists with the most sophisticated equipment on earth have trouble predicting the weather two weeks ahead. Who then are these anointed experts that claim to be able to predict the weather 50 or 100 years into the future? If they really could do that, then perhaps they could hire themselves out to agricultural concerns who would be willing to pay them a fortune to pinpoint weather patterns years into the future.

    So please Mr. Kreidler, go back to collecting your stamping fees and excess taxes and leave science to those with the integrity, humility and honesty necessary to pursue it in an unbiased manner.

  • July 16, 2007 at 1:36 am
    Tiberius says:
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    You folks are forgetting the basic forumula Kreidler and others of his ilk live by: “government gooooood! private, for-profit businesses baaad! Except of course when the private businesses make money from which we extract our extortion fees-oops!-I mean taxes!”

    Do your duty and do not question government! Government is made up of perfect men and women who have the answer to every human problem that has ever been, is now, and ever will be!

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