Alaska Workers’ Compensation Bill Goes into Overtime

May 12, 2005

  • June 21, 2005 at 10:30 am
    Henry Coe Jr says:
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    I have been in the W/C health care system in Florida since Sept 2002. From Sea to shinning Sea, it seems that Workers Compensation reform has one thing in common from state to state.

    No one is considering changes needed with the injured worker in mind. Workers Compensation reform doesn’t include improving the system for the injured person and no one cares.

    I guess the injured workers of today are being punished for the abuses of those who ripped off the system in years gone by.

    I think it is going to take a bunch of cripples commiting crimes and acting out inappropriately on a regular basis for any legislature to see a need for changes.

    When you see some story in the news about someone commiting a crime against a boss, or someone commits suicide and they are blaming it on pain medications, better check to see if that individual has been trying to recieve health care through work comp. Or if he /she has been getting jerked around with their money benifits.
    They need to give injured workers a class in prelaw along with a course on how to behave in a Statesman like manner, when your in pain and no one cares and you have to go through a maze of legal BS to get an appointment schedualed that you will still have to wait a couple of months for even after the legal dickering.

    Other idea for education classes for the injured worker are.

    How to read a PDR- physician desk reference, so you can buy the right medication on the street while your waiting on legal delays for authorizations to get a new pain management doctor.

    How to recognise when it is more cost effective for a doctor to screw you over on behalf of an insurance company, than to actually take care of you.

    How your local officials recieve additional campain contribution for givin a blind eye to the truth.

    How local health care providers are working with local law enforcement to fight crime and fruad while at the same time helping to keep W/C premiums down by framing injured workers into having pill problems instead of pain problems.

    Since the task of going up against all the powers that be is a tramendous ordeal and impossible for someone who is disabled and cripple, while I don’t have the information together yet, I think there is a need for another book about ” How to phuck them basterds up with out causing additional pain to yourself”
    That would only be useful for those who have already been through doing things the right way and are still getting screwed and lacking in needed care so they can get on with thier lives.

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