Nulls attorney was also providing the operating capital for Riverwood Construction. He would be suing himself. We settled for 50K which came from sub contractors named in the suit and extras which we had stopped payment on. Null walked away paying nothing out of pocket. We knew the insurance company would win their case. Riverwood had no builders insurance at the time of our homes construction. It is not required in Alabama. On top of that there was a 10K error in Riverwood’s favor at closing which was never recovered.
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Looks like an E&O claim could be filed against Null’s personal counsel. He should have advised him to report the claim sooner.
Nulls attorney was also providing the operating capital for Riverwood Construction. He would be suing himself. We settled for 50K which came from sub contractors named in the suit and extras which we had stopped payment on. Null walked away paying nothing out of pocket. We knew the insurance company would win their case. Riverwood had no builders insurance at the time of our homes construction. It is not required in Alabama. On top of that there was a 10K error in Riverwood’s favor at closing which was never recovered.