Court to Hear State Farm Appeal of $2.7 Million Miss. Katrina Award

November 2, 2007

  • November 5, 2007 at 3:46 am
    Dustin says:
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    BTW, adjusterjoe, I agree that the industry is cyclical in its ROE. From Fortune magazine and III, in 1975, the ROE was 2.4%, in 1977 19%, 1984 1.8%, 1987, 17.3%, 1992 4.5%, 1997 11.6%, 2001 -1.2%, 2006 14%.

  • November 5, 2007 at 4:26 am
    Mary B. says:
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    “and the policies exclude damage that could have been caused by a combination of both, even if hurricane-force winds preceded a storm’s rising water.'”

    The above quote is pretty clear to me and, I think, to most people with a reading level over a 3rd grader. Maybe the people in the Mississippi Gulf are really that stupid.

    And gill… why punies? Because these people are American and they are major gold digging, money grubbing whores. Not to say that we all are but these people are mean, mediocre and full of entitlement.

  • November 6, 2007 at 8:45 am
    mmagnolia says:
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    All Dears: MM[2ms]agnolia, here! Thanks4shade, JPR– but this girl can stirfry crow for our aaaasuming Gill Fin [sorry, am neither aaaattorney nor attorney but also lovable]. BTW: Dustee & Adjustee , my gut senses that your words flow with industry allegiance and skimpy regard for objective disclosure—that’s just my gut! Of course, subjectivity always trumps meanspiritedness which our Miss Mary served. My point was & is simple, as am I. ‘Lettuce’ shred percentages in favor of dishing cash dollars as more pertinent numbers. Most of us know that percentages can be made relative but warm soft cash always is relevant! Last time within decade [BTW: a decade within the 1905-2005 century which included ONE Katrina/Rita] that I studied wall street’s journals, banking/insurance ppprofit stood in bbbillions, even per quarter, and that is the yummy turkey on my platter. If 2007-dollars appreciably are different in reverse, enlightenment will be my thrill! Finally: we can exhale and go forth happily & peacefully to make sweet profits BUT–please–never on broken backs of planet siblings because therein, no profit truly can reside. Amen, Awomen & Alleluia!

  • November 6, 2007 at 12:41 pm
    James P. Reilly says:
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    Adjuster Joe & Dustin
    You are letting this get far too personal. Find a way to swap e-mail addresses and have at it.
    To the rest of us, leave poor Magnolia alone. She has demonstrated her ignorance, no need to beat her brains in.
    As to coombining wind and flood coverage, it sounds like a good idea on the surface. Unfortunately, you would take the rating (pricing) out of the hands of an insurance professional and hand it over to some congressman who has to run for re-election every two years. Guess what would happen tho the fiscal soundness of that progran (think NFIP, Social Secutrty etc.)

  • November 6, 2007 at 1:22 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    Right 100%. In my years there are few, if any gov’t programs that are successful vs being run in the private sector.

  • November 10, 2007 at 1:49 am
    ugadogs1 says:
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    Want to address the Mutual in State Farm.

    State Farm announces $1.25 billion mutual auto policyholder dividend – testing
    When you buy a product, it’s rare you get any of your money back. But that’s what’s happened for millions of State Farm Mutual policyholders who will receive dividends totaling $1.25 billion, as State Farm Mutual’s Board of Directors declared the largest dividend in Company history.

    Oh I guess you think that money should have gone to people in states with bad courts and bad risks. Instead it went to states where losses were less than expected and returned to those that paid the premium. Sounds better than to stockholders to me.

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