Industry Groups Applaud Gov. Bush for Vetoing No-Fault Extension

June 1, 2006

  • June 6, 2006 at 10:10 am
    Get off the Fence says:
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    You are obviously ignorant and a chiropractor or PIP attorney who got lucky and passed the bar. PIP Fraud is in part construed by over zealous Providers, primarily Chiros who run up thousands in bills on non-injured patients. Every state in the union has IME\’s. In some they are regulated. However, most are performed to Board Standards set by a real Acrreditaion Society. The American Board of Independent Medical Examiners. I agree paper IME\’s are bad and the AIA should get real.

    You state that 90% are determined to need no further treatment. Well haw many times does a claimant need their neck cracked until they are done treating? 100 to 200 visits at $300 each. Treatment parameters are a necessity.

    Read the Literature people who are genuinely injured get the proper care. Do you think a lawyer really wants to take a case to court with $75,000 in medical payments for a soft tissue injury? No, he wants the adjuster to make a mistake so he can get $2,500 at a pop on missed interest payments. There is no BI/UM settlement he does not care!

    I agree with you on the money, politics are so dirty its not funny. Unfortunately, its a bad game we all play.

    Bottom line reform PIP in Florida with a fee schedule, some nationally accepted treatment guidelines, and litigation reform is a good idea. It lets everybody still make a living.

    I have worked in tort states Believe me it becomes a no-pay situation quickly in tort why do you think the insurance companies want it so bad.

    One last note on IME\’s I would put most any Board Certified Examiner I know against one of the PIP mills physicains any day in court, at least we know they have a real license without discipline and Board actions.

    Also the consumer will lose BIG in a TORT STATE where are the consumer groups in this battle?

  • June 6, 2006 at 11:38 am
    Brian O\'Neil says:
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    I have read numerous articles regarding PIP fraud and why insurance carriers want the coverage modified. One article states: \”the true beneficiaries of no-fault continue to be trial lawyers and shady medical providers, not consumers.\” I spent 8 years working in the automobile insurance claims field in Florida, working for 2 of the largest insurance companies in the state.

    Certainly, insurance fraud exists. However, the figures are grossly exaggerated by the AIA.
    These companies have consumers afraid to report a claim for fear of having their policy cancelled or their rates increased. I have spoken with hundreds of people involved in auto accidents who felt this way. Carriers have very strict procedures in place now to discourage people obtaining medical treatment after they have been injured in an accident.

    The insurance industry would have us all believe that 30-40 percent of all claims are bogus. This is nonsense.

    The AIA acutally wants PIP revised to allow \”paper IME\’s\”(Independent Medical Exams). Essentially, this means that if a person is injured and PIP is paying for their medical treatment, a doctor that is hired and paid by the insurance company can review their medical records, without ever seeing the patient in person and have his medical treatment terminated. That is ridiculous. Talk about a system that encourages fraud.

    The IME doctors make millions doing the IME\’s and the insurance companies save millions by cutting individuals off from medical benefits.

    Currently, the insurance companies pay doctors to do the IME\’s and 90% of the time, they cut the patient off from further medical treatment. However, at least they have to see the patient.

    As in the aforementioned example, these \”hired guns\” are paid by the insurance company to terminate patient benefits. If they write a report that says the patients is injured and requires additional medical treatment, the carriers will not continue to use them. There is an absolute monetary incentive for these IME doctors to cutoff treatment on every patient they see. The insurance companies will continue to hire them to write these reports. The insurance companies save millions by cutting off benfits to policyholders.

    Jeb Bush thinks that this is a great idea. That is scary.

    Since the ALL of the insurance companies contibute mega bucks to all of the politicians and provide them with slanted figures and reports, the politicians will continue to change laws so that they favor the multi-billion dollar corporations and stick it to the consumer.

    I really wish there was some way to wake up the general public about this nonsense. Unforunately, you can\’t get elected without big donations. Guess who has the money to make those big donations? The net result is that a large majority of the elected officials end up voting for laws or amendments backed by huge companies that paid for their election. It\’s a bad system.

    The real \”fraud\” is what the politicians are doing by accepting large contributions from billion dollar companies and voting for legislation that benefits these companies and hurts consumers. The general public has no idea and the subject of insurance does not interest them.

  • June 7, 2006 at 9:21 am
    Recovery Man says:
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    I\’m on the side of the genuine tort system. Buy health insurance if you want to be covered for injuries. Your own auto insurance is for vehicle damages! ! ! Why to people think their auto insurance should cover their injuries? If consumers will learn a little about the legal process as all should do, then there wouldn\’t be such a problem. It is the lazy attitude of us here in America that make it easy to say, give me money since I don\’t know how to go and get it myself.

  • September 3, 2006 at 10:48 am
    Stan says:
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    Ah, now I get it. UA-monster. UA is United Automobile insurance company. This is the company that Tom Gallagher helps out. UA never pays claims, rips off Floridians, and is a disgrace to the insurance industry. Thanks Tom Gallagher for helping a fraudulent insurance company continiu ripping us all off. I hope you dont get elected. You will realy ruin it for all consumers here in the state. And I like what you did with homowners insurance rates. That was great! Keep up the good work.

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