Fla. CFO Blasts Allstate for Increasing Its Rates Before Public Hearing

June 23, 2005

  • June 27, 2005 at 8:11 am
    Mr Obvious says:
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    IM Sure. Thanks for the newspaper article. it just shows how truly stupid Florida voters are. Not only do they keep Gallagher around but they voted his moronic predecessor as senator for doing such a good job on Insurance.

    Mr Obvious would like to answer Jim Kirkmans Homeowners premium question (albeit a little belatedly).

    You premium went up because:

    Florida gets hit by Hurricanes.
    Florida get hit by Tornandos
    Florida suffers some nice wildfires in dry years
    Florida has the highest incident rate of Lightning strikes and Claims in the US
    Florida has one of the highest Hail loss rates in the US
    Florida is a top 10 state for tornado claims.
    Florida has the highest cat loss rate in the US as well as the world
    Florida is one of the most corrupt and fraud ridden states is the US and world
    Florida consistently has one of the highest litigation rates in the US/World
    Florida is a giant sandbar which is not really a good material to build your house one.
    Florida’s regualatory enviroment does not adequately factor in any of the above.

    Offestting all of this bad news is the fact that Florida enjoys one of the lowest earthquake rates in country. Buy lots of earthquake cover. That should be one area where you should enjoy very low rates since there is little or no exposure.

  • June 27, 2005 at 9:15 am
    Fidel says:
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    I agree with many of the good citizens of Florida that you are being overcharged by those greedy and dishonest corporations. I would like to point out that just a short distance away is a tropical paradise that does not allow this kind of greed and dishonesty. You would not be overcharged by some evil corporation. I give you my word on this.

    We have established a utopia where corporations treat citizens as they should be treated and wise and altrustic leaders allow everyone to share in the fruit of the countrie’s labor for the good of all.

    We would welcome you with open arms and humbly ask that you consider moving to our fine island.

  • June 27, 2005 at 4:45 am
    Tracy Canale says:
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    The other side of the coin is that people chose to build their homes in an area that has a repetitive problem. Will any company insure a home in any state that has had the same loss conditions for years running? I think not. This is no different than the Californians that build homes in landslide or wild fire areas. I don’t think that $2200 is to bad considering the average loss from hurricanes in Florida is greater than $10,000.

  • July 15, 2005 at 12:09 pm
    tom says:
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    In ohio we have mandatory car insurance. The insurance co. take your money and use it to lobby(bribe) your government to make laws against you!Have you ever heard of an insurance company refunding premiums to a customer that had poor service? If you drive without it you can go to jail. I only drive 3 m out of the year but if I dont carry insurance for the whole year I lose my licence and my insurance goes up (you are considered high risk if you go more than 6 m without insurance!) If you really wanted to improve safety you should ban insurance, people would drive safer if they had personal responsability for an accedent. Tickets should not include fines(wich only hurt the poor) just points on your licence if you get to many points no driving for you. I’m currently working a contract at a major health insurer there are thousands of doctors nurses, radiologists, etc employed to deny health care!For every hour they work their is another healthcare worker at a hospital dealing with insurance paperwork instead of providing healthcare. So two thirds of our healthcare dollar is not being used for health care. That’s why health care is so expensive in the U.S. Remember you can always buy insurance from the mafia. You can get a loan from them(I new a person who got a better interest rate from the mob than was on his credit card!)

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