Gallagher Applauds As Gov. Bush Signs Homeowner’s Insurance Law

June 1, 2005

  • June 9, 2005 at 12:04 pm
    Joodi says:
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    Mr/ms point. I don’t understand your comment. What is your point? I’m pretty confident it must be sarcastic. Poor thing, are you too tired from ripping people off to embellish?

  • June 8, 2005 at 3:27 am
    Joodi says:
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    Mr. Obvious, you said, >>>>You may also find out that since they do not have the corrupt demagouges running the Insurance department you will probably save a lot of money on your insurance in all lines.

  • June 8, 2005 at 3:31 am
    Joodi says:
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    Part 2. (computer error) I was going to say, don’t count on it. I have lived in Oklahoma most of my live, and all public officials are bought and paid for. Where have all the cowboys gone-with their sixshooters?????

  • June 8, 2005 at 3:44 am
    Mr Obvious says:
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    Just remember that the level of corruption is much greater in a state built on sand with frequent and devestatiing Hurricanes restoring the land to its natural state.

    No corrupt Oklahoma Bureaucrat could ever hope to have mastery over a 20 billion dollar storm. In Florida it’s easily achievable to alter the market economics, mandate claims payments and issue phoney proclomations of “protecting the consumer” all under the desire to run for office.

  • June 8, 2005 at 5:39 am
    Joodi says:
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    Mr. Obvious, you have my sympathy. It seems that there is a handbook out there for corrupt politicians, because they work the people the same way. Every time they say they are going to do something, ‘for the good of THE PEOPLE’, we run for cover and wonder who’s turn it is to bend over.

  • June 9, 2005 at 8:06 am
    Mr. Obvious says:
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    In typical Floridian viewpoint it’s somehow my fault that you chose to build on an area unsuitable for residential development but then expect me to pay to replace and upgrade your residence when it’s destroyed. You then act shocked that rather than let premiums be determined by the marketplace you must ask your local governor wannabe to implement rate control practices similar to the socialist practices in the old USSR.

    I don’t really care where you build. However don’t ask for Federal money when the inevitable Hurricane occurs.

    You analogy on the Twin Towers is also moronic. An act of war against the US is hardly analogous to an expected and recurring weather pattern such as Hurricanes in Florida.

    It’s really a simple financial concept that you Floridians can’t, or won’t, seem to grasp. The greater the risk the expected rate of return. Even a 3rd grader knows you have a much greater chance of paying weather related claims on the coast of Florida than you do in Iowa. If thats the case then you should expect to pay a lot more premium. However you don’t since a corrupt gov wannabe prevents rates from developing to where they need to be.

  • June 11, 2005 at 7:56 am
    Just Making a Point says:
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    Mr Obvious:
    Have you ever heard of the expression: A horse with blinders on? Or, believing your own crap?

    Meaning, are you approaching this situation with empathy, understanding or with your eyes open OBJECTIVELY?

    How can you possibly blame this situation on the homeowners because they live in an area and their lives were destroyed because of the fact that Florida was walloped with hurricanes. This kind of situation has never happened in recordable history. Do you even care? What does the fact that people live here have to do with insatiable greed and man’s inhumanity to man? You are sad to me-the gift to another one in need and the returned gratitude are pricecless.

    Agreed, that there is corruption in the ranks of different leaders. But, why are you pointing fingers and deflecting the blame elsewhere than on the simple TRUTH?

    How can one possibly blame residents in Florida for the obtuse, sick greed of insurers fending only for themselves. Let me tell you something, if I was on a desert island-shipwrecked I wouldn’t want you on the island-You don’t have the tools to survive. Do you think that selfishness, self centeredness and blaming will help you survive and get to shore? Could you really do this alone? As a matter of fact-I’m sure with your selfishness I would leave you there. Fend for yourself, that’s what you’re doing. You’re opinion is not the consensus. Sorry, we’re all rather awake. Time to change, I feel sorry for you. You probably never will. The beauty is in giving and caring, you’ve missed out.

  • June 11, 2005 at 8:29 am
    Michael says:
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    Please let me interject a thought here between you two without trying to get in this fight! I recently had a routine checkup with my medical doctor, who’s no dummy, and is a Mid-Westerner. I gave him notice that I may be leaving the area to return to Florida to handle the insured policyholder’s insurance claims. He gave me the horse-laugh about Floridians not knowing any better than living in an area that is highly prone, naturally, to sustain hurricane damage. (It’s a job for me.)
    I understand the odds that Florida residents are at whether they set down roots in the beaches or swamps. So be it!
    It’s their choice, but it’s not right for them to expect the government(read:taxpayers) to step in and pay their losses.
    Twenty-five +/- years ago, Poinciana, a flat area prone to flooding, did not exist until the area developed with very affordable property for those people escaping areas of high taxes. I was assigned insurance claims in that area that was damaged by 3 hurricanes. I was gratified that I could help those who were insured to get their insurance payments.
    The problem I have with the state insurance commissioner’s actions are that he doesn’t seem to have a clue as to the time it takes for an experienced claims adjuster to do everything necessary to “thoroughly” assess the damage so that payment of the claim can be paid with enough documentation that the “succeeding” claims adjuster can understand what went before, and can thus pay any warranted supplemental claim amounts due. There is no crystal ball to call up and determine how much the damage is and how much to pay in a matter of a 30 minute visit with each policyholder; for that’s what would be necessary in order to comply with that kind of corny logic. Yes, much more time is required to handle the claim professionally and appropriately and build a paper trail that can be easily followed by others unfamiliar with the claim.
    With the kind of dictates that Gallagher wants, he’ll not find many willing and experienced claims adjusters to come to Florida and pay the high cost of lodging ($1800 per month in Kissimmee) plus food and laundry, vehicle maintenance, federal income taxes, social security taxes and equipment investment, to work just a few weeks to “look” at those claims and then leave the area, because the insurance companies will not pay the adjuster’s fees sufficient for them to cover their expenses and pocket a “reasonable” profit for being away from their homes, for the poor quality of work product that is only resultant of that kind of expectations from the insurance commissioner. One can only surmise what Gallagher is thinking. Apparently, a higher political office, because to think otherwise is only whistleing in the wind.
    I pray that no Floridians lose their lives or are injured in the next hurricanes.
    So, there!

  • June 11, 2005 at 10:07 am
    Just making another point. says:
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    Michael, your points were very insightful. I happen to agree with what you are saying and as an individual that is currently involved in this nightmare with Gallagher’s office and claims with my insurer, I have a birds eye view of some rather disturbing actions of both.

    Further, it is awfully refreshing to hear your perspective regarding claims with concern for the victims. That is a beautiful thing. You can’t expect respect and concern if you give the opposite.

    I am having a horrible time with my insurer. They have a gross disrespect for those that they are insuring. Who actually has the authority, and the responsibility of regulating and conducting a proper investigation of the insurance carrier? Since when did insurers begin to think that they are as powerful as one “arm” of the government. and behave as if they have any Administrative or Legislative power? Good information for the FBI to look into. What authority do Jeb Bush, Gallagher, Crist have? Also, how does one go about an Administrative Judicial review as well as a review with the Appraisal Review Board.

    Gallagher and Crist are two that I know are aiming at running for Governor. Democratically, I am not sure. If I were any of these people I would get on the side of the constituents because, in general, the public isn’t pleased-AT ALL. They all need to get their thumb to the pulse, because the people are not too happy. This won’t go over again, trust me.

  • June 13, 2005 at 8:08 am
    Mr. Obvious says:
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    Why and how did this become a political issue. Why is it that since you choose to build on sand in a hurrican prone area should my taxes go up.

    See, the real issue is that people like you keep making this a personal issue.

    It’s not. when you fail to plan and act prudently don’t expect others to involantarily come to your rescue. If I want to contribute to a charity to help out Floridians that’s my call. However when the government takes a sizable chunk of my paycheck so that you can rebuild I have a real issue with that.

    The fact is that since I live in the midwest and I don’t have a corrupt power hungry demagogue running may states insurance department for all of the wrong reasons I pay an actuarily sound amount for my homeowners policy. However since you have a little dictator running your departmnet you pay a tenth of what would pay if the competitive marketplace was functioning in Florida.

    Guess who pays the other 9/10’s? I sure you think the tooth fairy comes along and contributes but the fact is most times the federal goverment makes up the difference.

    If you make your living in insurance you really are pathetic. I’m sure you are the type to want you line of coverage fully unregulated but want this line artificially cotnrolled so that you individually benefit at the expense of everyone else.

    Go back to your russian homeland

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