Citizens to Dramatically Raise Fla. Premiums

January 11, 2005

  • January 17, 2005 at 3:55 am
    JK says:
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    As an agent, former company personal lines pricing mgr., and a Citizens insured, I understand the rate increases and am okay with it. Fortunately, we have a govt. that has stepped in as last resort. We were seeing good things happen this year: markets softening, companies getting more agressive, and the state beginning to look into the sinkhole problem. Then, we had several catastrophic hurricanes. Let Citizens raise the rates and the rate ceiling so regular companies can go back to writing in FL. I’ve lost 2/3 of my companies since August. The smart will thrive here now, there is a void in the marketplace. Unfortunately for FL homeowners, we’re realizing the costs of living here. People are getting forced out due to all housing costs but it is a fact of life. I don’t feel bad for the guy who can afford oceanfront property and stands to gain property value increases in the double digits each year. The cost of real estate in Key West has doubled in two years and is making millionaires of regular Joe fishermen. Its economics, we have enough demand, now let’s see some more supply.

  • January 19, 2005 at 12:10 pm
    Richard says:
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    I’m stuck with Citizens. After moving near the ocean, I was dropped by all insurance companies. I can’t get other coverage. Am I happy that my property is appreciating yes but it does not make me any richer. I rebuilt a 1967 dump that withstood both hurricanes with no damage! I was trying to fix the rest of it when the two came. So yeah tell me where to go to get insurance? Oh even when I demanded that no claim be filed on my homeowners but Citizens they did it anyway so now I still can’t even change homeowners policies! Why do I have a total distrust and dislike of insurance people simple, all I’ve had to deal with for the last five years is Citizens.

    I’ll get a clue, any one of you brave enough to offer me a decent homeowners policy with coverage for a hurricane on a duplex approximately 300 feet from the Atlantic????? I’ll be paying almost $7000 next year? for combined homeowners and wind any takers?

  • January 19, 2005 at 9:24 am
    JK says:
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    Hurricane exposure is your reality, and the cost of that oceanfront home includes high cost insurance, plain and simple. Not to mention taxes which I’m sure are riduculous as well. I owned waterfront property as well that has appreciated by over 2.5 times in 3 years since then. We just sold it and cashed in. Instead of whining about it, enjoy it. The insurance industry is highly regulated, they are not there to cheat you. The costs to insure that home in that area are simply that high. If that is more than you are willing to pay, sell it. I would bet you would have a buyer within the week. Sorry to snap back, but I have no patience for people unwilling to accept the full facts of the situation.

  • January 19, 2005 at 9:54 am
    John says:
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    Richard, what is the resale value of your rebuilt 1967 dump, I would assume it is many hundred times more than the cost of your insurance. Please don’t distrust insurance agents because of your dislkie for Citizens, You are stuck with Citizens because of politicians. Remember Tom Gallagher had the bright idea to help Florida consumers by creating Citizens Insurance. He thinks you should feel fortunate to have it, when in fact if he would approve other companies to make changes they would be cheaper, as required by law Citizens must be higher than regular insurance companies. Trust me if most insurance companies could get approved for rates anywhere near what citizens has it would create more competition in the market. It is rumored that legislation is looking at illiminating the windstorm zones and forcing companies to include the wind coverage in the policies, this could be a two edged sword. While making companies include wind sounds good, if they are not allowed a reasonable rate structure to do this, they will simply leave Florida. $7000 sounds pretty good to me for what your value is sure to be. On the West coast of Florida, a $200,000 policy 20 miles from water is running about $2000. I dont feel that sorry for you, it sounds like your property is worth millions.

  • January 27, 2005 at 4:20 am
    Christina says:
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    My mortgage company makes me carry it.

  • January 28, 2005 at 8:32 am
    richard says:
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    I know all the ramifications of living where I live. Like I said “insurance? what insurance, I’ve got Citizens!” That’s it. Oh by the way after constant *****ing and moaning, doing some detective work on the internet. I had my final settlement meeting with the Corporate Counsel of Citizens. In terms of how the game is played I’m satisfied. It only took a crappy first offer, 90 days of tracking down my “case” which is amazing, harrassing Tom Gallagher’s office, finding out all the top execs emails at citizens and some damned nasty emails. they decided they wanted to talk. They did and they paid, I wish I could get paid for my time and effort just to wind up $16,100 in the hole instead of $52,000. Gentleman and ladies, it has been quite an eye opening experience chatting with you insurance people. I’ll be back after the next hurricane (probably in about 7 months) till then. When I’m walking on my private beach and snook fishing in the Sebastian Inlet. I will think of all the wonderful people that make this Country great! Good Insurance! Gotta go have to practice on the redfish and pompano before I break out the snook rods and reels! Oh by the way I’m just a pretty poor state employee. Not no rich insurance pursen!Whewwweee! YeeeHaw!

  • January 30, 2005 at 2:39 am
    investigator says:
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    Richard, if you are the same person posting under that name earlier in this forum, I believe something is wrong.
    You stated earlier that you had NO damage from the storms. But you also indicated that you insisted that a claim NOT be filed. You wrote “I rebuilt a 1967 dump that withstood both hurricanes with no damage! I was trying to fix the rest of it when the two came. So yeah tell me where to go to get insurance? Oh even when I demanded that no claim be filed on my homeowners but Citizens they did it anyway”

    If you had no damage and felt the need to NOT file a claim, and you are not rich, then exactly how did your claim for no damage get initiated. and when are you going to give back the money you received form your arbitration, since you made it clear you had no damage and did not want a claim. I believe you probably dont even live in Florida, based on your previous statements (lies). Help me understand this obviously confusing mess. Also, if the $16,100 you say you are out of pocket, is actually your deductible, this would indicate that your shack by the Sea was insured for somewhere around $805,000.
    Apparently you are richer than most, you ARE whinning, and you are stuck with Citizens. In your case you belong there.

  • February 9, 2005 at 12:22 pm
    richard says:
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    smell this investigator! I said I was fixing up a 1967 shack. maybe you don’t understand english or you are just stupid. I have both Citizens for homeowners and wind. TWO SEPARATE POLICIES. They filed againt my homeowners and my wind when I made it clear the damage was from the hurricanes. I said that I was fixing up 1967 dump that withstood both hurricanes, I was FIXING UP THE REST OF IT WHEN THE TWO HURRICANES CAME. If you read a previous email, you have seen where I have an attached 1/1 apartment that helps me pay the outrageous insurance premiums that part was damaged. DOH! You’re name wouldn’t be Homer Simpson? Naw he’s to smart to be an insurance investigator! BY the way my deductible is $11,750 at 5% so my dump is worth $235,000. Jeez are you a dumb ***! You must work for an insurance company!

  • February 9, 2005 at 10:33 am
    BS Detector says:
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    Wow Richard, your a little high strung on this. You know you did not have to take the 5% deductible, but you probably saved $700-$800 by doing so, but it was optional and could have taken 2%. Sorry to hear about the shack by the sea, but I’m glad you finally got what you were looking for. I have also been in Florida 37 years, but I learned long ago, no one has the right to live by the ocean. Some that can afford the priviledge manage to live there as long as mother nature and the government allow it. Im sure you will be able to sell and make a wonderful profit when you do, then you may be able to afford it.

  • February 11, 2005 at 9:42 am
    richard says:
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    I’m only touchy talking to insurance vultures plus people who would call me a liar. I smell BS from all those who are sensitive to whimsical ranting and raving. Sorry gotta go and get my snook rods ready! Us poor people by the ocean have to work for our dinner! Hmmm smells like insurance?

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