Texas’ Minimum Auto Liability Limits to Increase on April 1

March 25, 2008

  • April 1, 2008 at 9:28 am
    wudchuck says:
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    first of all get things straight….

    all state have an at-fault rates except MI. that is the only state that your insurance company pays for everything no matter whom is at-fault.

    problem w/most folks they think that florida is a no-fault state — you’d better rethink that because some insurance company is paying for at least the property damage. do you really think that 10k is truly enough insurance for bi? but the state of florida mandated because there was just too many folks driving without insurance and they felt it was better to ensure that some of the medical bills were paid for. for those that don’t know, that if you are at-fault for the accident and that there is over 10k to paid for – your license is suspended until that person’s medical bills are paid for and your next insurance has to have bi coverage.

    OH: we have just recently heard that they upd their limits to 25/50/25.

    CA: is same as pa 15/30/5. truly when have you ever heard of a vehicle that is under 5k? not many!

    i write insurance in many states and don’t claim that your state is 5th highest or whatever. many states are high, but they are high for a variety of reasons and each person is unique to the rate w/the vehicle they are driving.

    some states are truly trying to fight those folks that don’t have insurance or vehicles or even a license. in NC, you have to have insurance just to have a license or permit.

    it would be nice that all states would have a good minimum limit set. i like that there are a few states have 50/100/25 coverage. will we all go there, probably not.

  • June 9, 2009 at 1:31 am
    Thomas says:
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    I was recently released from Breckenridge Hospital in Austin following an accident. The bill for just my Emergency Room care was over $25,000. That does not include the remaining 6 days. $100,000/$300,000/$50,000 is realistic… 30/60/25 will be too little too late.

  • November 15, 2009 at 9:35 am
    chefsmoker says:
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    This is still not enough, property damage coverage. I had a guy run into my house and did 75,000 worth of damage. He only had min. insurance. Guess who had to pay. Homeowners insurance.

  • November 16, 2009 at 7:08 am
    wudchuck says:
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    true in many cases we find that the at-fault character does not always have enough insurance. yet, you can go after him in civil court for the remaining balance due. problem is when are you ever going to see the money? you then rely on your own insurance to cover the difference. it’s a shame that we can’t truly have responsible folks. sometimes, i think if we had very good and inexpensive mass transit, we would not have this conversation. but we live in a world that is fast pace, many folks won’t stay around long enough. think of the age of the cellphone. how quickly has it moved to a big box to a small hand device? yet, folks still can’t pay attention to the road. i think it would be great that if we have had same minimum limits for liability.

  • April 20, 2010 at 1:01 am
    Randy says:
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    I had a job worth over 30K when I had a minor accident, spent 8 months on virtual bed rest(ruptured disk in my neck), has been over 10 months and I find out there is not enough money to have the surgury needed to go back to work. Max payout for this ins co was 25K. That barely covers lost wages, let alone pain suffering, medical and my attorney. WHAT IS UP?

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