Rebuking Agency, Judge Dismisses Katrina Lawsuit Against Corps

February 1, 2008

  • February 1, 2008 at 5:38 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Excellent quote Compman and excellent decision by the judge. I too have a correction as Cherynobl was not the worst engineering failure rather making New Orleans in the first place was and still is the biggest engineering failure. Thank goodness the judge understands the concept of gov’t immunity and didn’t buy into the B.S. the pltf lawyers were slinging. It’s looks like the good people of N.O. will have to soon rip themselves from the gov’t teat and actually get a job, work and make something of their life instead of just waiting for (another) handout.

  • February 2, 2008 at 5:00 am
    wudchuck says:
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    so, why not do this….if you want new orleans, let’s start with building it under the water….afterall, is already below sea level…it would be the first actual city that is underneath the water….question: who’s willing to foot the bill? and how many folks are willing to live there? afterall, they are already building underwater hotels (look up keyword hydropolis)…it’s only a matter of time…

  • February 4, 2008 at 2:11 am
    ad says:
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    Just a few notes.

    Before we write-off New Orleans, remember it is a major port. If we were to close the port of New Orleans, or reduce the population significantly, what effect would this have on the United States?

    There is a great deal of oil that comes out of South Louisiana. What would the impact be on the United States?

    People who want to blame this on the Corps of Engineers should do a little research. National Geographic put out an article which, in my opinion, cleared the Corps. After the engineering was done, the tree huggers/environmentalists forced changes and local politicians interfered, local property owners fought to make changes in the courts. As a result, the changes made deviated from the original engineering plans. On top of this, Katrina was an extraordinary storm. Sometimes, bad things happen in life that humans cannot control. I am afraid Katrina was one of those things.

    I agree, people should have had flood insurance. There was no excluse for it. I agree, the government gave away far too much of taxpayer dollars. I am totally opposed to giving anything away, to healthy people.

    I don’t have the answers, but I thought I would throw a few bits of information out to you.

    And finally, HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!!!

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