Texas Says Auto Insurance Verification Program on for Early 2008

August 24, 2007

  • September 1, 2007 at 10:30 am
    Ray says:
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    Debbie, Debbie, Debbie – If you are all for socialism, why not just come out and say so.

  • September 1, 2007 at 11:05 am
    Bubba says:
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    Insurance is free market socialism. It does not work well if it is mandated. People must be allowed to choose for themselves whether they want to participate in it. Forced insurance does not get accepted well any more than forced socialism. The USSR, China, and North Korea have each proved that forcing “sharing the wealth” is never accepted. People want to do their own life and choose which parts of their personal economy and risks they want to share.

  • September 1, 2007 at 6:33 am
    Debbie says:
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    It seems like this country is turning more and more into a 3rd world country. It is starting to look like we are just working to pay the legislators salaries, instead of them working to earn the benefits they are receiving as well as serve the interests of the people. It certainly doesn’t appear that they are representing the “common people”. When a person had an interruption in employment, for whatever reason, I don’t think they should be penalized. This piece of legislation impacts those that can least afford it and there are so many other more important issues that need to be addressed. Issues such as uninsured children. Rather than trying to criminalize a person, why don’t they try to address more important issues and find a way to fund their departments through a more efficient means. If an individual is unable to afford the insurance and you take away their means of transportation to and from work, how is that going to negatively impact the city/state/federal resources? (welfare, etc.) There should be more of a focus on putting more people to work, so they can afford insurance (auto, health, etc) I am not sure what the “real agenda” is in passing this piece of legislation, but I think that the Texas legislators have lost their way and need some guidance.

  • December 21, 2007 at 1:21 am
    thunder says:
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    Oh and also the last I knew it only cost $10.00 a month to get a pass to ride capitol metro transit buss in austin! so you can get to work!!!

  • December 20, 2007 at 1:55 am
    Thunder says:
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    I agree with what alot of you say but I think you’ll agree with me that I’m tired of paying the high premium of uninsured motorist I have full coverage on both my truck and my 13yr old bike including rental and towing and uninsured is still 50% of the total bill. and I agree with Bubba what are there plans for enforcment I’m not sure about DFW houston or San Antonio but in Austin there are not enough police to handle minor traffic violations let alone having to chase down uninsured motorists. in N Carolina my mother says the insurance companies inform the BMV when you drop insurance and send you a letter telling you you have so much time to re-establish insurance or your vehicle registration will be revoked, is that going to be the program hear? It has been law for longer than I’ve been alive that you had to have a drivers licence to drive! You can’t drive without one unless your going to claim your “Amish and its against your religion”? so as far as I’m concerned why should insurance be any different! make it law and maintain and monitor it closely.

  • April 14, 2009 at 12:33 pm
    Ceasar says:
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    How are you. Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but, unlike charity, it should end there.
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    :p Thanks in advance. Ceasar.

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