U.S. Wants $309M in Katrina Hurricane Aid Returned

February 7, 2007

  • February 8, 2007 at 9:50 am
    Hoo Cares says:
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    This is all just water over the dam. Whats done is done, just let it go. Its not all about politics. The government response sucked, no one can doubt that.

    There are poor people in NO that have no morals, they would steal rob and kill for a dollar, no one can deny that.

    Some people are hard to feel sorry for, but just becasue some people behave like animals, there are still legitimate citizens who deserve our respect.

  • February 8, 2007 at 11:25 am
    bhlben says:
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    First of all, it was water over and under a levee.

    Secondly, but more importantly there are rich and poor people that have no morals that would do anything for a buck.

    It\’s not about FEELING SORRY for them. Let them be accountable for their own actions. A hand up is different than a hand out. Legitimate citizens ?(what the heck does that mean ?) We should respect people who respect themselves. It has nothing to do with their station in life. People for the most part are where they are in life because that is exactly where they want to be. The government response was what it was—what did you expect ???? A disastor beyond belief happened-you act as if the government created the hurricane ! You need to figure out a way to station a government employee on every corner to come to your aid if ANYTHING goes wrong- after all isn\’t that what the government is for ?

  • February 8, 2007 at 1:15 am
    Don\'t Understand says:
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    What part of \”unprecedented\”, as it has been called from the beginning, doesn\’t anyone understand?

  • February 8, 2007 at 2:42 am
    Rlatta says:
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    I don\’t blame the government for trying to speed up the process, and allowing some criminals to cheat the system. But our leaders are the gatekeepers of the public trust. Therefore now that the dust has settled, and no one is dying in the streets from lack of water, food, shelter or necessities, it is time to reflect, and rectify any wrongs that were committed. It will not be an easy road to tread, for elected officials, who expect to get votes from good people and bad. But, the vast majority of us are good. We expected our government to intervene in a crisis, and it did. Countless lives were saved and no expense was spared. Now it\’s done. Now it\’s time to arrest, charge, and convict all those criminals who clogged up the system, and got to the front of the line, in front of legitimate families who lost everything. Now is the time, to prosecute. With this many millions of dollars stolen from the treasury, an army of prosecutors can be hired, and paid, out of the recovered funds.

    Go, Federal Government, Go George Bush! and get em!

  • February 8, 2007 at 2:45 am
    Trippy says:
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    Yeah, what Rlatta said!

  • February 8, 2007 at 2:58 am
    Bush Hater says:
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    Do you fools and revisionaists who cant read the paper and understand reality understand that George Bush turned down funding to fix the leveys a few years ago? This lead to the disaster. Bush is accountable for it. Also, the Federal Govt did not respond in a timely manner. Most of the National Guard who could have helped were fighting a meaningless bloodbath in Iraq. You people are so dam stupid, Im glad you are being rapidly VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA

  • February 8, 2007 at 3:30 am
    Mark says:
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    May not be able to read the paper, but I can spell…

    \”Do you fools and revisionists who can’t read the paper and understand reality understand that George Bush turned down funding to fix the levees a few years ago? This lead to the disaster. Bush is accountable for it. Also, the Federal Govt. did not respond in a timely manner. Most of the National Guard who could have helped were fighting a meaningless bloodbath in Iraq. You people are so dam stupid, I’m glad you are being rapidly VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA\”

  • February 8, 2007 at 3:33 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    1: Funding or no funding, the results of Katrina cannot be blamed completely on the administration. The citizens of New Orleans and the political leadership of Louisiana must take a fair share of the balem as well.

    2) The Louisiana National Guard that you castigate for failure to act falls under the direction of the Governor of the State of Louisiana. Their failure to act in a timely manner falls almost totally on the shoulders of a morally deficient and demonstrably corrupt local and state government.

    Let me phrase it in words you understand: Your own rant proves that a bunch of the blame falls on crooked and lazy politicians in New Orleans and Baton Rouge (the state capital).

    So suck it.

  • February 8, 2007 at 4:11 am
    Jeff says:
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    It\’s hard to be under state government control when you\’re several thousand miles away.

  • February 8, 2007 at 4:28 am
    Mark says:
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    Most of the Louisiana National Guard returned to Louisisna prior to Hurricane Katrina.

    This means they were under the control of Gov. Blanco.

    It\’s amazing how the Bush haters will try to blame him for everything under the sun, and completely ignore the incompetence of others.

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