Report: Louisiana Roads are in Dangerous Shape

January 9, 2007

  • January 9, 2007 at 5:09 am
    CLR says:
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    I actually did enlist in the US Marines, but two weeks before I was to go to boot, I was in an auto accident & shattered my left kneecap… how about you? Are you just spoting off because you can or do you really think what you have to say shows your intelligence?

    Kerry is a joke & a bad one at that! But that just happens to be my opinion & is actually the same as many others too.

    So in a final response to your posted note, it is you that are in fact the idiot here. Do you not see how run down the Democrats have allowed our country to become? Or did you not have sexual relations with that woman either?

    God Bless The USA & All it\’s inhabitants, irregardless of their political stance!

  • January 10, 2007 at 8:45 am
    Bulldogg says:
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    Hey Jeff, how long would you survive in Socialist China saying the things you say about Bush to the leaders of China? You would not survive the first round of beatings.

    As for your chicken hawk comment, I have 6 medals from the first Gulf War as a US Marine. SO NOW ITS TIME FOR YOU TO PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS, what do you bring to the table? That\’s right, you\’d rather smoke dope and sing kumbiya.

    Again your lack of knowledge is stunning, what about the 2500 dead on 9/11? Oh, we can\’t mention that because it DESTROYs your entire arguement about Iraq and the War on Terror. Clinton did nothing for us even when those 13 died in Somalia, by the way I was there too! Clinton turned his back on our safety and is now trying once again, to cover his incompetence. We are here in this situation today becasue of Bill Clinton\’s lack of action in the 90\’s.

    Thank you for showing us your ignorance, Mark Foley did not have sex (even by Clinton\’s definition) with pages. You should actually learn to read before you comment on news reports.

    Yes, there are scandals in business, but last I checked, Walmart was not raising prices to offset debt or the $4 perscription drug plan as the Democrats are going to do to offset social security…

  • January 10, 2007 at 10:04 am
    CLR says:
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    It must be really sad to live in your world where it\’s always someone else\’s fault for everything. I hope you can learn to let go of the things you dwell on, keeping you in the dark place from where you spout off!

    I could care less about Kerry\’s numbers, the shattered kneecap was not an excuse, & to tell you the truth, I miss Clinton & his exploitations. He was the funniest President so far in my lifetime. I was wondering how it would be without Pres Jokes on the Tonight Show after he was VOTED out! Looks like Jay has done well with George too though!

    It is unfortunate that you have a problem with God, the creator, the one who gave us all free will, so as far as Foley having sex, & everyone else that you have a problem with & listed in your ramblings, it\’s their decisions to do what they do, just like you do what you want. We as Republicans did not vote on it & send it on to be approved… Nor is it that the Democrats or Independents did so either…. You sit & type & become so judgmental.

    I think you might need to get laid!

    As far as praising anyone, God, that\’s whom I choose to praise!

    As far as the rest of your ramblings, I guess you need to pull your head out of the hole it is apparently wedged into, so that you can try to make some sense of it.

    I hope that soon you will get over yourself & on that day when you have to reflect on your life, will it be the sad angry Jeff that we see reflected here that has taken up most of your time of life? I think I will be able to look back on my life & know that I have lived it to the fullest & made the most of it at whatever I have done & I feel pretty good about the folks I have helped & the things I will leave behind for those that have been a part of my life & I am not talking money or material things…

    I hope for you that when you do pull your head out of your A$$ that you can get over yourself! Have a nice day!

    I also hope that Louisiana gets their roads fixed too – LOL

  • January 10, 2007 at 10:10 am
    underwriter says:
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    Maybe Jeff was a bit melodramic in his comments, but quite frankly what does the war in Iraq have to do with Terrorism? Even the president has admitted Sadaam Husein had nothing to do with 09/11. So your argument on that doesn\’t really hold water. Especially when you consider we have decided to not focus on Afghanistan where, from what I\’ve seen, is the more likely location for terrorist cells (again, before we invaded Iraq). Do you still believe that the war in Iraq makes us safer? I hope you\’re right, but it sure doesn\’t feel that way. There is more anti-American sentiment in more places than ever before. Also, it seems like crazy Islamic groups are popping up everywhere. Maybe a full on military operation isn\’t the way you deal with terrorists. What do you think?

    With regards to Mark Foley, you really should be careful there. How could you possibly know whether or not he had sex with any pages? Also, the fact that you would even try to argue that Bill Clinton having an affair with Monica is even remotely in the same ballpark with a 50 something year old man having internet sex (and that\’s just what we know about) with teenage boys is a little scary.

    You also indicated that Bill Clinton did nothing to stop terrorism. This is also incorrect. As much as people like to trash talk all the treaties that were signed, the fact was Iran was not moving forward with their nuclear program, North Korea didn\’t have nukes, and Bill diposed 4 dictators with virtually no American deaths.

    To Jeff, it seems like to me you\’re awfully frustrated, and I get that, but the whole serving issue shouldn\’t be an issue. I myself have never served, but don\’t feel that makes my opinions any less valid than yours just because you have.

  • January 10, 2007 at 11:06 am
    Bulldogg says:
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    Just one point to your rebuttle about North Korea, who was it that gave them the reactor to produce nuclear fuel for a promise to \”not use this for weapons,\” with a wink and a nod? Oh yeah, George W. Bush did it in 1995, but wait, he was governor of Texas, who was it in the White House then?

    As stated before, if not for Clinton, the world would not be the mess we are today especially with the North Koreans, who obtained nuclear reactors from Bill Clinton, working with the Iranians on their bomb.

    You\’re right about military action and terrorists. Nevel Chamberland said it best when he returned from Germany and said, \”We will have peace in our times…\” We should negotiate with Osma and find out, why do you hate us and what can we do to make you like us again? Or we should take a page out of the mighty French society and wave the white flag of surrender and bow down to the terrorists. Because you are right, how do you negotiate with a person who wants to blow themselves up with a vest full of explosives in a market place full of women and children? Show me how you make them see that doing this will hurt our feelings and that he should consider our feelings in the matter?

    These terrorists cut off people\’s heads with knives and video tape it for the world to see, how do you talk to them, reason with them? They flew planes full of civilians into two towers full of civilians, what do say to them to stop that?

    You ask \”does the war in Iraq make us safer, it sure doesn\’t feel like that…\”. Question, how many terrorist attacks have we had since 9/11 IN THE US? How many, that we know of, have been foiled? Our eyes, well that is to say for most of us, have been opened by these wackos and we are starting to pay more attention to them and to find them in their caves and kill them before they kill more civilians here in our homes.

    I look forward to your answers.

  • January 10, 2007 at 11:40 am
    Underwriter says:
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    With regards to the terrorists, I think you took me wrong. I would never negotiate with Osama Bin Laden. Not in a million years. However, I also wouldn\’t have invaded Iraq. I know this isn\’t PC, but I would have taken some CIA ops and some Marine Recon and some Navy Seals and given them as much money and resources they needed and told them it was now open season on all terrorists. Kind of like the movie Swordfish.

    With regard to terrorists attacks, there are always years between attacks. I mean wasn\’t it 8 years between the original attempt on the towers and 2001. Don\’t get me wrong, I don\’t want an attack, I don\’t want another American taken out by these crazies, and I hope that George Bush is making us safer…I really do. And maybe things are better, but it seems like with Border Security being a joke, and the lack of a comprehensive screening process for goods coming into the country, that we\’re still open. We may be safer, but to say that just because we haven\’t been hit since 9/11 is proof, doesn\’t work for me.

    With regards to North Korea, valid point. Just so you know, I don\’t think everything Bill Clinton did was great. As a matter of fact, there were several issues that my believes ran counter to his, but sometimes we have to make concessions we don\’t like. We also give nuclear technology to India. Who\’s to say what India will be like in 10 years. I guess what has frustrated me is the perception other countries have of us. It\’s not because I necessarily want them to like us, but I want them to fear and respect us. I truly believe that had we not went into Iraq, that Iran and North Korea wouldn\’t have excalated their nuclear programs. When you declare people an axis of evil (deserved or not), and then invade one of the countries, the other countries can say, \”hey, we need these to protect ourselves from the Americans.\” Again, whether or not that\’s their motivation is regardless. And then, you also create an environment where other countries can follow suit (Venezuela comes to mind.)

    Anyway, just my thoughts.

  • January 10, 2007 at 12:40 pm
    Bulldogg says:
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    Thank you for your thoughts and you have made some good points.

    1. The boarders on both the north and the south are a bad joke that WILL come back to haunt us. I agree with you that more needs to be done.

    2. Good point on India and Pakistand.

    But as far as our world perception, to hell with that. I don\’t care what Iran, France or North Korea thinks about us. They are welcome to thier opinion but what I don\’t agree with is John Kerry\’s Global Test. We must consult the world before we defend ourselves. This is dangerous thinking that will get more of us killed. We are the USA, a soverign nation that should do whatever we need to do to defend ourselves. If the rest of hte world wants to join us, fine, if not, don\’t stand in our way of defending ourselves.

    Your last point is just bad. Because we are fighting terrorists and we call someone a name, they should ramp up nuclear production. It\’s as obserd a statement as \”Bush has created new terrorists…\”. I don\’t buy either of those arguments. Dictators will be dictators and do what they want wether you lable them or not. North Korea and Iran were enriching neclear fuel long before 9/11. North Korea had two bombs before 9/11, to say because we labled them they started their program?

    Chavez had his sights on seizing total power ever since taking office. He has created the very situations that he has stepped in and squeltch in the name of Socialism.

    These things were long in the process before 9/11 and the Axis of Evil. THe problem is that no one treats these wackos and the UN loves them. We are virtually alone in the world (with a few good allies) and it is up to us to defend our people and interests. I say to hell with the rest of the world, let them convert to Islam to save themselves from Osama. I will do whatever it takes to preserve my freedoms.

  • January 10, 2007 at 2:03 am
    Driven crazy says:
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    The comment journey from the original topic to world politics was as rough as the roads apparently are in Louisiana, which was what the original topic was about. Whew!

  • January 10, 2007 at 3:36 am
    KLS says:
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    After observing how differences of opinion distill into pettiness and name-calling, it makes me wonder if you guys would treat each other this way face to face?

    Maybe I’m not paying enough attention, but when I’ve been to various conferences and seminars, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one industry professional call another industry professional an “idiot” to his or her face… at least not in seriousness and anger.

    Would you really express yourselves in person the same way some of you sometimes do here?

    Who messed up the country? We all did. Is it that messed up? Nah. It could be worse. What country is perfect? What country has done it all right? None of them have. There will always be policies with which we disagree. Learn to expect it. Just because someone else opposes your stance, no matter how justified you feel, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re some horrible, blathering moron.

    Like the roads in Louisiana, we are all flawed and imperfect in one way or another. However we can perpetuate tolerance of other people and it doesn’t cost us a thing. It isn’t painful either, I promise.

    One more observation… I have yet to see someone change their political association because someone else insulted them into it. Maybe it has happened, I don’t know. But if you want to win support or understanding for your own beliefs or opinions, I\’m not sure name-calling is the best way to go about it.

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