Okla. Court OKs Class Action Status in Suit Against Farmers Group Companies

April 18, 2006

  • July 27, 2007 at 7:18 am
    Nyle Cearlock says:
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    I am one of the individuals that filed the suit against Farmers, and I wish I had the oportunity to talk to all of you who have written comments. It would take a long time though.

    I didn’t read all of the comment, but the ones I read only mentioned auto insurance. Your credit score also determines the cost of your homeowners insurance, but our suit only involves auto insurance. You are being ripped off big time on your homeowner insurance, regardless of your insurer. You see, they can’t artificially inflate the value of your car every year,but they can on your house, and raise your premium to protect the supposed new value. Plus they charge you extra for a bad credit score.

    In my case I asked my agent why my credit score wasn’t rated as an A rather than a G. When I got a copy of my credit rating I was astounded by what I found. It showed me having mortgages in the amount of over $1,000,000 (one million)on houses that I had sold years ago. When I talked to the credit rating company they told me that it is up to the mortgage companies to report closed mortgages.

    They showed me owning several credit cards that I didn’t have, plus a bank account, and a $50,000 line of credit, at a bank that went out of business about 15 years earlier. A line of credit is a bad mark on your credet rating, because it has a potential for you to go into debt for that amount. The same applies to the credit limit on your credit cards.

    One of the comments I read said that people with good credit scores should get lower insurance rates (by-the-way that’s Farmers line). I live in an area of about 80,000 people, and my agent told me that she only had one customer with an A rating. So much for lowering insurance rates for good drivers.

    I don’t need to tell you that have a little bit of brains (excluding those arrogant few) that your mother ,dad, and grandpartents (who may not-so-well-off finanancially) are excellant drivers.

    On the other-hand multimillioaire Senator Ted Kennedy only drowned one girl in his car. He only crashed one airplane. John Kennedy Jr. only killed himself and one girl in a plane crash. And one of Robert Kennedy’s boys only paralized one girl in a car crash. I read about a rich athlete crashing a car at least once a week. Being rich only means they can afford to drink scotch insead of beer.

    Finally – it is wrong for a company to set your insurance rates based on a credit rating, by a third party, especially without you knowing about it or having a chance to dispute it. It’s too bad that the credit rating companies aren’t included in the suit. My guess is that no-one has a clean and accurate credit report based on my experience.

    In Farmers preliminary arguments to the Federal court in Oklahoma they claimed that I and all of Farmers customers were verbally told that this was happening. I was mentiond by name, and I want to tell you that that was a big lie. Any fool would know that they didn’t tell millions of customers verbally about it. How many of you see your agent yearly? Not many I suspect.

  • January 22, 2008 at 7:48 am
    Jack Hannigan says:
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    The folks at Farmers will tell you that people with poor credit are 7 times more likely to file a fraudulent claim. Unfortunately the statistics don’t bear that out. They will, however, show that those who file fraudulent claims are 7 times more likely to have poor credit.

    So, basically if everytime you come to a stop sign, you stop your car, Farmers would have you believe that everytime you stop your car, you will have come to a stop sign.

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