Congressmen Seek Auto Insurers’ Records on Toyota Accidents, Warnings

February 11, 2010

  • February 11, 2010 at 2:05 am
    theinsexpert says:
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    Blood in the water…or is it brake fluid?
    One way for ther policiticans to protect our borders and keep out the competition for our flailing domestics is to jump on the heads of noneurpopean competitors when they are in quicksand of any depth. Shame on you policiticians…where were you before the groundswell? Are you just jumping on the band wagon to boost your careers? Now let’s see if you can do any real good.

  • February 11, 2010 at 2:19 am
    Bill says:
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    I’m a Farmers Agent. I have owned several Toyotas that have achieved many, many, safety miles. I plan on owning several Toyotas in the future. When the name; Henry A. Waxman came up as the head of these soon to be congressional losers, I thought to myself: “How did that freak get as far as he did?”

  • February 11, 2010 at 5:24 am
    Baxtor says:
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    Do they really think jumping over Toyota (free enterprise) will really get America to reconsider their fate? We’ll see if they get relected. That will show if American’s really do forget.

  • February 11, 2010 at 6:35 am
    Hooray for Capitalism!!! says:
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    Henry Waxman, the guy whose mustache is a totally different color than his hair. His voters are firing him, I don’t know why he’s bothering.

    Oh, how does this come into Obama’s plans to open up our foreign trade?? Seems a little contradictory eh, you know, smashing the successful foreign competitors of the failing US counterparts. Trying to intimidate them like in the back streets of Chicago.

    Last I checked, the CPSC investigated defective products, not Congress. Don’t they have ENOUGH on their plate, what with trying not to get fired????? They must simply be trying to prove that the Bush administration failed to act on this information, that’s all I can figure.

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