Supreme Court to Decide Bankruptcy Advice Case

June 9, 2009

  • June 10, 2009 at 9:53 am
    Nugget says:
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    This is a good example of well-intentioned, but poor government legislation. And this example applies to exactly what will happen with government healthcare.

    In order to achieve the outcome that those filing for bankruptcy don’t defraud creditors by taking on more debt, the goverment dictates a procedure whereby attorney’s can’t advise them to take on more debt. However, since the desired outcome is for the bankrupt to pay their creditors, the example of taking on a lower rate mortgage would actually enhance the outcome.

    In healthcare, the government will dictate procedures in a misguided effort to control costs and outcomes. Instead of encouraging positive outcomes such as curing whatever ails us, the government will stifle innovation and potentially successful strategies by dictating procedures. In fact, they already do this in some cases if you are under Medicare!

    Determining the best procedure to achieve the best outcome for you is a physician’s responsibility to each individual. Given their track record, do you want Congress to become your physician?

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