1 in 3 Toys Have Toxic Chemicals, Kids’ Safety Group Study Finds

December 4, 2008

  • December 5, 2008 at 7:49 am
    Akimbo says:
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    At least the most toxic toy ever produced will be banned by the new year. Bratz dolls will be gone. Thank god. Barbies are bad enough for girls. Bratz had to be one of the most annoying disturbing toys ever created for children.

  • December 5, 2008 at 9:08 am
    Shield says:
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    Your making a lot of assumptions there. You assume that I’ll sue if my kids get hurt. Actually, I won’t. The only way I’d ever sue anyone is if the person that hurt me or mine intentionally hurt us. Also, in my post, I stated that we need to take responsibility for ourselves. If you can’t “see” a hazardous chemical on the toy your considering purchasing, yet you suspect that there may be hazardous chemicals involved, read the labels. If no labels and your suspicious, “don’t buy the toy”. Get them something you feel comfortable with. Life isn’t necessarily fair and bad things will happen to you in life. Quit trying to find someone else to blame your unfortunate circumstances on. By the way, I suspect that I’m just as bright as you. Stop the name calling and snide remarks.

  • December 5, 2008 at 9:09 am
    Shield says:
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    I agree with you about the Bratz dolls.

  • December 5, 2008 at 9:25 am
    Toxic says:
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    The only thing I agree with you on Shield is “stop the name calling”…it doesn’t get us anywhere. I am curious, though, do you think the toxins used in making the toys is accidental? Somehow the toy manufacturer unknowingly used lead based paint on toys for example? I don’t think so. It is fully intentional. That being said, does that not constitue willful disregard for your health and the health of other consumers buying the toy with no knowledge of the toxins in the item? I’d lay odds most people couldn’t tell the difference between a toy with toxic materials and a toy without. That is what the testing laboratories and government agencies are for, without them we would be at the mercy of the manufacturers. Where is the responsibility on the part of the manufacturer who knowingly uses toxic materials but do not disclose it (which they would NEVER do)? I have yet to see any toys listing ingredients unless it is food (and this is only because it is a governmental requirement).

    I find it amazing that some people (not singling you out Shield) throw around the “take responsibility” catch phrase without adequately considering the role of all parties. Yes, in some cases it is the individual who needs to suck it up and take responsibility. But, most times everyone involved has some responsibility they need to face up to.

  • December 5, 2008 at 10:03 am
    Shield says:
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    Toxic, I guess I throw that “take responsibility” catch phrase around so much because I just find it troubling to see people lining up to sue someone everytime something bad happens. And from my perspective, in most cases this seems to be pushed by attorneys that make their living by encouraging people to sue instead of take responsiblity for themselves. In our current litigious society it seems to be the norm to assume that someone is going to be sued if something bad happens to someone, no matter that the wronged person had some, if not all of the blame for the occurence. Yes, I think it is wrong for a company to knowingly use hazardous chemicals when manufacturing a toy. Although I think in most of these cases I’m not sure if they’ve assessed blame as to who is responsible for the actual creation of these “bad” toys. If they had and it was an American company, I suspect they’ed have been sued out of existance by now. Lets fix the problem. Our government needs to be slapping tarrifs on imports and giving tax breaks and other incentives to companies to manufacture in this country. Then for the most part you don’t have to worry about what the toys are made of that your kids are chewing on.

  • December 5, 2008 at 11:22 am
    Toxic says:
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    Now Shield, that was well thought out and well said. Kudos.

  • December 5, 2008 at 1:34 am
    nobody important says:
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    We have never and would never buy one of these slutty dolls. Why do they want to promote having 5 year olds looking like prostitutes? Mattel may have won their case, but I think money will keep the dolls and the thousands of by products of this garbage out in the market.

  • December 5, 2008 at 2:13 am
    Akimbo says:
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    Yes, it is sad some of the toys they make for girls. All this Hannah Montana and Bratz garbage. Even look at the Halloween costumes they now have. I have a 2 year old daughter and it freaks me out. Almost everything on the commercials promotes negative things. Most of the toys are focused towards shopping, boys, and talking on the phone. Almost all the shows for girls are pretty much based around dating jocks and musicians. All these stupid Nickelodeon shows have these 12 or 13 year old girls dating guys that look like they are in their 20’s. All in all I can understand why parents get old fast. My son is 5 and my daughter is only 2. I am already on the verge of panic though. I am already noticing the wrinkles popping up faster and faster.

  • December 5, 2008 at 2:20 am
    nobody important says:
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    Underwear for 3 year olds with “juicy” printed on it? I have seen products that make me wonder if anyone selling these has children.

  • December 5, 2008 at 6:07 am
    Johnny O says:
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    Are you stupid? and Parent = total A-holes. I am surprise that you even let your children breath air because of the “potential” hazard of it being toxic. Your kids will need major therapy when they grow up. Good luck.

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