States Should Raise Driving Age, Says Insurance Safety Group

September 10, 2008

  • September 10, 2008 at 1:57 am
    wudchuck says:
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    agreed! it was not the rate that caused her to get into a wreck. u agreed to allow her to get a license and drive. probably because of the inexperience, she had gotten into activity (ticket and accident). her inexperience cause the rate to change and the state to re-review that she does have insurance based on her activity.

  • September 10, 2008 at 1:57 am
    SP says:
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    It’s easy to tell that imateen is not well versed in txt. They didn’t use txt lingo correctly. :)

    Mr Obvious, I got my license at 16 and promptly was in an accident. I didn’t drive again, except to go to school, until I was about 18. You should do the same with your daughter.

    My concer with increasing the driving age is that you now have 18 year olds, with even less supervision, teaching themselves how to drive. Keep the drving age at 16. Change the laws to make the parents of the drivers MUCH more responsible, financially and criminally, for their teen drivers. Force the responsibility.

  • September 10, 2008 at 2:04 am
    Careful says:
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    I think 16 is fine it is experience that is needed and in some states they now require 6 months on a permit before they can take the test. Now parents it is up to you to help decide when your teen is ready for this responsibility.

    Requiring driver education for all might be one idea and not just the 5 hour course.

  • September 10, 2008 at 2:12 am
    AFranks says:
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    Wudchuk, I’d have to agree with you 100%. Children are growing up way too fast…I know this, because I was just there a few years ago. It flies by quickly and we never get those years back. I admit, having my parents drive me around would have sucked but I would have gotten over it and probably had a better relationship with my parents because of the time spent together.

    Teens are too busy these days, between school, homework, jobs, sports. I can see why a license frees up the parents to do whatever they want to do BUT it also frees up the teen to do other things that don’t promote a well-rounded young man/woman… ie drinking, drugs, etc. I’m not saying that all teens do these things, but what I am saying is that raising the driving age to 18 would be appropriate. In regards to ‘what’s the difference between 16-17?’, maybe not much, but at 18 there is. Responsibility should be given to the responsible. Texting while driving is extremely irresponsible and unsafe.

    And regarding the elderly drivers: WATCH OUT. I will admit I have more concern for elderly drivers than I do teen drivers. While a handful of teen drivers are irresponsible and scary to drive next to, it doesn’t compare to the amount of accidents I’ve almost been in because of the cute little old lady with her hands at 10 & 2. Teens are constantly scrutinized and almost have that ‘new-driver’ fear of cops & accidents. But the people who’ve been driving for who knows how long have lost that fear along with their vision & reaction time. Unfortunately age doesn’t really determine the driving eligibility with elderly (and sometimes teens)because you’ve got the 70 year old who’s hunched over with arthritis and another 70 year old who runs marathons like he’s 50. I think that driving tests & written tests should be taken every 5 years after the age of 55 to ensure that not only they’re capable but also to ensure that they’re aware of new laws & guidelines.

    Just my opinion.

  • September 10, 2008 at 2:30 am
    SFOInsuranceLady says:
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    will be united in fighting this proposal.
    Tired of taking “little Bobby” to soccer practice and “little Suzie” to ballet lessons? Too bad! Then you shouldn’t have kids. According to “law” you are responsible for them until they are 18…(I think that the “adult” age should be raised to 21). I feel that since we are living longer, it seems that kids are maturing slower, much slower than 50 or so years ago.

    I was a teen once…my friends were teens, too….couldn’t wait to get daddy’s car….friends driving drunk….(I grew up in the turbulent 60’s
    and was a teen in the “me generation” 70’s). I was fortunate that nothing happened to me, but something did happen to two of my “well-scholared” & “well behaved” friends…No matter how mature, 16, 17 and yes even 18 year-olds think they know everything, and how they seem to have gone through all of life’s experiences at that tender age. Amazing!

    I also believe that if they want to raise the driving age to 18, they should also make driver’s education and training MANDATORY at that age. Too many of my youngest daughter’s friends waited until they were 18 to get their license so they wouldn’t have to go through driver’s ed.
    I made both of my children go through it and they are better drivers for it.
    Yes, they waited….they were trained properly and they didn’t get their license until I knew they were confident enough and responsible enough to hadle a car. They are probably better drivers than some adults I see talking on their cell phones (why aren’t you using your blue-tooth?) and applying make-up while drinking their lattes and reading a map all at the same time.

    I am so tired of lazy & irresponsible parents….it’s not making the kids become more responsible driving at 16…tell it like it is….it’s taking the burden off the parents who are too lazy to drive their children around and they are getting less involved in their children’s lives!

    Thanks for letting me vent! :)

  • September 10, 2008 at 2:48 am
    AFranks says:
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  • September 10, 2008 at 2:57 am
    SFL says:
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    I believe parents are too lazy and scared to do the right thing. That is teach your kids how to drive and handle responsbility.

    I am not talking about goverment mandated classes, I feel they in no way replace the hundreds of hours I got driving with my parents when I had a permit. As your kids get older it will be harder to find the time to teach them to drive.

    Is anybody else scared of the constant erosion of individuals rights and privileges by the latest crusade? I guess the kids of the future will only have to worry about diabetes and loneliness.


    Scared, Fat, Lonely and waiting for my goverment to take care of me.

  • September 10, 2008 at 3:01 am
    Rocket Scientist says:
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    The problem w/issuing licenses to first time drivers @ 18 is that a large percentage of them will go away to college around 18. They will then be teaching themselves to drive while in unfamiliar territory and with other young & inexperienced people doing the same thing. For many of these students, it is their first foray into freedom…living away from home & we all know how some kids handle this. There is also the prevalence of alcohol/drug use on campuses. Given this, the current system is probably the smarter option than first licensing @ 18. Drivers Ed should be required of every child before they are permitted to take the road test.

  • September 10, 2008 at 3:10 am
    chuck lutes says:
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    i agree! took several hours teaching and reteaching even after they took driver’s ed. both my kids know how to drive a stick and automatic. at first they both hated to learn a stick, but if they wanted to drive my car (since mom’s was an auto), they had no choice. they both are satisfied of knowing that i took the time and effort to teach them. i was always involved w/my kids as any parent should do.

    background: my wife is a teacher for a kindergarten class. she sees many kids whom are dropped of at school like a daycare. many are not ready for school. no manners, can’t tie a shoe, have trouble pulling pants up after using a bathroom. all of her parents are asked to even spend 1/2 hr reading with the child, but upon further review; none is given.

    society needs to look back at the strength of the family – parents. if they are not involved or take control of the family, kids will be lost.

  • September 10, 2008 at 3:27 am
    AFranks says:
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    This makes me very sad! My parents spent a lot of time with us (my dad made me drive a stick shift, too). Growing up, they took special interest in the things WE were interested in. My brother said he liked the stars, so my mom got all the astrology books from the library and we’d all sit out and look at the stars after dinner. I liked animals so we bought dogs, bunnies & cats and learned about how to care for them as pups & kittens, shots, vaccinations, through the breeding experience, birthing, & training…I believe their desire to help us hone in on our interests made us believe we can do anything we set our minds to.

    My husband and I haven’t started our family yet, but I know that if we can be at least 1/2 the parent my parents were, they’ll turn out all right.

    Why is that adults have kids only to realize they don’t want to make the time for them? Is it a fad? An accessory? So sad. I give a TON of credit to today’s educators who’ve now become more of a parent than the biological parents.

    (Sidenote: not ALL parents are like this…its just an observation that people are becoming more and more consumed with themselves)

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