Higher Gas Prices, Lighter Vehicles Could Mean Higher Insurance Costs

August 27, 2008

  • September 4, 2008 at 4:19 am
    Rush says:
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    A parody of the Elvis song ‘In the Ghetto’.
    In a Yugo
    As the snow flies

    At a used car lot on the edge of town
    A liberal guy and a liberal gal
    Buy a Yugo

    And they drive with pride

    Cause if there’s one thing that this world needs
    It’s environmental friends who’ll take the lead
    In a Yugo

    They say, “people don’t you understand
    Those suburbans are ruining the land”
    But they’ll wish they had a full size van one day
    They point fingers at you and me
    They say we’re too blind to see
    But do we simply use our heads
    And choose another way?

    As those small wheels turn
    Fifty miles to the gallon
    And their knees on their chest
    They’re gonna save enough gas
    For all of the rest
    In a Yugo

    Then one day on the interstate
    They suddenly lose control
    They swerve to miss a baby duck
    They’re squashed beneath a produce truck

    But they drove with pride…

    And as the crowds drive past a little flat car
    You know they saved a lot of gas
    But they didnt get far
    In a Yugo

    And as they’re trapped inside
    At a used car lot on the other side of town
    A liberal guy and a liberal gal
    Buy a Yugo….

    And they drive with pride…

    Performed by Paul Shanklin. Song and recording copyright Paul Shanklin. Paul has done tons of really funny song parodies. Visit his site to buy CDs of them.

  • September 4, 2008 at 4:29 am
    Kristine says:
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    I read the article regarding insurance costs associated with lighter private passenger vehicles than with hearvier vehicles. With the rising cost of gas prices and no reflief in site of prices going down, there is no choice for Americans to opt for smaller, lighter vehicles which provide better gas mileage (and should have been on the roadways long before the energy crisis!). I am not sure if the data derived from this report would support the need for higher insurance rates. Since more people will be utelizing smaller vehicles and, assuming the over the road exposure would be reduced to save on gas, I think data/statistics should be drived for a period in the future to make a more accurate determination of injuries from lighter vehicles. Also, it is common sense damage and injury to person(s) in an SUV or truck would typically be less if they were in an accident with a car, especially a lighter car. Was data collected regarding damage and injury to similar vehicles? I don’t think it is fair to prematurely raise rates for lightweight vehicles. With less and less SUVs and trucks to be on the roadways, it may very well be damage and injury will not be as severe to lightweight vehicles colliding. Send a message out for people to encourage reduced rates for accident-free “arrive alive” policies – I’d rather be late than dead!!

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