U.S. Appeals Court Tosses $800 Billion Tobacco Class Action Suit

April 4, 2008

  • April 5, 2008 at 11:21 am
    wudchuck says:
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    truly we all know and have known that cigarettes are bad for your health. i think that the first tobacco settlement should be tossed out as well. you are going to tell me that you can’t read and that because you do things its needs to be treated and keep paying you an income and medical bills by someone else but your own. where will society start taking on it’s own misery or actions? why can’t the individual become responsible for the choices they made? we don’t hear about an alchohol settlement? we do hear about the drunk who drove and had an accident and killed folks. we see products all day long that claim to be fat free or sugar free and are they truly? i noticed the one person whom stated that its rat poison on a product — has anyone seen or read the report on splenda? this is truly a rat poison and yet the FDA approved it for use as a substitute for sugar. personally, i am tired of everyone, including doctors/scientits that keep saying this or that is going to cause cancer and we are all going to die. i choose to eat things i like, if they are bad for me, ok. i am who i am because i made my choices. the government did not, my doctor did not! let me be happy for whom i am. those of you who smoke, let us be happy that is your way of life. after all, the government was in on that one as well. read about it where they stored the actual recipe for cigarettes at capitol hill and then because the government was spending so much on medical bills, they turned coat. as a tobacco company, they bent! as a society we try to make the big guys pay our own choices that make, whether good or bad. if we truly want someone to pay, let’s see —–

    has anyone heard about the oil companies and the huge profit they made on gas prices? did you hear about the one congressman get mad because they spent so little on other fuels? first of all, we should all be mad that these gas/oil giants made huge profits and still raising the price of gasoline.

    if the government wants us to be less oil dependent, then usher the age of new cars, let’s put the oil industry out of major business and into small business. if the deman goes down, then maybe the price might drop? not sure, but as long as we drive cars, expect the oil guys to keep making a huge profit – with no end in sight.

  • April 7, 2008 at 2:41 am
    johnny says:
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    What a fantastic ruling. If it gets taken to the SCUS, I hope they toss this bogus suit out as well.

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