Pet Cause: More Lawyers Training in Field of Animal Law

April 1, 2008

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:11 am
    Susan B Anthony says:
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    I agree with Amazed. It kills me too how high and mighty people get concerning animals. I don’t see people applying the same passion to the genocide occurring in Darfur or violent activity across the globe in general. Animals are the lowest priority in my opinion and I regard protecting other human life to be a better goal.

    And also, it is so much more easy to fight for animals than it is for other humans. PEOPLE need to control the pet population for one thing.I am a dog lover as much as the next person but I’ll be doggone (no pun intended) if I’ll be crazy enough to leave money to it. A child and a dog/cat/whatever are two TOTALLY different sets of beings. The quote Dustin made can be applied to animal owners too. if you can’t pay for the offspring of lower animals then you need to spade of neuter them (also goes for pedophiles). If you want to pay for chemo as you consider this as a child to you – fine. But I have seen people regard children and their pets to be on the same level and that’s ridiculous. I’ll save my child BEFORE I save a pet. You get over them. Children you don’t just get over. I also am NOT a PETA fan as these people have WAY TOO MUCH time on their hands to fly about the country protesting and have states change laws where injury, molesting, murdering children penalities are the same as hurting/killing an animal.

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:18 am
    Dawn says:
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    In a perfect world, yes.

    BUT, this is a world where some babies are better off not being born. Too many kids actually kill their newborn babies because they couldn’t get an abortion. (parental consent or couldn’t afford, about an even split)
    Drug addicts that refuse to give up the drugs- what child deserves those kind of defects? People that have been convicted of abusing or killing their children. Let’s just give them another one? (I’d prefer sterilization for that, but the ACLU has an issue with that)

    You can fight for the rights of an unborn baby till you’re blue in the face. Guess that’s easier then fighting for the ones already here and suffering. I don’t see any of the so-called ‘pro-lifers’ offering to take any drug addict born, AIDS infected, or otherwise ‘NOT’ perfect babies home to raise. There will be thousands more of them if Roe V Wade is ever overturned.

    I’d rather see the effort and the money go to fight for the ones that are already here and need it more.

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:18 am
    Dustin says:
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    I would say that abusing an animal is nearly as bad as abusing a child for 2 reasons. I believe that studies have shown where abuse of animals leads to other worse acts of violence (presumably against humans). 2nd, animals are defenseless against a person who is abusing them. I fight it heartbreaking what people will do to dogs. I am a huge dog lover. I have 2, and I am currently doing physical therapy with one to avoid an expensive surgery on her ACL’s. Both were deteriorated and through 3 months of rehab one is much better and the other is healing. Not having children, I can’t speak to that aspect. My heart hurts when I think about life without Peaches and Peyton.

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:21 am
    Susan B Anthony says:
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    Vick has already paid $1MM dollars for that. He isn’t and won’t be the last person to participate in the illicit dog fighting business. Now if they prosecute more of the rednecks who really started this “sport” in the first place I would really appreciate it. There people of all persuasion that are involved so get off Vick – that’s old news and I am sick and tired of people jumping on the wagon. I haven’t seen where the regular jo-smo has been thrown to the wolves as much as he has. He’s lost alot already, thank you very much. Doesn’t excuse him but really I think this country has been screwed royally by the current administration than worrying about an NFL player.

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:26 am
    Joey says:
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    I love animals too, but they are NOT on the same level as human being. Abuse against them is horrible, but NOT the same as abuse of a human being. For those of you who say animals and humans ARE on the same level, where do you draw the line? Abusing dogs & cats is unacceptable, but chicken and beef are mighty tasty? I really hope you aren’t that hypocritical!

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:27 am
    Dawn says:
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    It is a proven fact that most murderers started out with animals. 98% of serial killers did. So for that reason, I do agree with making the laws against animal cruelty as severe as murder. One does lead to another in a very large percent of cases. Most domestic abuse victims testify that the spouse began abusing the animals before their wives.
    And as far as I’m concerned, anyone that could torture any weaker creature- pet, child, wife, elderly- has absolutely no positive value to the Earth.
    GO PETA!

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:30 am
    edward says:
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    Nevermind ‘Planet Apes’- It will be renamed ‘Planet Dogs’. Animal rights vs Human rights, we could go on forever with the argument. Dustin, by saying that Children and Dogs are nearly in the same category but yet you don’t have any children makes me laugh (at you).

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:30 am
    Anonymous says:
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    You suck! Get back to work and get a life!

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:37 am
    Dustin says:
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    That is certainly not what I meant. My apologies for not being clearer. They are not in the same category. I feel that abusing either is dispicable because they are both POWERLESS. Since, historically, it has been shown that those who abuse animals can lead to abuse of people we should take it seriously. HOWEVER, I don’t think that dogs and kids are equal. Please feel free to laugh at me though, there are plenty of other good reasons to!

  • April 1, 2008 at 2:46 am
    edward says:
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    Sorry Dustin. To warp the argument further- would you say that Pitbulls are the same a Unruly Humans? Do you cringe with you hear people defend Pitbulls and blame it on their owners for gnawing off a childs face?
    Are these lawyers going to start defending Pitbull owners in courts saying the act of the dog was only a victim of the environment. Who takes care of the dogs when they misbehave. If you want to get on the topic of PETA, there are a lot of topics PETA is nuts about. Meaning they are crazy, out of their minds.

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