States Urged to Lower Drinking Age to Reduce ‘Underground’ Drinking

March 3, 2008

  • March 4, 2008 at 3:03 am
    Joe Blo says:
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    I am 23 and my parents didn’t “allow” me to drink until I was 21. Obviously that didn’t stop me, but it did make it more dangerous. I always drove home after drinking b/c I was afraid to call and tell them that I was drinking or drunk b/c they would have been PISSED. Luckily I never got in an accident, but if the drinking age was 18 I would have been able to tell them the truth and they could have picked me up or I could have stayed the night where I was. Most of the kids I went to college with that didn’t drink at all b/c they were scared of being caught by their parents were the ones that really abused alcohol. The kids who had parents that were relaxed about drinking handled drinking better and more responsibly. Shunning your child from drinking until they are 21 doesn’t make you a good parent. Having the drinking age at 21 is just a way for parents to ignore the issue while the kids are under their roof. When their kids come back from college they are 21 and there isn’t any parenting to do .

  • March 4, 2008 at 4:25 am
    Masonman says:
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    Why drink whether you are 18 or 80? It dumbs you down. Life is too short to numb your brain.

  • March 4, 2008 at 4:29 am
    Dustin says:
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    I thought it was shown that 2 drinks a day for men was good for the circulatory system. Either way, it is quite good and you can enjoy a glass of good wine without the need to get drunk. Lighten up man! :)

  • March 4, 2008 at 4:47 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Of course you can legislate morality. We do it with every criminal law on the books. The question remains, do we just get rid of every law a lot of people don’t respect. Where does it stop? I was in college when 18 year olds could drink in the 70’s and did my share. We don’t have European attitudes towards a lot of things and probably will not ever have them. If the majority want 18 year olds to drink, fine with me. Just don’t make it sound noble.

  • March 4, 2008 at 6:57 am
    Witches says:
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    The M A D D witches were able to force states to comply to this unreasonably low BAC by withholding highway funds. It’s time to take M A D D out of the room when passing legislation related to alcohol. The M A D D mothers use lies (bad statistics from the NHTSA’s FARS database) to continue to lobby legislators for ever harsher punishments. Why? Every arrestee is forced to donate to M A D D….last year to the tune of over 10m. Glynn Birch is a tool.

    Every consumer of alcohol did not kill these crazy mothers children. One person did. But M A D D has been able to exact their VENGEANCE against any consumers of alcohol.

    Stop believing a well orchestrated marketing campaign that only serves to lines these prohibitionist zealots pockets. Fight back for Responsibility in DUI Laws.

    Google Responsibility in DUI Laws

    Google DUI Blog

    Google Get MADD

    Google DAMM Drinker

  • March 5, 2008 at 1:01 am
    KLS says:
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    That puts things in a different perspective regarding MADD. They’re in it for the money perhaps more than they’re in it for safety on the streets?

    Hrm… interesting.

    I still think drunk drivers should get the book thrown at them. But I don’t think a possibly-misguided special interest group should be profiting off of their offenses.

  • March 5, 2008 at 2:47 am
    N. Judge says:
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    While some can handle it sooner, and they could most be trained to handle it sooner, given that we do drive more than Europeans and we do foster immaturity in our kids, we don’t need to add this drug to the mix of cell phones, friends and all of the reasons for inattentiveness. Parents usually still have them on their insurance and they probably want the law on their side as help when so many parents seem unable to say know to their offspring, at least being able say “it’s against the law” can help those folks.

    If it saves other people’s lives, I’m not concerned that it line up with voting rights and right to enter the military. In small towns, these accidents often devastate a community with the loss and the anger that follows.

  • March 10, 2008 at 11:15 am
    Concerned says:
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    Kids start drinking when they are 12, not 18… Why don’t we drop the legal age to 12…

    This idea is rediculous!!

    Buy the way, if you are a parent and you say “not my kid!”, you better take a closer look. With your eyes open…

  • March 10, 2008 at 11:44 am
    Colen says:
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    No offence to any soldiers, but the fact is they are trained to kill people.

    That in no way makes them any more responcible with alcohol when they get home.

    If anything I think a drunk 18 soldier who has had a hard time in Iraq and who is trained to kill might actually be more dangerous than most other people his age.

  • March 10, 2008 at 11:51 am
    Geroge says:
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    I think lowering the drinking age to 12 years old would not really be a problem.

    Think logically about it.

    Do you really think all these 12 year olds are gonna start drinking and society is going to go to hell?

    Thats obserd, we dont need the goverment to take care of us. We are not animals.

    Some of us, whether 12, 22, or 72, can handle alcohol responcibly, and others cannot.

    Most 12 year olds dont like the taste of alcohol, and actually want to get good grades and finish school. Im not too worried. Other 12 year olds are just bad kids, and thats not going to change.

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