Insurers Prepared for Claims from Fatal Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

August 3, 2007

  • August 3, 2007 at 2:08 am
    From MN says:
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    Media mogul, your own thought process is contradictory. On one hand you call for more taxes and on the other hand you blame the government for not doing a good job. As if letting the government steal more of my money is going to cause them to be more competent? Give me a break.

    Yes, the majority of tax cuts go to the rich for several reasons:
    1) the poorest 30% of the nation doesnt pay tax and in most cases recieves more money from the government than they pay in. So how the F are these people supposed to get tax cuts, that wouldn’t be possible
    2) The rich people pay most of the tax on a $ basis, of course more $ cuts are going to go to them

    This bridge collapse was no surprise. It was ordered/maintened/inspected by the same incompetent individuals that have been building one of the worst transportation systems in the country – the Twin Cities Highway system.

  • August 3, 2007 at 2:08 am
    Plymn says:
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    Great idea, don’t worry about terrorists but fix the structures so they can easily blow them up as there are no funds to prevent them from doing so. The tax revenues have increased as a result of the so called rich investing the money which has a multiplier effect.

    Here’s an idea, get the lazy stiffs off welfare, stop the damn pork-barrel projects and use that money for infrastructure.

    As someone who travels the bridge frequently and can see the collapsed mess from my office building I find this finger-pointing right now sickening.

  • August 3, 2007 at 2:12 am
    Compman says:
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    Media Mogul: I think you clicked on the wrong website. You should be over at Huff Post or Daily Kos to spew your liberal hate and rhetoric. When I was younger, I used to cross this bridge daily. My brother would have been crossing about the time this happened, but he got into a fight with his girlfriend and he was late leaving, so for once, all her *****ing was a good thing!

  • August 3, 2007 at 2:17 am
    media mogul says:
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    This has been an interesting experiment. The replies indicate the damage done to Americans and their thinking by the corporate controlled media.

    These are of course mere insurance workers–not the A team–that’s why they’re in insurance to begin with, no? So maybe there is still hope in the general population, instead of this discourse of endless carping, “me first” and no solutions possible.

    Did we say no money vs. terrorists, etc.? Once again an attempt to distract with foregin devils–just like Fox News.

    You’re trying to score cheap points instead of taking effective action. Go back to your DVDs, Simpsons and ice cream (mmm…ice cream) and have a good weekend. Maybe the rest of us will try to accomplish something.

  • August 4, 2007 at 2:31 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    These bridges and broader infrastructure, like the bridge in MN, are forty years and more old. Some in my state are older than that. But a tiny percentage of our state budget goes to roads, bridges and infrastructure. We were told six years ago our viaduct is in poor condition and my city does nothing. Nor will they until it too collapses and people die.
    Because there is not as much romance in infrastructure as there is in endless social programs, poor taxpayers be damned. My point is that war dollars unspent would never have been used for infrastructure, and to assume so is wrong. We’ve been underfunding infrastructure much longer than we’ve been at war.

  • August 3, 2007 at 2:38 am
    Plymn says:
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    Thanks for showing your true self. Can’t argue the facts, so have to resort to name calling. Yes we are so stupid that we have to rely on the government to decide what to do with our lives. Not the “A team”? I find your condescending attitude very insulting. In your opinion only people who agree with you have any intelligence. So where are the most intelligent people found, in the media as reflected in your name “Media Mogul”? That’s a good one.

    Yes you (what is this “WE” BS?) did state no money versus terrorists. You stated “Who needs terrorists when our own neglect and failure to face facts can lead to this traumatic disruption of a major US city.” Guess what, we’ve got to fight them somewhere and I’d rather do it in their backyard rather than mine.

    I suppose you’ll keep the insults coming as obviously you can’t argue with facts.

  • August 3, 2007 at 2:39 am
    just saying... says:
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    I’m still not sure where terroism fits in with a bridge collapsing under it’s own weight. but who am i?

    and what do you think will happen to people who weren’t carrying auto? will they still receive some form of compensation?

    and for the love of god, why do we have to again turn a tragedy into a political issue?? and isn’t this a state issue, not a federal issue? isn’t it up to the state of Minnesota to maintain it’s roadways and bridges, not the white house?

  • August 3, 2007 at 2:53 am
    plymn says:
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    I agree with you 100%, this never should have been a political issue. Was trying to argue with the moron who did that. I had this discussion with my son the evening that it happened, that some tool would turn it into an anti-Iraq freedom intervention tirade. I predicted it would be a week before someone did just that. I was only off by 6 days.

  • August 3, 2007 at 2:56 am
    Bill Reed says:
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    “just saying” – those who made the decision not to carry automobile insurance shouldn’t receive any aid/compensation. The assumed a risk and lost. To pay them anything would be an insult to those who carry insurance, and encourage more to drop their coverage.

    I don’t know about who’s reponsible for the bridges, but I agree with you that it should be the state’s problem.

  • August 3, 2007 at 3:08 am
    Just saying... says:
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    I just heard on the radio the federal government is putting together a $250MM aid package to rebuild this bridge. guess it’s a federal problem now.

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