Tort Reformers Aid D.C. Dry Cleaner Sued Over Misplaced Pants

July 31, 2007

  • August 1, 2007 at 5:07 am
    Jane Logan says:
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    Is this mental case of a Judge appointed for life or is it possible to remove him? If so, who has that power?! This Judge needs to be taken out hard and fast. I use my real name when I comment, I suppose this loser will sue me next.

  • July 31, 2007 at 5:19 am
    DG says:
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    I remember when I first heard about this suit. I was always curious as to how the 57MM figure was calculated.

  • August 1, 2007 at 5:25 am
    Gerogio Kopaloadadis says:
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    I am with you on this, here in the UK the honest Joe ends up paying for the growing army of leeches.Its getting so bad I am seriously thinking about giving up, joining them, smoke cannabis, await the onset of schizophrenia, trip over my own shoelaces & sue my other self, that will save on ‘costs’and one of me would be better off! sadly I wager there are lawyers out there prepared to litigate it for ‘both of me’.

  • July 31, 2007 at 5:39 am
    KOB says:
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    This case is one of myriads that calls for the English system of civil liability, wherein the “Loser Pays”. Every court in the land should allow a defendant to make an offer to the pltf., which, if rejected, and the jury awards an amount less than the amount offered, the Plaintiff pays ALL defense cost of the defendant, from the date of the offer. Finally, I cannot imagine anyone standing up in this judge’s court and saying…. “your honor…..”

  • August 1, 2007 at 5:46 am
    Jane Logan says:
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    Now there’s an idea – anyone with multiple personality disorder can file separate complaints for damages for each of the multiple personalities…

  • August 1, 2007 at 7:17 am
    Vexatious Litigant says:
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    Any way to have him declared a vexatious litigant so he will have to get court approval to file any suits?

  • August 1, 2007 at 7:59 am
    iceman says:
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    This piece of human garbage shouldn’t be re-assigned, he should be dis-barred. The unfortunate reality is that he’s untouchable thanks to our legal system that hasn’t been reformed in 200 years. It’s a shame, but not surprising, that his peers don’t take some kind of action to put a stop to this. Allowing this kind of nonsense to happen in 2007 in the U.S. is embarassing and shameful. Every attorney in D.C. should outraged, not amused. Who will step in to help these folks who are being badgered by some pompous, ethnic creep?

  • August 1, 2007 at 1:24 am
    KLS says:
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    If you go to the DC Bar Association website, and select “Find a Member” in the upper right corner; you’ll see that unfortunately, no disciplinary history exists for Roy L Pearson Jr.

    Tsk tsk. As a judge, he should be held to a higer standard when it comes to court cases than the average citizen. What he did to the Chungs was baffling if not vicious and the damages he claimed were obscene!

  • August 1, 2007 at 3:38 am
    Jane Logan says:
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    Here’s his email address, send him emails to tell him what you think of his stupid lawsuit:

  • August 1, 2007 at 5:43 am
    PR ***** says:
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    Completely idiotic lawsuit, yes – but what a brilliant PR move for ATRA! Wish I would have thought of it!

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