Hurricane Forecaster Says Gore Does ‘Great Disservice’ with Film

April 9, 2007

  • April 11, 2007 at 9:03 am
    Corn Farmer says:
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    Dear Hal,
    I think that putting our corn to work is a mighty good thing. Soon gasoline will be a quarter a gallon. The goop it leaves in your engines creates jobs for mechanics. Corn prices are way up so I may just buy me another new pick up and a new 8 wheel drive air conditioned John Deere with cruise control and a DVD player to celebrate. We almost got this stupidity through with Clinton but those stupid Republicans stopped us. Well we learned. Like my mammy always said you gotta lube both sides of the isle to get Washington D.C. moving.

  • April 11, 2007 at 9:45 am
    Hal says:
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    Ethanol is a great idea.
    Its energy coeficient is 1.1 to 1 if you make it from corn, 8 to 1 if you make it from sugar cane. Both are well under petroleum sourced gasoline. This means you get less gas mileage and it burns dirtier. See both EPA and DOT web sites.
    It is corrosive and will damage your engine.
    The association of fiberglass gas tanks (for boats, etc) has issued a warning against ethanol because it will disolve older gas tanks. Watch for the mess in the lakes.
    Anyone who thinks a second will realize that burning your food for fuel is a bad idea.
    The corn price has more than doubled this last year causing severe problems for many in other countries. Beef, chicken, pork are increasing due to the cost of feed.
    Other than that, ethanol from corn is a great idea.

  • April 12, 2007 at 12:12 pm
    Wood Chuck says:
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    Right-on brother.
    Burn your food. A couple bad harvest years and we\’ll be hunting mice for dinner.

  • April 12, 2007 at 9:09 am
    Just a dumb ol TEXAS Redneck says:
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    I am just an ol redneck living on the Texas Gulf Coast. In the 1950\’s we had a big ol drought for 7 years. Then it rained a whole bunch. Back then we blamed it on Ike and the Republicans. Figured God was mad at us just like some of you act now about ol George Bush. Until about the late 1970\’s the tree hugger told us we were causing the next ice age with our pickups. Now for about darn near 30 years we are causing global warming with our pickups or cause we voted for the Bush family so many times. That just depends on which tree hugger you talk to and their personal degree of hatred for all things Bush or Republican or basic American values. Guess your stupidity is why I left the Democratic party after ol \”Jummy\” Carter.

    Well now I am getting around to my question. I live on the ocean. I have lived there since 1940. The gulf which is part of the ocean system has not gone up or down at all. This is per them there scientists at NOAA and all the tree hugger associations.

    Ok fellers if all them ice bergs and glaciers are melting which one of you bastards is stealing the water?

  • April 12, 2007 at 10:39 am
    plymn says:
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    Although I am far from a tree hugger, I will attempt to answer your question. If the polar ice cap is melts, there will be no rise in the sea level. After all it is floating on top of the ocean. Fill a glass with ice and water and let the ice melt. Does the water then spill over the top of the glass?

    I have a size 9 carbon footprint. I wonder what tomorrow\’s PC catchphrase will be.

  • April 12, 2007 at 10:54 am
    ad says:
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    Are you the same guy who wrote on the suing coach with stomach surgery? Eating dog food while in the grocery line?

    Regardless, you are too funny.

  • April 12, 2007 at 1:53 am
    Hal says:
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    \”If the polar ice cap is melts….\” is more funny grammar than talking with Gupta in teck support in India.

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:11 am
    Realist says:
  • April 16, 2007 at 1:22 am
    Algore says:
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    Yes Realist, the sun is hotter, but that is only because I have used highly efficient reflective coating on my green investments to reflect back the sun and further illuminate what will happen if we don\’t shift our priorities to those industries I have heavily invested in.

    I made the sun hotter because I knew, after inventing this other technology to prevent global warming, that unless we actually could prove warming was occurring, then no one would buy into this theory. I have used great amounts of faith in my carbon credit investments. Once we have properly adapted our usage of energy in the U.S., I will take my technology to China, so it may be copied and sold at Wal-Mart for such a ridiculous low price that all will be able to afford it. I will then quit reflecting light rays back off the sun so it is not as hot. I did this only as a warning for what might happen if I did nothing; aren\’t you glad I care?

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:23 am
    Eric says:
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    All corn farmer seems to care about is himself. By the way, corn farmer… I would bet $100 that you are a republican in democrats clothes. many farmers proudly proclaim that they are a democrat until you ask them what they understand about the issues. then they realize they are really a republican. stop and think for yourself. your daddys world is gone and the democrat of yesteryear that cared about the wellbeing of the America vs. their own power struggle is also gone.

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