Trial Attorneys Claim Insurers Putting Profits Over People in Katrina’s Wake

August 22, 2006

  • August 22, 2006 at 8:33 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Why aren\’t these attorney\’s going after the oil companies who profit billions per quarter? Why are oil companies allowed to make a profit?

  • August 22, 2006 at 1:29 am
    Scott Romoser says:
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    Trial Attorneys Claim Insurers Putting Profits Over People? Well, isn\’t that the pot calling the kettle black.

  • August 22, 2006 at 1:34 am
    Ray says:
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    After all, the ambulance-chasers need to get their split of the rewards they get – doesn\’t make any difference that the courts are starting to rule in favor of the insurance companies. Try to get someone to buy a flood insurance policy, but let them have a flood loss and listen to them cry and say that no one told them, blah, blah, blah and boo-hoo-hoo

  • August 22, 2006 at 1:45 am
    Goat Strips says:
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    A)Trial Attorneys are a big reason why insurance costs so much today.

    B)Insurance Companies are not charities.

    C)The only thing lower than a trial attorney is a used car salesman

  • August 22, 2006 at 1:58 am
    Used Car Salesman says:
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    Now why do you have to bring used car salesmen into the fray? I think I would rather deal with a used car salesman.

  • August 22, 2006 at 2:11 am
    Goat Strips says:
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    Actually on second thought you are right Trial Attorney\’s are the worst!!! Blood Sucking animals. If you see a warning label or a child safety lock thank a lawyer

  • August 22, 2006 at 2:12 am
    Bary Myboneinher says:
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    Maybe worse, would be a PT attorney working also as a used car salesman!!. So the trial attorneys parade out a couple of malcontents to prove insurance companies are ripping people off. You think being attorneys, that they would know what a CONTRACT is. But, like the worthless scum they are, they are only concerned about their own. If so many insurers were making record profits, why are so many leaving the hurricane states?

  • August 22, 2006 at 2:25 am
    Jacqueline says:
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    With all the fancy, high falutent (sp?) Latin and legalese these greeds learn in their Ivory League law schools, they apparently forgot some very plain simple English. These trial lawyers who are posturing and stirring up public mass resentment against insurance agetns and insurance carriers apparently do not know the meaning of the words \”loss reserves\”. And since when is it a crime to make a profit? Lawyers don\’t seem to have a problem with being 100% profit and big-bucks oriented. Why is it ok for them and no one else?

    BTW, how many smart, slick trial lawyers give freely of their time to help persue justice for wrongfully convicted death row inmates? How many give the best representation they know how when representing indigent \”blue collar criminal\” defendants? There are several questionable convictions that ended in the execution of possibly innocent people in this country. But since there are no rich people on death row, you won\’t find too many of these money-grubbing lawyers going to bat for the lowest of the low in our nation. No glory and piles of obscene wealth in doing that. Same with low income victims of job discrimination. The money-grubbing lawyer crowd is nowhere to be found for people whose economic liberties under the 14th Ammendment and Title VII have been denied, abrograted or otherwise abridged and unjustly denied. Lawyers have corrupted the justice system in civil as well as criminal courts, and also in the lawmaking process once they graduate to politician/legislator.

  • August 22, 2006 at 2:33 am
    Charlie says:
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    I had my home totaled by Hurricane Charley. Had to wait until the morning we were walking into mediation, then the company agreed to pay the policy limits. Up until then they offered pennies on the dollar. They sent 5 different adjusters. Changing adjusters and starting all over again before they could submit their reports. As an insurance agent I was discusted! They were just trying to wait us out. 4 of my neighbors had the same problem with the same company (one of the biggest in country). I hope you never have to experience that same bad faith from the carriers out there. If the Florida department of insurance had not been looking out for us we would not have gotten back into our home after 22 months.

  • August 22, 2006 at 2:39 am
    Gettin Stiffed says:
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    Sounds to me like a case of who is getting who here? Katrina got the to coast and the insurance companies got the money and ran with it? If you care to check it look into what your states Insurance Commissioner is doing to stop or at least control what the insurance providers are doing in your state? My bet its just the same old thing with the same old language? Insurance companies are not charitable organizations and they don\’t have to pay a claim that isn\’t in the contract? Even if it is in the contract some may claim that we didn\’t expect such a large catstrophy and if we are forced to pay we will face financial ruin? Deals are cut behind closed doors with the wealthy stock holders, some of which may even be judges and yes the trial lawyers, some could be those distinguished persons we know as our State Insurance Commissioners whoes job it is to make sure insurance companies play and pay fair? Now just as a matter of opinion here, the state insurance commissioner can only do what is agreed to by working through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), which by the way is a job that goes with being an Insurance Commissioner for a state, and if you didn\’t know it the NAIC is a none profit organization? In my opinion the wealthy will get wealthier and the poor folk on the coast well, button down the hatches folks the storm is just starting……..Regards,

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