McDonald’s Settles Fat Lawsuit for $8.5 Million

February 15, 2005

  • March 3, 2005 at 2:34 am
    Nick says:
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    Besides all of the perceived problems with the signs, the road, the guard rail you should have added (besides the driver’s intoxication which was the cause of the accident) the wind was blowing too hard, a shooting star distracted the driver, a leaf fell from a tree hitting the windshield causing the driver to take his/her eyes off the road, the air in the tires was stale and not pure enough which caused the tires to leave the road,etc. We could on and on. It just goes to show that an attorney will find any reason to sue if there are big pockets. Our country is losing many jobs and innovation to our competitors overseas because of a legal system that tries to find fault without merit.

  • March 11, 2005 at 11:47 am
    Charles Shaver says:
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    Get real, people. The obesity epidemic is concurrent with the FDA’s approval of aspartame and MSG in our food supply. I, personally, became ill in late 1980 and started to recover in late 1981 after learning of multiple food and chemical sensitivities, including MSG. More than ten years after bringing my condition under control, with diet alone, I’m again getting mildly ill from prepared foods (boxed, canned, fast, frozen and quality restaurant) as the FDA continues to allow the adulteration of our foods with more artificial additives, modified proteins and who knows what else, in violation of Section 301 of Title 21 of the U.S. Codes (formerly The Adulterated Food Act of 1906, as I recall). Unfortunately, it’s not just a matter of obesity, many other (some worse) conditions can result from ingesting adulterated foods, as I have experienced, and read. There are web sites devoted to aspartame and MSG, which explain and document it. Search it out, go natural, get real.

  • March 22, 2005 at 3:31 am
    Charles Shaver says:
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    March 22, 2005

    Re: Ronald’s comments.

    Except for the violation of a binding, legal agreement, the case against McDonald’s over trans fats is similar to the case against Wal-Mart for hiring illegals. Various agencies, branches, departments and levels of U.S. government, which have constitutional, legal obligations to keep resident citizens safe and secure in their persons and properties, is passing the blame for failings to do their jobs, on to their less favorite businesses and individuals. Using the human body for an analogy, is it a muscle tissue’s function to tell the skin to resist infection, or a bone cell’s job to tell the thyroid gland to maintain a particular level of metabolism?

    Particularly, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has a statutory responsibility to see to it our food supply is nutritious and safe. And, ‘that’s’ what we ‘pay’ them to do. In the context established by the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, the Federal Communication Commission has a similar duty, to make sure the media (advertisers included) completely, truthfully, inform us of the natures of consumer products (food substances included).

    Yes Ronald, there ‘are’ poisons in our foods. And, it ‘is’ a legal case, which should be waged against the elected and appointed public officials who are incompetently (if not deliberately) allowing millions of Americans to be misled about calories, carbohydrates, cholesterol, exercise (possibly dangerous and deadly for some, susceptible people, during acute immune system responses), fats (of various kinds) and quantities of foods. Meanwhile, our foods are being adulterated with small amounts of highly refined toxins (aspartame, MSG, soy protein isolate, etc.), some of which are nutritional and safe in their natural concentrations and forms, but can cause exaggerated immune system responses if ingested too frequently, in unnatural combinations and/or by already weakened persons.

    Consequently, drug companies and the illness industry are prospering while costs for medical care skyrocket and individuals become bankrupt, diseased, incapacitated and/or dead. And, the cost to the insurance and restaurant industries must be tremendous, as medical claims multiply, insurance coverages are discontinued and lost, ignorant individuals make themselves ill attempting to eat ‘healthy’ and ‘lite’, and knowledgeable individuals maintain a healthier state by exercising their freedom of choice and right to eat natural, avoiding adulterated and restaurant food. In these United States, in 2005, with existing legislation, people should not fear to eat, period.

  • March 23, 2005 at 10:33 am
    Reformist says:
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    WOW!!! I think Charles has way too much free time. Maybe he should see if he can wiggle his way on to some talk shows and dazzle the public about his knowledge of the sorry state of the food we consume.

  • March 23, 2005 at 11:20 am
    Cato says:
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    It’s all going to be OK. We’re not going to let those bad people hurt you any more. It’s all going to be OK.

    Seriously, if you call transfats “poisons,” where do you draw the line? This perversion of language is how liberals have turned government and the court system into something astronomically larger than the founders intended or reason would support.

    If every suboptimal serving of food is criminal or litigable, Heaven help us. And if that’s not your argument, then what is?

  • March 25, 2005 at 11:00 am
    Charles Shaver says:
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    Reformist and Cato:

    Thanks for sharing. And, yes, as a result of other failures of big business and bad government; I have much free time. Talk shows might be good.

    “We the People of the United States…” pay way too much in taxes for government services we’re not getting. With the food supply, especially, where federal, state and local government have legislated obligations to insure the purity and safety of the products we consume, and regulate and rule the industry, middleman restaurants should not be sued for the failures of our elected and/or appointed officials. Don’t blame Republicans, don’t blame Democrats, blame ‘both’ — vote ‘other’, when you get a chance. We need a ‘real’ change. And, an ounce of good leadership could be worth a ton of frivilous law suits. Clear enough?

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