Coalition of Doctors Call on Kerry, Edwards to Support Med-Mal Reform

July 7, 2004

  • July 9, 2004 at 2:00 am
    hardhart says:
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    DITTO from a dittohead.

  • October 6, 2004 at 7:36 am
    concerned says:
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    Carol is right.
    Docs should police their own. Simple way to do this: require us to, and outlaw medical lawsuits, period. I am a doc in a busy hospital and we, as a whole, spend a large percentage of time and money (healthcare dollars) practicing defensive medicine, in essence, thinking about how to avoid medicolegal issues. Diagnostically, America relies less on real medicine (scientific, reasonable decision-making), and instead orders lots of expensive tests, not because they are indicated or likely to reveal a diagnosis, but because, if it happens that the person is the 1 in 10000 who presents atypically, that we will get sued if we don’t find the problem because we didn’t do every test known to the profession. What’s worse is the real problem, when docs do their jobs correctly, caring for the patients and making good decisions, and they are still sued because some grieving person (rightly so for their loss) has access to a greedy and unethical lawyer (all too common, I’m afraid).
    One thing has been true since the beginning of human time: people die. We try to help people live good lives, but cannot save everyone all the time. The outlawing of medical lawsuits needs to happen soon, or you’ll find it a lot harder to find good care when doctors leave or retire, or decide not to enter at all the long hard road which is the profession. We may even become scarce because we’re doing a lot of legal CYA. Who will you turn to when your loved one is dying? A lawyer? I think not. You want a caring and intelligent physician.
    I am not supporting a ticket with two men like Kerry and Edwards. Incidentally, Edwards touched on the medical profession in the first debate, and throughout his wordy yet unsubstantial utterances, mentioned nothing about the crisis that we will be facing soon, in part because of medical lawsuits.
    Police our own, and do it well. I agree.

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