I.I.I. Responds to Report by National Academy of Sciences Regarding Toxic Mold

June 1, 2004

  • June 11, 2004 at 2:13 am
    Thomas Haynes says:
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    Regarding the last comment that was made, I completely understand your ignorance. But sadly, many molds, viruses, and bacteria have mutated to the point of resistance and do cause irreparable damage. it’s nice that you are so ignorant, “Mr. Reality” because I would like to contact you directly as I have a large, historical statue of a woman on Ellis Island in NY I would like to sell you.

  • June 12, 2004 at 12:19 pm
    H. Jeffriess says:
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    I can understand that anything can become trendy, even being exposed to toxic mold.But if anyone could walk a mile in my shoes……
    I moved into a mold infested building,6 years ago, with my 1 year old daughter, & husband. Of course we were unaware that it was moldy, we moved there because it was, charming, inexpencive,& my sister lived downstairs.The landlord never fixed the leaky roof, and the mold just grew & grew,in the attic, just above our bedroom. We slept in that room for 5 years, my daughter joining us most nights as well.
    I have had what has been called pneumonia, 3 times, 2 chest infections,constant pain in my joints,headaches, facial pain,& too many other symptoms to list. My daughter had to be in hospital for pneumonia, as well. My sister, who has lived in the building for 10 years, developed MS 5 years ago. Of couse we are no longer living there.
    Until 4 months ago, I had not known there was such a thing as toxic mold.
    I would gladly volunteer for any further studies, or surveys of health problems caused by molds.Anything, that will make my pain go away, & help others from going through what we are.

  • June 14, 2004 at 5:59 am
    Mr. Reality says:
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    Thomas Haynes must be a doctor or a contractor. I am sure he makes his living either convincing people they need new homes, because thier’s have mold, or else he explains that thier ailments are caused by mold. He can treat them, but unfortunately never cure them. Thomas and the Pope have something in common, they induce fear so people will give them money to make it go away. Shame on any of you that sin, you will go to Hell, or worse, be forced to live in a house with Toxic Mold. On another note Thomas, it is very funny that you offer to sell me the Statue of Liberty and call me ignorant. I can see that my remarks may be bad for business. And I believe that you do have mutated mold in your house that causes “irreparable damage”. I can tell it has caused “irreparable” brain damage. But don’t be too offended by my reply. I know your not smart enough to really be a doctor. Although, you could work for a contractor, you don’t need that much upstairs to swing a hammer.

  • June 21, 2004 at 2:51 am
    Stacy Berry says:
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    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of this report?

  • June 22, 2004 at 2:41 am
    Gina Michaels says:
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    I don’t believe this for a minute. I know the insurance companies lobby for “biased research” but telling the public blatant lies should be illegal.

    I never believed in “toxic mold” until I bought a new house in 2000. My entire family as well as myself had a history of perfect health before this. Within 6 months, three of my children started having asthma type problems. Their small passage airway was blocked. My daughter began having seizures after 8 months, then my son after a year. Now, four out of five of us have fibromyalgia, lupus, heaadaches, and severe breathing problems. Three have unexplained seizures on a regular basis. All five of us have had digestive problems, and I had to have a hysterectomy last month, at age 34. My son has recently been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
    We discovered the mold problem last year and had DNA testing that confirmed stachybotrys “black mold” expsoure with all five of us. We are seeing Dr. Michael Gray In AZ and he has linked our health problems to the mold we were exposed to.
    Last year, we had to abandon our house and belongings. We will never return.

    To state that there is “not enough evidence” that neurological disorders can be related to pathogenic mold exposure, is irresponsible and fraudulent, to say the least.

  • June 27, 2004 at 4:29 am
    anonymous from CDC scientist says:
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    Most people on this discussion appear to sound very credible, despite the misrepresentations of the journalists reporting of the NIM report and lack of evidence. For quite a sum of years, I have been hearing basically the same complaints stemming from people who have been exposed from the same types of fungi.
    After reading the three hundred page report, I find it rather suspicious that the good people on this board (and the approximately 123,000 others nationwide to date, as well) who have been reporting the same ill effects and symptoms of fungal infections, including neurological dysfunction while unfound evidence disputes these facts.
    How quickly one forgets. This happened during the fifties regarding cigarettes and cancer despite thousands of documented reports of cancer cases and cancer related deaths among smokers, evidence was squelched for years until it could no longer be hidden from the public.
    It is my opinion, not only as a scientist, but as a former CDC and USDA contractor, that this will be this mold issue will be the same type of case. I honestly don’t think that the facts will be accurately reported until approximately 2025. The same applies to VSE; otherwise known as Mad Cow Disease. There is just too much money at stake that could impact the economy. Meanwhile, millions will die needlessly. That is all I can say at this time. In the meantime, if I were you I wouldn’t eat beef nor would I would stay far away from water damaged buildings. I do not state this lightly. May God have mercy on us all.

  • December 27, 2004 at 9:53 am
    toxic mold in utah says:
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    To everyone who disputes the ill effects of toxic mold exposure:
    Please let me bring some to your house!!
    Let me bring it around your children! I have plenty of it to share!

  • January 3, 2005 at 6:49 am
    H. Jeffriess says:
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    I think you have something there! I’ll help with any takers to your challenge in Ca.! I think we should start a nation wide campaign, lets bring it to politicians & their families all across the country! Just see if they don’t look scared!

  • January 19, 2005 at 12:46 pm
    Trudy says:
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    Readers Beware!

    The IOM report that was released to the media was a simple press release, only a few pages from the Executive Summary introduction to the entire report.
    It was highly irresponsible and reckless for the IOM to
    release a brief synopsis that could not possibly do justice to a 300 page report. The truth is there, for those who chose to read the entire report. It says: “We received large pay-offs to dance around this health
    crisis, at the expense of the public”…. (Payback time: Hurricanes; Tsunamis; Floods; Rainstorms…Beyond their wildest nightmares).

    For example, the very long, Chapter 4, of the report is entitled:
    Hmmm, I wonder how long it will be before the insurance industry lobbies to get this book off the Internet?

    The insurance industry, in their endless, despicable quest for greed, has taken advantage of this brief ‘press release” and the IOM has “allowed” them to spin the report to their advantage. We all know what that means…

    Evidently, the insurance industry is hell-bent on
    self-destruction, since mold is NOT going away.
    The insurance industry and its lame attempt at ignoring the significance of this very serious health epidemic is,
    actually, validating their own deception. If mold is no big deal, then why are they so terrified of it?

    They should call themselves “Exclusion” companies instead of “Insurance” companies. The insurance industries’ unconscionable lack business ethics, and respect for basic human dignity, is truly an unforgivable disgrace. Shame on all professionals who continue to perpetuate these deceptive trade practices….

    One Who Knows.

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