Ind. Company Plans to Charge Workers for Unhealthy Habits

July 5, 2007

  • July 5, 2007 at 3:31 am
    Kay says:
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    1. You are basing your statements on a study nearly 30 years old?
    2. Where are your statistics on gay women as your original post did not state gay men only “the gays”?
    3. Not all children contribute to society – and “the gays” continue to support services for them by paying the same taxes despite not having their children attend (or be accepted) at schools, not having teenagers destroying others property ect.

    However, the point here is passing along additional charges to employees whos activities cost more in insurance premiums. Having a workforce that is reproducing costs more in insurance premiums. And, having employees with teenagers that are also reproducing (at an alarming rate) costs the employer more in insurance premiums as well.

    As a lesbian women in her mid-30s, I have never needed my insurance carrier to pay for a hospital stay; most women in my age group have been in the hospital for one or two deliveries not to mention the dozen doctor appts leading up to the births, follow up visits and costs of birth control when they aren’t reproducing.

    You can’t have it all ways – charge for those activities YOU feel are more hazardous/expensive while not recognizing that the lifestyle you subscribe to also has it’s additional costs.

  • July 5, 2007 at 5:19 am
    Bush Hater says:
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    I wanted to buy a house as an investment and was denied the opportunity because of the “Patriot Act”. I had to prove where my down payment fund originated from and had to show it was in my account for at least 6 months. I wait for clearance while someone else bought my investment. That is one liberty lost. We could go on and on about the great Republican leader Bush. What a joke!

  • July 5, 2007 at 5:23 am
    Mike says:
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    Correct me if I’m wrong…Aren’t the carriers supposed to take the bad risk along with the risk?.

    Isn’t this all supposed to even out in the end?

    It seems to me that the health insurance carriers have increased their rates almost 100% in the last 7 years (and their huge profits correspond with this) to cover all of the various risk levels but now they want to cherry pick even more.

    Unfortunately, they are now pushing this type of situation onto the employers (those ever lessening few who still provide coverage for their employees)so before too long, they will be able cherry pick the healthy folks and then wack up the premiums on everyone else.

    Guess I’m in the wrong country as this isn’t supposed to work this way…

  • July 6, 2007 at 9:13 am
    Anon says:
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    Although not being able to purchase a house without correct financial reporting and documentation is unfortunate there have been banking laws in place LONG before the Bush presidency or the “Patriot Act”. Although the “Patriot Act” expanded some of those, it’s nothing new.

    Liberies have been being eroded for decades, the Bill of Rights has been used as toilet paper for as long.

    The Clinton administration did as much to destroy freedoms and expand government powers as anything in the Patriot Act.

    Side note: Unless you’ve read 1984, stop calling anything Big Brother. “Big Brother” was less about watching what you were doing and more about controlling your thoughts. If anything is “Big Brother” in today’s world it’s the liberal dominated media who force feeds the masses sound bites and opinions and tells them what they should think and find acceptable.

  • July 6, 2007 at 9:45 am
    Liberal Media says:
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    Two corrections to Anon’s posting. 1. In “1984,” one of the “neatest” technologies that Orwell’s government had were TV screens that had video cameras in them. So the government could watch you and beam you propaganda at the same time. Plus, there were human spies everywhere. So, yes, Big Brother is all about watching us. As for liberal media, puuullllleeeeeaaassssse. Today’s media is more about regurgitating corporate p.r. and blaring the latest soundbyte from any and every actor, musician, politico out there, no matter their partisan affiliation. The 24-hours news cycle is relentless. Mainstream media people don’t have time to be partisan. They take whatever “news” they can get from whatever source, the more spin the better. And the last thing they want to do is piss off the people providing them with easy news (e.g., Corporate America, the White House, etc.) You could also say they don’t have time to be good professionals anymore either. But it’s sad to keep relying on that old hack, empty stereotype of the big bad liberal media.

  • July 6, 2007 at 10:08 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Since most in the MSM admit to being liberal how can you say there is no natural bias? I do agree that they just pass along what they are told without checking facts. Kind of like a lot of the posters on this site.

  • July 6, 2007 at 10:19 am
    Anon says:
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    Yes, the telescreens were equipped with two-ways so they could watch you and check for free throught instead of doing exactly what the media told you. We’re not exactly there yet but if you think your cable usage, internet visits, etc aren’t being monitored you’re not paying attention.

    Yes, they also had spies. Primarily children because they were so easy to control and manipulate through the simplest of means and would believe anything they saw on the telescreen.

    Of course, remember that all this only applied to The Party… “regular” folk (Proles) weren’t monitored by telescreens but were controlled through media, literature, music, etc. They didn’t have to be watched because they were too ignorant to pose any real challenge to “Big Brother”.

    Where’s our Emmanuel Goldstein when we need one or is someone going to need to strap a rat cage on our heads?

    As far as if there’s bias, Reading List:
    Bias, Bernard Goldberg
    Arrogance, Bernard Goldberg
    Mobocracy, Mathew Robinson
    Southpark Conservatives, Brian Anderson
    …can go on if you’d like…

    Great example of what would happen if conservatives ran the media and spun it their way:
    It Ain’t Necessarily So, David Murray

  • July 6, 2007 at 11:03 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Have you read any of these books? I have and despite your snide comments, there is a lot of truth in them. So the liberal authors probably only write the truth I’m sure. There is certainly bias in any news organization. None of them, liberal or conservative, have clean hands here. History and current events are always subject to personal interpretation. Just try to have enough sense to have your own thoughts and not just rely on the bias of others. There is a lot of useless information and not much truth being published these days.

  • July 6, 2007 at 12:36 pm
    Hmm... says:
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    I wonder if the company has vending machines stocked with Little Debbies and pop…

  • July 6, 2007 at 12:54 pm
    Nobody Important says:
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    This seriously worries me. Who sets these standards? Why does my employer get to choose my personal habits? This is far more an attack on personal freedom than anything the government has done. I understand the actuarial science, but it’s not as if all of us choose our body types. We are not all motivated to be triatheletes. I just think this goes over a line to personal intrusion. I read too much so my eyes may not be so good. I should pay more for my vision coverage? I spend too many hours at work and this leads to a sedentary life style. I should pay more for this bad habit? Where does this intrusion into our personal lives stop? I am familiar with the company that started this with their campaign against smokers. You can be fired if you smoke on your own time. Big Brother really is watching you.

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