Group Sues Michigan State University Over Same-sex Benefits

July 7, 2006

  • July 10, 2006 at 4:51 am
    Pat says:
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    \”What a typical respone from people like Pat and the rest of the right wing religious nut cases.\”

    Are all leftwingers for gay \”marriage?\” For all you know I\’m a Democrat – or are there no Democrat Christians?

    \”Didn\’t people like Pat say the same thing when interfaith and interracial marriages started?\”

    I dunno, don\’t people like you want to molest children? This is the level of your logic.

    Again, it\’s a really simple test; someone with some guts oughta take it.

    Three women ought to be allowed to get married to each other:



  • July 10, 2006 at 5:33 am
    Misty Meanor says:
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    Your response is hysterical just like your \”logic\”.

    Sorry but I am not a Catholic priest so no, I do not molest little boys. Thanks for inquiring.

  • July 11, 2006 at 1:49 am
    Little Frog says:
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    Good job Meanor; Stay loud & proud. Dont ever change or go away. I\’m counting on you and your fellow Theo-Nazis to so totally alienate the rest of the American voting public that you lose the next 20 elections as well. By then, the rest of us will be able to have a thoughtful dialog of the issues without having to debate what the meaning of \”is\” is.

  • July 11, 2006 at 2:08 am
    Pat says:
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    Indeed LF, the left is becoming as irrelavent as they are irrational. Let\’s see, along with gay \”marriage\” they have such ingenious items on their agenda as appeasing terrorists, exposing our war fighting techniques (that also protect the libs), raising taxes, socializing our health care industry, supressing freedom of speech, and forbidding people to carry firearms in the most dangerous parts of our country.

    Small wonder that they are circling the drain.

  • July 11, 2006 at 3:23 am
    Pat says:
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    \”How many outlets for your hate are there? Your hatred of gays has been well documented. And now you have attacked Mormons(polygamy), priests(95 percent gay)…\”

    You should read – and think – more carefully. I said that 95% of those molesting children are gay. And many Mormons, including their founders, are polygamists. Why is it anti-Mormon to point that out?

    \”…teachers(child molesters)\”

    It is an incontrovertable fact that a child is much more likely to be molested by a public school teacher than a priest. Look it up.

    \”Catholics in general, and all who disagree with you. Incidently, when did teachers become part of your hate?\”

    I said nothing anti-Catholic. How do you know that I am not Roman Catholic? The pope views sodomy as sinful and disordered. I agree. I said of one dope in this discussion that I was glad that he was not a priest.

    \”You are very uptight about looking back on 6000 years of civilization to enforce your view on marriage but if you look back on those 6000 years you will find that depots came into power by attacking the very people you are attacking.Hitler started with his hatred of Jews but quickly realized that to succeed he had to kill all intellectuals(teachers) religions, gays, mentally and physically defective persons, and, most importantly, all who opposed his thinking and views. Sound familiar? Who will you attack in your next diatribe?\”

    As soon as someone is compared to Hitler, it is evident that he has run out of ammo: I said nothing of Jews, and there is a large body of evidence that the leaders of Hitler\’s wing of the Nazi Party were sodomists. You can look it up. Google \”homosexuals nazi party\” and see what you get. So you are wrong across the board. If I\’m so bad, why must you misrepresent me? Telling the truth ought to be enough, but no, you lie about me for some odd reason. Typical \”Liberals.\”

    \”Incidently, your obsessive-compulsive desire to have someone answer your question about 3 people getting married leads me to ask the question-\’Are you seeking confirmation of your secret desires?\”

    What sex am I?

    Three women should be allowed to marry:



    If not, why not? No \”Liberal\” can answer this question without his head exploding.

  • July 12, 2006 at 3:21 am
    Wheels says:
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    I think three women should be able to get married if they want to.

    I consider a marriage between a man and a woman that lasts less than 6 months more of an insult to the \”institution of marriage\” than three committed women being allowed to marry.

    Marriage is what you make of it, and to me it is a lifetime commitment. I really don\’t care if a guy wants to marry a guy, a woman, two women, etc. As long as they are willing and devoted, let them live their lives and receive the benefits they deserve.

    About half of all marriages end in divorce these days, which says the \”institution of marriage\” already isn\’t what it was in the past. Maybe allowing an individual to decide for themselves,instead of everyone else, whom they will marry should be the way of things.

    Considering that people are more willing to accept the marriage of an unsuccessful, uneducated drunk who beats his wife and molests his kids simply because he is a man married to a woman, allowing two committed, financially stable men to marry seems the better option.

    Who knows, maybe the gay marriages will be healthier than the hetero marriages?

  • July 12, 2006 at 3:47 am
    PAt says:
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    The reason for the high divorce rate is no fault divorce. In other words, state intervention into the institution of marriage sent divorce rates through the roof. Now you want more state intervention into the very nature of the institution. Why would you expect a postitive result?

    And thanks for declaring that you support the \”marriage\” of three women, or three men for that matter, demonstrating a low regard for marriage which was confirmed by your subsequent remarks.

    As for your example of a wife beating child molester: when something is abused, the remedy is not its abolition but a emre corrective. (We used to whip wife beaters in Maryland, well into the 1960\’s.) Your argument seems to be, \”Joe beats his wife, so let Sally, Liz, and Deb all get married.\” Does that sound logical?

  • July 12, 2006 at 6:58 am
    Wheels says:
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    \”The reason for the high divorce rate is no fault divorce. In other words, state intervention into the institution of marriage sent divorce rates through the roof. Now you want more state intervention into the very nature of the institution. Why would you expect a postitive result?\”

    No-fault divorce is not what I am talking about, but if you want to fill your response with definitions, let me throw one out there: \”A marriage is a relationship between or among individuals, usually recognized by civil authority and/or bound by the religious beliefs of the participants. The fact that marriage often has the dual nature of a binding legal contract plus a moral promise, can make it difficult to characterize.\” That is from Wikipedia, a user-edited forum for the sharing of knowledge. In other words, marriage is generally defined as \”a relationship between or among individuals\”. Hmm..not very gender-specific, is it?

    \”And thanks for declaring that you support the \”marriage\” of three women, or three men for that matter, demonstrating a low regard for marriage which was confirmed by your subsequent remarks.\”

    You are welcome, I felt comfortable enough with my opinion to share it here, and I thank you for welcoming it. Your subsequent remarks, however, have only confirmed my low regard for organized religion and the hatred it generates towards the ones whose thoughts and ideas don\’t fit the \”norm\”. Do you also despise Darwin and somehow believe dinosaurs were on the Ark? But, I digress, that isn\’t relevant here.

    \”As for your example of a wife beating child molester: when something is abused, the remedy is not its abolition but a emre corrective. (We used to whip wife beaters in Maryland, well into the 1960\’s.) Your argument seems to be, \”Joe beats his wife, so let Sally, Liz, and Deb all get married.\” Does that sound logical?\”

    No, that doesn\’t sound logical, good thing it isn\’t my argument. My argument is that the institution of marriage is so far gone, I\’m suprised people still care about who marries who anymore.

    Personally, I\’d rather people not try to veil the elimination of each others rights by not discouraging the labeling of a bill as the \”Gay Marriage Bill\”, like they did here in Michigan. Really, it took away the rights of hetero and homo couples alike. But again, I digress.

    Take it away, Pat.

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