IPCC Report Confirms Widespread Impact of Global Warming

April 6, 2007

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:40 am
    Confused Kid says:
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    In the article posted on this site, only one paragraph discusses humankind\’s potential contirbution to the problem.

    I think the \”why\” we are experiancing global warming is not as important as what can we do to prepare and perahps mitigate some of the changes.

    Is it ever a bad idea to plan for drastic changes? Is it ever a bad idea to try and pollute less? If we reduce our carbon emssions and it does not seem to slow this process – is that a bad thing?

    Why is everyone using this information as an excuse to have a political debate?

    My dad showed me this and I am just a kid, so maybie I am missing something.

  • April 9, 2007 at 2:03 am
    Martin Uniacke says:
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    Everything you are saying is correct. It is never a bad thing to prepare. If grown ups kept that in mind we would all be better off.

    What is unfortunate is that people sometimes use a problem, and I believe global warming is a problem, to say that only their solutions are the correct ones.

    Like the person who wrote this article saying all the scientists in the world agree. Usually people who might benefit from money being raised want everyone to panic and be afraid and tax people and spend the money in ways that may not be effective, but are good for them.

    Most of the laws that people who believe man is causing global warming have wanted to tax American companies but not companies in all the other countries, does that seem fair?

    It is even worse when the people saying that don\’t practice what they preach. That is called being a hypocrite. So it is bad when President Bush says, for instance, he will be spend our money wisely then he doesn\’t. Just as it is bad for Prince Charles or Al Gore to say we all should conserve, right before they get on to a private plane (which causes much more pollution than if they just flew a regualar lane.)

    You seem like a smart kid, maybe we should let you run things!

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:39 am
    educatethekid says:
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    OK go get lots of daddy\’s money and send it to al gore and tell him you want him to stop all wild fires and forest fires to cap any volcano that may erupt in your lifetime, place themonuclear missles in spac to attempt to stop any asteriod comet or other body from impacting the earth and to go to the sun and force it to be consistent in it irradiation of our planet, ensure the permanence of the Van Allen mangnetic belts around the earth, the proximety of the moon to earth so no tidal shifts occur etc etc etc but of course it is man who has the most influence on all these systems as we are all gods on earth!

  • April 9, 2007 at 6:07 am
    Confused Kid says:
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    Wow – Did you get beat up a lot when you were my age? That is a lot of anger you got there. Did I say in my post that man is responsible for global warming?

  • April 13, 2007 at 6:19 am
    Big Larry says:
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    Every 10 years or so it\’s another global disaster being predicted. First, \”Silent Spring.\” That didn\’t come. Then \”a new ice age.\” That didn\’t come. Then \”hole in the ozone.\” That went away. Now this global warming baloney. The earth\’s climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years. People have migrated around the earth due to climate change since people first walked the earth. But by making it a political issue, scientists get grants and opportunists get opportunities — and promoters get to promote. I\’m from Missouri, so I\’m skeptical. I\’m willing to wait until I see real effects before I join this stampede.

  • April 16, 2007 at 2:02 am
    JP says:
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    and I was looking forward to global warming too!
    Why is it that the weather is so unpredictable??

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